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OK a quick background. TTC for 3 years in April 2013. Tried clomid, femara, and trigger shot. Got pregnant twice on clomid. 1 M/C and 1 ectopic. We are now onto femara and trigger shots. DH has AMAZING sperm. So they have always allowed us to just BD and we have gotten pregnant before with just BDing. This month my Dr mentioned we could try IUI but she didn't think it would up our chances considerablly.

What would you do? Keep bding or try for the IUI? Keeping in mind we have insurance for infertility only up to the point of IUI. So IUI or IVF would be all out of pocket. If nothing happens soon using femara we are going lookin at moving onto IVF any way. Help would be appreciated!

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5 Replies • 11 years ago



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TTC for 72 months here! Yikes!
We do have a beautiful 10 year old daughter that was a "honeymoon" baby.
We waited awhile after she was born, then attempted having another on our own for about 3 years, then for the last 3 years we have been followed by my physician.
After several tests, last spring we attempted our 1st IUI w/ clomid and ovidrel injection. Failed.
Continued throughout last summer on clomid and BD. Got a BFP in September and lost at 5 weeks.
Tried our 2nd IUI this passed February, and another fail.
I told my husband I DO NOT want to attempt any other assisted fertility procedures. They are not guaranteed for one, and it is overwhelming and stressful. And when it's a fail, it's very upsetting. And of course the money factor as well.

I was more willing to try the first one, just to "see" what would/could happen. The 2nd time, I remained optimistic. But after the fail and realization that I totally misread my body and symptoms during the TWW I have decided to leave it in God's hands. After all, I don't mind a little BD-ing!

Obviously this a decision only you and your husband can make together. And I wish you guys much luck!

11 years ago

Thanks for your reply trying4! I am almost to the I DO NOT want to attempt any other assisted fertility procedures point too! I told my husband that as well and he knows where my head is it and is finally starting to get to the same point. Only problem is there is still no baby... That is why it is hard for me not to consider and try every possible option!

Thanks for wishing us luck!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Go for the iui!! I'm finally doing my first one on my next cycle. Just waiting for AF to rear her ugly head. Been ttc now for 3 1/2 years, clomid, femara, hsg, laparoscopy. Dr says this is the next step. Go for it!!

11 years ago

Hey deedragen! Good to hear from you! Yeah my Dr thinks that this should be next step as well. With our situation we will be traveling over an hour for appts and such if we do IUI so the cost goes up and up... I am just having a hard time jumping into it I guess.. I am going to consult DH tonight about it again and see where his head is at. Anything else new and exciting with you?

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11 years ago • Post starter

So a quick update. We called our insurnace to see about the details. Well it turns out once we move onto IUI or IVF we will become official diagnosed with Infertility on paper. Which means all of what they are paying for now will never be paid for again. If we were to just pay out of pocket without consulting our insurance company and getting labeled infertile and a viable pregnancy was a result they wouldn't pay for any of the maternity care either... So yeah we are going to wait a few more rounds of just meds/triggers... If it isn't one thing it is another!

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11 years ago • Post starter

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