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Fibroids- natural shrinking-anyone?

I am 42 yrs old, dh is 40. Got married when I was 34. God, I wish we've done something right than. At that age it would be much easier. But since I already had kids from my first marriage we did not even think there would be a problem.
Well around 1 year ago I had 3 clomid cycles - nothing :(
Used vitamins, fertility supplements, tea, softcups...clearblue OPK---nothing.
Finally we decided to see a fertility specialist. Just around that time we lost our health insurance.
Anyway, we were gonna use our savings (all of it) to do the IVF.
So far, testing costs were $2,500. I was told that there are 2 fibroids inside the uterus and 1 outside the wall. They are around 1" in size.
So, prior to any fertility procedure I should remove fibroids, The cost is $8,500!!!!!!
I really lost my hope.
Came across some online stories about natural herbal supplements that help to shrink fibroids,
Have any of you ladies used that method? If so what have you used? Have you conceive after that?

Sorry for making it too long.

Thanks for your dust to all

12 Replies • 13 years ago



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I don't have any direct answers to your questions, but let me tell you a little bit about my experience. Prior to being married, I had an elective surgery to remove one, VERY large, fibroid from my uterus. It did not penetrate the uterine wall. Apparently it was the size of a 3-month pregnancy. I chose to remove it primarily for the monthly pains, and my OB told me that it may interfere with pregnancy later on, in that it was so large, and could suck blood away from the placenta.

I was told by several physicians that if they are 1-inch or smaller, they won't interfere with pregnancy, esp if they are not penetrating the wall. If you have fibroids that small, pregnancy may actually shrink them, in itself. A risk of having surgery is developing more scar tissue on the inside, and a fertilized egg will "bounce off" and die, if it tries to implant in that region.

Have you considered getting another opinion about the pro's and con's of considering surgery?

On another note, I have also heard that a couple months of the pill can help. Plus, it would make you extra fertile when you get off it, for a month or two.

Best of luck! I'm 34 and DH is 36. We've been trying without success for 6 months. I know how frustrated you must feel.

13 years ago

Thanks Ohio!!!

At first I thought that surgery is my only option. But now, dn't even know what to think...very confused :)

The fibroids are re=shaping my uterus and I believe he said one was close to the wall or on the wall. This doc wouldn't spend much of his precious time explaining the actuall situation---he rater talks about money $$$$ I am looking for a new doc.

My friend's friend advised me to use some herbs to shrink fibroids. She said her doc. told her to surgically remove them but instead she used old herbs method, (popular in Europe where we're from). I wouldn't believe if that was a "miracle" story from those websites selling "the thing for miracle" :))

She said after ONLY 2 months when she went back for testing they were gone!!! A technician asked her "Who told you you have fibroids?"
I guess everyone's situation is different but it wont hurt to try while waiting for a second opinion appointment.

Here is what she used:
20oz houseleek (Sempervivum)
20oz honey
Either mix houseleek in food processor or use meet grinder to grind
After that add honey. keep on cold place
Use 3xday

She also replaced water with tea from Horehound (marrubium vulgare). The best is to use dry leaves not tea bags.

And she used tea from "Lady's mantle" leaves.

I prep'd all of these today and started my cure process :)
This horehound tea is soooo horible!

Ohio you are still very young and 6 months is not a long will happend soon :) For both of us and all of these beautiful ladies here. â?¥

