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I need some advice

Hello!! DH and I are on month #3 TTC. I'm trying things a little different this time.

I feel like I was worrying too much, focusing on wanting to get pregnant so much that it just wasn't happening. I would search all over the internet for symptoms...and end up being disappointed in the end. 

Sooo, I have been tracking my CM this cycle!! (hopefully this will work!)

AF came on the 9th-11th and.about 2 days after it was dry. Started to notice that it was getting more creamy and just a 'wet' feeling. Yesterday, when I wiped I noticed a lot of CM, like a blob, and it was very stretchy. Cervix felt high and open. We BD as soon as I noticed it  Now, this morning, cm seems a little tacky/wet feeling with a small amount of the egg white mixed with white/creme color, but wet...did I ovulate already????

I'll take any advice or suggestions :)

5 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi Emmilou,

I will also be ovulating this week (on CD10 today) . :) CM is a good way to gauge that your body is preparing to ovulate and a great time to BD. It's good to get the sperm in there prior to ovulation because they can survive for several days and can be ready when the egg comes out. Since you're only on CD 9, I'd say BD every other day for another week and you should be good to go.

That being said, the only ways to really have a good idea that you did ovulate and when are tracking BBT and using ovulation predictors. BBT will only indicate ovulation has happened after the fact, but ov pee sticks will indicate that you'll likely ovulate within 12-24 hours after they become positive.

Best of luck!

10 years ago

Thank you!! Last month, I used the OPK test and had 2 bold lines on CD8 & CD9 and on CD10 it was faded.

I'm just trying to do something different this I'm really hoping tracking my CM will let me know when to BD more often.

10 years ago • Post starter

Just checked my cm and it's watery with a little stretchiness to it! It's all but clear!!!

This means that ov is all but here, right??

Dry - not fertile
Sticky - not fertile
Creamy - not fertile, but getting there!
Watery - fertile
Egg White - most fertile.

10 years ago • Post starter

Should be, yes. It is certainly your body's way of telling you it is ready for conception! I'd BD for a few days after as well just to be sure. But it seems as if you are timing things correctly. :)

10 years ago

Oh, this is exciting!! :)

10 years ago • Post starter

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