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Anyone TTC#3?

DH & I have 2 boys (6 and 3) and decided last night to try for a little sister to make our family complete.

Anyone else currently TTC 3?

Today is CD1 for me

10 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1 - 10 of 10 Replies

me and my SO are trying for number 3 as well. we also have two boys. ages 5 and 2 and hoping number 3 will be our lil girl. to u on ur TTC and lots of to you.

User Image[/url][/url] Me=28 DH=27 DS=born 8.16.07 DS=born 1.20.10 TTC#3 ing for a

12 years ago

hi me and DH are also trying for #3 got one of each aged 4 and 2

im on CD1 today. 2nd month of trying.

12 years ago

Hy hope you don't mind me joining in...I have 2 boys 8 & 11, me and hubby would like one more! Mc in feb at 12 weeks :( and ttc since then!

Good luck to all ttc x

Gx User Image

12 years ago

Hi, I'm also ttc baby number 3, DH and I have 2 kids boy and a girl. Their 10 and 7. We've been trying for 3 months now and probably going on month 4.I'm 10dpo and just got my bfn...not feeling too hopeful right now,but I wish you all good luck on your journeys!

12 years ago

hi :) i'm new to this site.
i have 2 daughters, aged 2.5 years & 15 months and ttc #3 - would really love a little boy. have had 2 chem pregnancies since march which is a little disheartening to say the least.
i'm now on cd4, going to be using opk's this month just to get an idea of LP.
other half works away also, so keep missing ov time :(

Lauren Mummy to 3 girls TTC #4

12 years ago

Hi Me and DH are trying to conceive #3 we have a girl who turned 3 yesterdy and our son was still born at 37 weeks sept 1.. we were going to stop with our son so i am hoping for another boy

12 years ago

Oh Jazzy I'm so sorry for your loss. Loads of blue babydust your way. I hope you'll be pregnant soon

12 years ago • Post starter

Me too! Two boys 8 and 3. Our 3yo asked for a little sister. Had early mc last month but still trying. Got a faint + a couple days ago, hoping its real and not left overs from mc..

12 years ago

Hi, I am also ttc #3 ive had 4 preg and only 2 girls ages 8 and 2, had an D&C last aug at 13 wks, baby did not form, (blighten ovum) so we are now hoping for a boy... im 7 dpo and im very eager to test for preg. Good luck to all!

12 years ago

I have a 6 year old girl and almost 3 year old boy-

2 missed miscarriages before my son was born.
1 bligted ovum in feb 2012.

We have been TTC since october 2011- had a small blip in the system in feb when we had our bligted ovum. Levels took about 5 weeks to go back down and this will be our 2nd cycle since then.

My DH works out of town so timing is very difficult for us.

Hoping this cycle was the one! Unfortunately I only got a POS OPK the day he left back to work. BDed that morning and now just trying to stay positive that his little swimmers hung around long enough to wait for me to OV.

My sister in law just had a baby boy yesterday, I was able to be there for the whole entire thing and spent the morning cuddling with him... made wanting a third so much more real! I'm ready... so very ready!

12 years ago

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