13 years ago • Post starter

Hello Senchi and Ohio,

I am 27 and DH 33 and I have fibroids. 2 of them submuscoal and other intramural 5 and 4cm each. Tomorrow is my HSG test to see how far the fiborids are pushing towards my Uterus.
I have tried Fibroid cure the entire kit for 4months now. Completed 3 bottles already also did a body cleanse. So tomorrow I will know the results. I have to agree that they helped me a lot with the pain symptoms, i use to have bad cramp and clots during periods now its not there anymore. Also the intercourse is pain less I am not 100% sure about miracle fibroid removal since I still spot for 4 days before my period, everyone's body is different. I was extremely anemic RB 6.8 last year... now my blood count is back to 12.4. But i still think I have fibroids since I am not pregnant yet as the product promised but at least there are few good things about the product.
I was told to get the fibroids out before Ivf if they are pressing against uterus. I spoke to my insurance and they cover only 15000 for infertility treatments and one IVF charge around 10k to 15k so before getting IVF make sure you talk to your doctor.Get a good doctor who listens to you and your problems and gets a proper plan for you to conceive.
All the best to both of you. Hope you get a positive pregnancy test soon.

12 years ago

Try L-Aginine, I took it after my first miscarriage since my fibroid grew to 13 cms in the 7wks I was pregnant by the time I got pregnant again in Jan it was about 7 cm. Don't know if it was the vitamin or what but it did help with cramps and with my cycle. The liver is the blood supply for the urterus so a liver detox or cleanse has been shown to help with fibroids. Also stay away from anything so. Soy contains hormones and with fibroids you don't want added hormones which could cause the fibroids to grow.

Me & Him est 2006<img src=

12 years ago

I just wanted to add I just had an abdominal myomectomy almost five weeks ago. I've had no pain and feel great. I feel re-energized and refreshed. My dr didn't recommend surgery because I had two fibroids 7 and 5 cms. I pushed for surgery because after my 2nd miscarriage I couldn't try again even after being told they weren't the rason for miscarriage. Needless to say they found 8 fibroids all in the muscle. And my dr said they were the reason for miscarriage when she told me the week before try again they are in the muscle and are not the reason. Surgery is not all that bad the first couple of days you move slow but after that if you keep moving you'll be fine. I have 8 wks until we can try again and can't wait.

Me & Him est 2006<img src=

12 years ago

I agree with you Michellerae. I am having my fibroids removed this week too. Dr said the positioning of my fibroids might cause miscarriage and infertility. So just finally decided to go ahead with the surgery.
I have tried all types of cleanse including liver cleanse twice but after my HSN the size of the fibroids have not reduced even an inch. After eating right and taking herbal supplements for a 6months. They are still the same size. I guess my body is unable to reduce the size of the fibroids.
I am hoping that everything goes fine during the surgery.
I have never gotten pregnant even after trying for 8 months now with fibroids.

I hope everything works out for you Michellerae.

12 years ago

Hi there :)
I am scheduled for the surgery next week--will let you know how it goes. This is my last hope, I really really hope once they're removed we can have a baby I am a little scared but there is absolutelly nothing I want more :)

ttcgal best luck!!!!!!
Best Regards to all of you

12 years ago • Post starter


I got my fibroids removed last week this would be my 2nd week recovering, Surgery was a success doctor found some scar tissue(old endometriosis :( ) along with a cyst on the left side of the fallopian tube which was removed too. I am recovering now. I got my post op visit with my doctor at the end of this week. Hopefully everything looks good.
@Senchi let me know how your surgery went. Hope everything went well for you too. My prayers are with you. Please update us.
Michellerae hope you get your bfp the first month you try. All the best.

12 years ago

Hi Senchi,

Two 1 inch fibroids shouldnt be a big deal, or interfer with a pregnancy... did your doc advise surgery? I have a 5cm fibroid and my doc said surgery could potentionally do more damage than good. Both my sister and my mom had multipul fibroids and still had 3 healthy children each. hun!


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12 years ago

Hi Senchi!

I hope all is well and that your staying positive! The more positive energy you have the better. Your fibroids have developed due to a increase in your estrogen levels...this was caused due to a shift in your hormone levels. You need to find a way to re-balance your hormones and reduce your estrogen levels. A great way to do that is buying changing your diet and exercising.

I remember when my doctor advised me to get surgery to remove my fibroids...the cost was $10K!!

Thats when I began doing my own research...I came across this site and never looked back :-)

10 years ago

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