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Taking the next step!

Today is cd 4 of what may be my last cycle of trying to conceive naturally for a while. We have been talking and decided that we are going to try ivf. The main concern for us was the cost and we can only afford one cycle but we have decided to go for it. We are waiting now for an appointment at sheffield care fertility to get things underway. They do an egg sharing scheme and as the only issue i have is that my tubes are damaged it makes sense. Not only does it save us money on our treatment but it gives another couple the chance to have a baby. So in tge mean time im giving it my all this month. I have been trying alternative treatments for my adhesions and although i cant say it has definately worked medically i can say it has made me feel a hundred times better. I dont suffer with any of the pains i used to and so theres no harm in doing it. So this is the plan for this month.
Serrapeptase - 4 tablets daily on empty stomach.
Evening primrose oil - 1000mg daily up to ovulation
Maca root - 500mg daily
Royal jelly - 500mg daily
Fertility vitamins daily.
Pre seed.
Castor oil packs and self fertility massage cd 4 5 6 9 10 11
Booked in for deep tissue massage and reflexology on cd 8.

If nothing else it manages my pain, makes me feel like im doing something and the vitamins will have me in tip top condition for the ivf at least.

2 Comments • 8 years ago



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Comments (sorted by hugs)

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I found a clinic that offered an ivf refund program. We paid $15,000, not including meds, for 6 rounds up front (3 fresh, 3 frozen). If we didn't have a baby in those 6 rounds we would have gotten 75% of our payment back. Physically you had to qualify for the program ( have an above average chance of ivf working) but thank goodness we did because we needed it! We got pregnant on round #6 and our daughter is now 8 weeks old. We never expected to get to #6 because we were both fairly healthy, my husband had a very low count though. I highly recommend trying to find a program with a refund guarantee or a multiple cycle discount. It doesn't always work the first time and in my case as we went along they kept finding more problems with me which led to 3 miscarriages.

8 years ago

Im so glad you got your baby! There are similar schemes at the clinic we are talking to and i have asked for information about it as i doubt one attempt will be enough and as it stands thats all we can afford right now. The egg sharing scheme would save us over a thousand though and my tests show i am eligible. Thanks for the advice hun x

8 years ago • Post starter

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