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The EPO Experiment Chapter 3

Since we filled 15 pages already, it's time to begin a new thread and to welcome anyone interested in joining our supportive and hilarious group of epo researchers.

For those who are new, I think it's appropriate to give a little spiel:
EPO is supposed to help create more cm when taken from cycle days 1- Ov. Stop taking it from Ov until your next cycle, which we all hope to ride through with warmer temps, high high cervixes and a BFP, not to mention love and support.
Some folk switch to flax oil after Ov, but some of us just quit and hope for the best.

So let's hear your personal experience with the epo journey to success!

Here's to another chapter!

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288 Replies • 12 years ago



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Great! We're on our way to a novel with all these chapters. For those of you wishing to read up on our previous thread, here's the link for quick reference:

Bug, I'm glad to give you a chuckle once in a while. I crack me up too :) xo

Nicole~ I'm glad you're back! We missed you too. Good luck on cycle 5.

afm~ cd16, and still wondering if I've Ov'd. I did have some ewcm yesterday, and will hopefully catch an eggie this round. I quit the epo yesterday just in case. I was super emotional this morning, my bbs are a bit sore, and have had a few restless sleeps. So hopefully it's Ov and not just farm-crazies!

Here's to the tww!


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12 years ago

Bee, Thanks! I hope your 2ww goes by quickly and at the end of the wait you will be blessed with a BFP!!!!

While AF is here I'm going to enjoy a hot coffee. I cut out coffee and caffeine in July and decided I wanted to relax with some coffee since its so cold outside with that being said when AF leaves I'll drink hot cocoa or hot green tea. Trying to do a more relax approach and also telling my body positive things in hopes that it responds with a positive at the end of this cycle.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Wow. A new chapter. I like it. It feels refreshing.

Bug: My DH and I raised a glass. When I told him what it was for, he got tears in his eyes which in turn made me ball. But it was nice. I hope you got to raise yours too. Enjoy your coffee girl. I haven't taken myself off completely, but did switch to decaf.

Bee: Crossing my fingers for you. I really hope it's your month.

Nicole: Welcome!

Anyone hear from Joy? Seriously wondering how she is doing.

AFM: I was sitting here, trying to decide which is harder to go through: AF and all her pain in the gut, or waiting out the tww. Hmmm. Not quite sure.

Well, I am. I am trying to relax. I am doing other things besides obsessing over ttc websites. I am changing my way of thinking. I am. I am feeling good (even though I've had a headache for two days and just need someone to jump on my right shoulder to make it relax and hopefully pop the rib back in place that has been yanked out by all my stress) I am happy. I am welcoming opportunities. Over all, I am Blessed.

Have an amazing day, Ladies!!!!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Hi Ladies..

Would you mind ladies if joined this Chapter 3? This is my 3rd cycle of using EPO..Hopefully 3 is my Lucky number..

Bug_another amazing thread..heehee

MrsOtt_atlast i found happy to hear from you again... i was thinking of you as always...

Southern Bee _praying for your + O..& ..

to all

12 years ago

MrsOtt, we raised a glass too. I'm glad your trying to relax and change the way your thinking.

Hey, cleo!

I was given this article to read and thought I would share it. Especially, since its getting cooler outside and we will be spending more time indoors. If I had known this this whole time I could have already been doing this. Vitamin D, wow!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hi clivencleo. It has been a little while. I'm glad you found me on here. I hope you are doing well. I too have been thinking about you. How is the new house? All put together now? Hope you are doing well.

Bug: So happy you raised your glasses too. It was a great moment for us here and I hope it was just as nice for you.

AFM: CD4. Not much else to report on that. I'm looking forward to the weekend. Fun things planned. And the following weekend is my DH birthday and I was able to arrange for my SIL to care for my FIL so I could take DH out and celebrate. I'm so freaking excited and praying I have enough energy to go - Friday nights I'm so tired, but I'll force my way through it!!! :)

Happy Friday everyone and Welcome to all those who join us and who will soon!

~Ayrian User Image User Image

12 years ago

Happy Friday Lovelies!

Welcome Cleo, and thanks for the good wishes for my +O. My favorite number is 3! Where are you at in your lucky cycle?

Bug~ Thanks for that article on vitamin D. It's funny, two days ago I started taking it again after almost a year. Something about the cloudy autumn made me think of it. I'll make sure to up the intake to 2,000mg.

Ayrian~ Have a great weekend! I've also been sneaking a small cup of coffee here and there... I hope all the water I drink cancels out the negative implications. It's just so good!

AFM~ Well, I feel like a twit girls. I broke down and bought a digital opk yesterday, and then was so excited about it I used it in the hardware store bathroom, without reading the instructions, and wasted the first test by not understanding the error message flashing at me. Read instructions stealthily in my car in the parking lot (I was doing errands and had limited time w/out dh LOL), waited the next four hours without peeing, and then tested again: only to get a negative since it's already cd17! I have to laugh at myself, since I'm pretty sure I had already Ov'd on cd 15, but was just too stoked on the new gadet to reason waiting another month.

Aaanywayyy, cd18 and I must be into the tww now. Let's say 2dpo. I sure am glad to be able to share my wackiness with you girls, 'cause dh just wouldn't understand.
Big Love and kisses,

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12 years ago

Wow, we must be super great to have made it all the way to a third chapter! lol

I'm just going to throw a general "Hi!" out there as I have a pretty bad headache. I think it's a migraine since it started yesterday and hasn't let up yet so I think I'm in for a long ride. Hate this because I really am the type to avoid meds altogether but man, this hurts.

I'm on CD 19 and I have to say I'm not liking my OvaCue anymore. It works fabulously but I'm afraid of what my particular readings mean. I believe I'm seeing what looks like a pretty major hormonal imbalance and that is SOO not what any of us ttcer's want to see. Needless to say that between the headache and the disappointment in my readings I'm feeling kinda blue. That in itself is wearing on my DH and is putting a strain on us, which really doesn't help the ttc. Ugh. I'm going to try that Vit D and see if that helps. Thanks so much, bug, for posting that as it may indeed prove helpful and contribute to some bfp's here.

I'm so thankful for all of you and I'm hoping you all have a great weekend.


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12 years ago

MrsOtt. Cheers! I hope you enjoy your DH's birthday!!!

Bee, I'm glad you enjoyed the article.LOL, love your digital opk story. I'm glad you share your wackiness with us too.

KJ, yes it is super great to have made it to chapter 3 but that means EPO is not making us believe in it. Just the lovely ladies who continue to support each other even if EPO isn't quite the experiment anymore. Atleast for me it didn't do anything for me. Oh, no your not liking your OvaCue? I'm sorry there is so much strain right now, I hope you get to feel peachy again. I'm curious to see if Vit D does the trick as well. NEW EXPERIMENT!!!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Bug and everyone,
I just read a few articles on the amount of vitamin D women can take, and from what I gather 2,000mg is the uppermost limit you should be taking. Higher dosages (more like 8-10,000mg) can be toxic, and a minimum of 400mg is enough for many women. So I've decided to go back to 1,000mg, or maybe splitting some tablets in half so I can do 1,500mg. Just thought I should let y'all know since I'm on another 'research my vitamins' kick.

Kj~ How's your head today hon?


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12 years ago

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