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Zigzag temping

My temping is a crazy zigzag pattern. I have two children who I became pregnant with pretty quickly, the youngest is almost 5. So no fertility problems that I’m aware off. I am very cold as a person if that plays a part at all..

My question is, I have had my hormones checked at the gynecologist and they looked great, however it was just at a random time in the cycle.. with all this information does anyone know if it’s safe enough to assume I don’t have any estrogen issues, just got a crazy thermostat which is very obvious by how cold I always am.

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8 Replies • 5 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

1 - 8 of 8 Replies

You have lots of open circles, which to me indicates you've got an irregular sleeping pattern. These temperatures look like they're not being taken properly to be honest. I have an irregular waking time due to a breastfeeding co-sleeping 9 month old, but they're not this wild.

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

I tried to figure out what the open circle are about but can’t tell at all.. I always wake up at 6 am and take my temperature right away then add it into natural cycles. I go to sleep the same time and I am not woken up by any children.. however I do take melatonin to be able to go to sleep a normal time (9-10pm) so maybe things are happening during the night that I just don’t remember. Such as small awakenings..

I seriously don’t know how it can decide even to make the circles like that, how are those nights different from the ones that are solid...? It says that it can also have to do with secondary information, not just the temperature itself.

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5 years ago • Post starter

When u put ur temp in, are u making sure the time is recorded as the same each day? U can set a default to automatically use ur specified time, also. Generally, unless the time is off, they don't give an open circle. It sounds like ur doing everything as it should be. The erratic temps could be from mouth breathing. That will alter temps quite a bit. Ur thermometer battery dying will mess with temps too. Alcohol, fan on/off, heavier pjs/blankets etc can all mess things up too. U'd have to be changing a lot of stuff daily tho.

5 years ago

Maybe I am accidentally mouth breathing or something.. I had 1 glass of wine last night but does that count as “alcohol”? I mean I don’t even drink out of a wine glass just a small drinking glass with my cheese.

I got one today too.. I guess something is weird. I am pretty cold this month though, I usually don’t stay around 36.20 ????

Natural cycles seems okay with it though and the OV symptoms I had yesterday were hard to ignore.

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5 years ago • Post starter

Thank you! I went through it again and noticed the blue dots were put in 6:30 and the rest 6:05. I tried changing them just to rule it out but it seems to have been the problem! NC doesn’t care about 20 - 30 mins but guess ff does!

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5 years ago • Post starter

Drinking any alcohol, mouth breathing, a warmer room than normal etc all contribute to a change in temperature so that could be it.

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

When I used to temp, I did mine vaginally as I tend to sleep with my mouth open. I read that when you temp in the mouth that it has to be taken in the same spot for it to stay accurate.

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5 years ago • Edited

I’m definitely a mouth breather. I’m the only one in the world it seems who don’t care about having a stuffed nose because I don’t breathe through it much anyway, haha. The only thing that’s been different this week is that I’ve slept with LESS clothes than usual and it’s been annoying to me as I’m a cold person.

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5 years ago • Post starter

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