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March 2017

Well CD1 again for me. I was hoping to stay in the February group but a late ovulation pushed me just out.
Last month was emotional as I had a lot of different symptoms than previous months. Also had some excitement at the end the to a longer cycle than I'm used to. I'm really hopeful for this cycle as it will be my 4th month trying and I will be doing natural insemination with my donor to hopefully increase my chances.
Anyone have any other tricks to try? Maybe epo or red raspberry leaf tea? Anyone used those? I used preseed last cycle and will be using it again this time.
Last month my insemination timing got messed up as I injured my back on expection ovulation day and ended up ovulating 2 days late. Hoping for no complications this month.

212 Replies • 8 years ago



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Hey Fruit loops. Here we are again! CD3 for me. Started charting temps and changed to decaf coffee, I just can't go cold turkey on that! Still exercising and losing a little weight except last 2 days of AF I would eat a dirty shoe as long as it was dipped in chocolate. NO energy last 2 days either plus lots of rain. But sun is out this morning and feeling so much better. This month I decided to go ahead and try again and plan on being the aggressor in the bedroom. I usually leave it up to dh since he has low libido. I had gotten doc to call me in bc pills. Seems like everyone around me is prego right now. Everyday someone new announces their joy of fb. I'm over here like... Yay for you....ugh! So good luck to us for a March baby.

8 years ago

Hi ladies - I am cycle day 2. Just starting to particpate in the message boards, after 6 months of trying for my second. I have an almost 2 year old and am 35. My husband is 41 so would like to have another baby sooon! The doctor put me on clomid - this will be my second month using it. I was on month two of clomid when I got pregnant with my daughter, so hoping its our lucky cycle! I didn't start my period until cycle day 35 which is pretty late for me, so not sure what's up with that. Anyway - looking forward to getting to know/support you! :)

8 years ago

hello Writer and welcome. cycle 7 for us, i was hoping doc would let me have clomid but he insisted on me tracking temps and if not pregnant in 3 mths, testing my dh sperm. so this is my first cycle of temping, fingers crossed.

8 years ago

CD5 and af seems to be letting up. Donor is coming on Sunday and I should ovulate Monday or Tuesday. Hoping we can do a fresh donation Sunday and then I'll use a frozen on Monday and Tuesday depending on when I get the peak opk. If he isn't working Monday maybe we can dip fresh on Sunday and Monday. Ugh, this is all so complicated.
Gl with temping chicks. Its pretty easy if you are up at the same time every day. I've been waking at 6 every morning (not sure why) so I take it then and then go back to sleep til 7

8 years ago • Post starter

Informed DH that starting Sunday it's bd time alllllllll week long if he wants a baby. Otherwise i have a pack of BC pills waiting to be started. He laughed and said he was ready. Excuse the language but hell yeah!!! Moma is excited.

8 years ago

CD7 and 3 of my tracking apps/sites out ovulation as Monday. I have one donor shipping 3 frozen samples and they will be here Saturday and then another donor coming Sunday when we will do NI. I think I'll use one of the samples Saturday night and then the other two on Monday depending on temps. Maybe I'll save one for possible delayed ov.
Have fun with chicks

8 years ago • Post starter

CD2 - Shark week and a particularly bad one too. This month is one year since I lost my son at birth so the hormones are hitting me bad.

We're on our 10th cycle now, and our 1st month trying clomid. Discovered a ureaplasma infection they are treating us both for now, which I've read can contribute both to low sperm count and lack of implantation - so hopefully with that cleared up we'll have a better chance this month or next.

Sucks to see so many familiar names - hope you don't mind me joining.

8 years ago

Hugs Calvin! Yeah...they doubled my clomid dose this month so we'll see how that goes with my emotions. :/ Last month I was over emotional and my anxiety was through the roof - not sure if clomid contributed to that, but probably. And I think someone mentioned it before but I feel like everyone around me is pregnant right now. And people are starting to ask when we're having another one. I know they are well-meaning but it's such a loaded question!

Chicks - hope the temping works for you. I never really saw a rise when I was doing it. My doctor said the OPKs are more reliable than temping. When she looked at my log of my cycles and when the OPK was saying I was ovulating, she didn't think they all matched who knows. All a big guessing game. :/

8 years ago

Welcome Calvingirl and may God continue to bless your life.
I agree Writergirl. Temping to me really feels like a waste of my time. I have no trouble Oing. I'm always on time between 12-14 days. I really think it's my DH sperm and the lack of BDing. I have been reading a lot about acidic foods so going to try to avoid them, keep myself stress free as possible. I should O on Monday. Already seeing a small amt thin clear cm. I've also been communicating better with DH on ways to improve our chances. I'm not going to sit back and assume he knows I'm ovulating and waiting on him to bust a move. I realize now he relies on me to tell him and I will not hesitate this time to make the first move.

8 years ago

Calvingirl- so sorry last month was a no go. I really hope that you can get everything figured out and gt a bfp soon.
Afm I like temping. I find a pretty clear shift the day after I ovulate and even tend to have triphasic charts so I will continue to do that. So far the opk are pretty faint but I'm not suppose to o til Monday or Tuesday. No thin mucous yet either but the creamy is increasing a bit
Chicks we are still right on schedule together. Maybe we can both get out bfp this month. That would be awesome and we could keep each other updated throughout the 9 months

8 years ago • Post starter

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