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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

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Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Morning ladies!

Ah.. I love daylight savings!! (At least in the winter) dh was complaining at 1am that it was time to go to bed (Like Shea I am a total night owl!) I just chucked at said, it's only midnight he was about to agrue, but then checked his cell phone and saw I was right! Love it!!

Shea - Thanks hun! Aw I am so sorry to hear everyone was asking when you were going to have kids! I hate that! Thankfully at my neice/nephews partys everyone knows we have suffered a loss already so thay dont ask anymore.

MrsOtt - Thanks hun, its been so hard this past week to find much time together cause he was working every evening. This coming week should be better though cause he will be working during the day and my Mom will be out of town so we will have every evening to ourselves
Glad to hear you guys go so much done off your to do list & that you had some fun doing it!!

AFM - Dh and I are heading out to visit some friends that live just out of town (long drive) this afternoon. Got a long list of things to do before we go though... I am such a procrastinator!!

As for the bleeding, had a bunch of brown d/c yesterday and the day before. So far nothing today... I am hoping I'll just have a little yellowish d/c today and then finally be done!

Hope everyone is having/had a great weekend!

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

12 years ago

Shea: Ugh! I hate it when people do that to me so I know what it feels like, I think we all do. I'm so sorry it happened to you. That is one reason why I stopped going to little kids parties-I got tired of the questions and feeling uncomfortable about being there w/o a child. Here is another thing that happen: DH and I snuck out of the house for an hour while my FIL was sleeping to go up to the bar to meet some friends (I didn't drink though). But as we walked in, we got a nice warm welcome and then a few congratulations! I was confused. Asked DH what that was all about since we have been married for over a year and they all new it. Well, they were congratulating us on being Preggers! I was shocked, heart broken and then self conscious (do I really look that fat/pregnant?) Well, I just smiled and told them we aren't pregnant. But then the question of why and when start coming. I hated it. Turned my happy mood to the opposite and I couldn't get out fast enough.

Clive: Where are you? Hope all is well!

AFM: Well, today I'm taking my FIL to a Polish Bazaar. His late wife used to attend all these different functions and sometimes he gets fliers inviting him to them. So, he thought it would be fun - honestly, I think he just wants to hear the Polka Band and eat cabbage rolls all afternoon. Which is fine. I'm happy he is excited to go. We have tried to take him places that we think he will enjoy, but shortly after we get there, he asks if we can go home. So with this being his idea - praying he loves it and we can all have some fun!
6DPO. Still having some twinges/pokes in low abdomen. Bbs feel so huge and sore. Nipples felt like there was pressure behind them when I woke up. I had to hold my bbs to sit up in bed. Temp is up from 97.72 to 97.88. So, praying that it stays high for oh, 9 months or so.

Have a great day ladies! I'll check back in this evening!!

Bee: Praying that the discharge is just what it is and there is a cozy little poppy seed growing for you!

Joy: So happy you're getting some 1on1 time with DH. The small little tasks that we did yesterday really helped us and built our relationship that much more. I hope you have a very fun week of evenings together!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

KJ, sounds like you have a lot on your plate to keep you busy. Glad things are going a lot nicer for you and hope that it continues to stay that way.

MrsOtt, Yes it was a crazy dream. Glad you got your TO DO list done and had some quality time with your DH. Fx'd that your temps stay high and things are cooking up in your oven.

Shea, Thank you!!!Sorry about the questions being asked. I hate that. But on your other notes things sound promising. FX'd that it all means only one good thing.

Joy, Fx'd that you will be completely done and can get back on the TTC journey.

Only 2dpo and I have sore/sensitive nips that I have never had before ever. Certain touches are worse than others. Even, had to get up and pee in the middle of the night. Don't normally do that either but hoping this isn't all in my head and i'm over analyzing things. But hey It's new to me though.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Bug: woo hoo for crazy symptoms!

We had a fun day at the Polish Bazaar with FIL and a few other family members. It was good to get out of the house and the event wasn't so big that it was intimidating for any of us. What a fun time!
Oh and a new food favorite! Dill Pickle Soup! Yum!

Well. Have a great night and will chat with you all tomorrow!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

MrsOtt, Glad you had a fun day with the FIL and some family members. Dill Pickle Soup? Ummmmm...sounds good.

Don't have really much to say since I'm just trying to ride out this 2ww. Looking forward to the weekend though since my hubby and I will be heading up to my moms. That will be in the middle of my wait and will help keep my mind off things. (hopefully)

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to pop in a let yall know I was thinking of yall.

ill make sure to respond to everyone individually later this afternoon.

AFM-Im fixing to get ready and see if my mama wants to ride to Lowe's with me to look at housing appliances and maybe some paint. Dh and I might start building our house sooner than expected! (I sure hope so) Oh and im 6/7 dpo. My temps are still up and my boobs hurt.

Love all yall!

Love, Shea

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

Hi everyone,

My AF showed up the night that I had taken the second negative test. Now I know,and I don't have to worry about the wine, coffee and breakfalls! :)
Funny, I was more upset not knowing what was going on than when she showed. I'm just glad to be on to the next cycle, and I can use opks for the first time. I've been doing lots of yard work in town for my mom the past few days, and we have a scheduled power outage today, so I'll have to catch up with everyone next time.. I look forward to this next cycle and hearing how each of you are doing.

Thanks for all your support xoxoxoxoxoxo

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12 years ago

Good Monday Ladies!

All is well. Had a great weekend and lucky me, got a text that I go in late to work today! Yay!
Not much new here. Bbs still owie. I keep having weird twinge things in abdomen, but wonder if it's more gas than anything else. I do have a temp drop today from 97.88 to 97.57 today. Hmmm. Well, just waiting it all out. We will be in British Columbia this weekend and my FIL's sisters when AF is due, so that should be interesting. I'll take a test and a box of Tampons with me. Ugh. I pray all I need is the test!

Bug: sounds like a good time to visit and get oot! I hope you have a great time with your mom! I really need to go see my parents. They only live 45 minutes away but it so hard to get out there!

Well. have a great day everyone. Happy Monday and Baby Dust!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Shea, Good morning! How fun building a house will be. Fx'd that you get your BFP!

Bee, I'm so sorry Af showed up but glad you can get into the next cycle and start again.

MrsOtt, temp drop could be an implantation drop. Looking forward to seeing what tomorrows temp will be. I pray all you need is the test as well.
Sorry you have such a hard time getting out to see your parents. My mom lives 3 hours away and I hate being so far away from her.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies

Bee- Im so sorry AF showed. I was really hoping you would get a BFP! I always get more upset not knowing than I do when AF arrives. I hate the mind games ttc plays on us...Have fun spending time with your mom.

MrsOtt- I agree with bug, mayby implantation dip. If your temp spikes again tomorrow You might have a triphasic chart...which I hear very good things about :) FX and my bbs are hurting like heck normally they only get crampy the day before AF so we shall see.

Bug- Im sorry you live so far away from your mom. I couldnt imagine it. I literally live right across the road from my parents and I walk to their house just about every day. Are you having any symptoms so far this cycle? FX for you too!

Shea Soy Cycle1- Soy Cycle2- Soy Cycle3- "For nothing is impossible with God" Luke 1:37

12 years ago

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