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poas tester/cycle buddies around June 9th?! V-Day DueDate

I started a new forum topic as promised for this cycle. So if your AF is due around June 9th meaning that if you got a BFP you would have a Valentine's Day Due Date, please feel free to join here. You can talk about symptoms, plans, and or course poas testing!!

Any takers this time around?!?!

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56 Replies • 12 years ago



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My bfp is due 5th june fingers crossed started soy this cycle aswell got a very good feeling about this month for some reason!!

for you all!!

Lauren xx TTC #1 since march 11 after evil depo provera started soy this cycle fingers crossed!! User Image

12 years ago

My AF is due in early June, only 2dpo today - long cycles :/

Daisypath Christmas tickersLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers Clomid cycle #1 Clomid cycle #2 Clomid cycle #3

12 years ago

I am looking at POAS June 9th or 10th. REALLY keeping my fingers crossed as my DH goes to second shift after that and we won't have many BD opportunities!!!

I am trying evening primrose oil this month. My BCP worked 2 ways, both in inhibiting egg release and messing up CM, so I am trying to reverse that effect. Also, I have had a cone biopsy and THAT can also effect CM production, so let's hope! I am also doing the Mucinex thing close to O. If this all doesn't work this month, I'll start tracking BBT as well to make sure I am aware of WHEN AND IF I O, but want to start that from CD1.

Good luck and to ALL!!!

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12 years ago

Not due for AF until about 6/17 or so....but I have irregular cycles that have been getting longer each cycle since being off BC. We are waiting to hear back from the doc to find out if they will see me since we have only been TTC since Dec 2011. In the meantime, we are going to do the at home male fertility test and we're going to use softcups this cycle too.

You ladies have helped keep me going during some very sad times...THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

12 years ago

I want to try that male fertility test, as well. We have been trying since October and I have pretty dead on cycles so I think we might have to look at him

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12 years ago • Post starter

@ mommawannabe : It will be in this Thursday but I'm not sure what the directions say so we are either going to test him thursday or friday as long as it makes it to the house on time. My cycles aren't dead on so it could be me, him or both of us together. He had pediatric cancer, brain cancer at 2 years old and was treated with chemo, radiation, bone marrow transplants and surgery. All of which can cause fertility problems later in life. I just pray that it didn't make him sterile. With children who have cancer most parents aren't thinking about future fertility when faced with a dying child so his parents never thought to ask the docs. He's my angel so we will deal with whatever comes our way. Insurance doesn't want to do anything for us at the moment cause we haven't been trying for a full year. I will let you know how the test goes!!!

You ladies have helped keep me going during some very sad times...THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

12 years ago

So how do you girls deal with the news of people close getting pregnant. This month we are not using any of the fertility meds since we can't afford to this month and I was sure I was last month had lots of symptoms .. Then of course AF showed on Mothers Day. Last night my brother called that his wife was pregnant.. (they were not trying, actually were "done" having kids) I hung up the phone and broke down. It is so frustrating after trying so long and all the money we have spent....... I am numb....

12 years ago

It's heartbreaking to think of all the negative things that are making it hard to TTC so even though I get crushed each month when I get AF I try to stay positive. We eat cake and ice cream for a day and I drink a little wine that day! I just try to stay positive knowing that as much as we want a baby, at least I already have the best man in the world in my life and maybe it's selfish to ask for anything more...then we focus on the next cycle. I don't want to put any pressure on my fiancé because if he is having fertility issues, it's from all the different treatments he had as a child for pediatric brain cancer. As for everyone around me getting pregnant. We don't have too many people we socialize with but the day I told my BF we were finally really trying, she said she didn't think she had gotten AF yet and I told her to take a test. OF COURSE the next day, she told me it was positive.....and it was an OOPS BABY. They were just never responsible about birth control. I am jealous but I am so happy for her too. She wanted to have kids and I'm her "go to girl" when she has a question because of all the TTC, pregnancy, birthing and baby books that I read. I'm the baby's godmother and she is even using the name same name me and my fiancé picked out for OUR second son. Lol...anyways, I'm grateful she has included me in so much...I have gone to apps with her, ultrasounds....and I'm going to be with her when she gives birth too!!! Just stay positive or it will impede your fertility and eat u up inside. I don't know if this helps at all...but I hope so. Each month, I think THIS IS OUR MONTH...and I hope thins month is....for all of us!!!

You ladies have helped keep me going during some very sad times...THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

12 years ago

Thanks so much Sugar! My brother was really worried about me he brought me flowers and a card cause he feels so bad. I told him not to he should be excited. It is what it is and I am going to embrace it as I get to spoil the heck out of the niece or nephew!

12 years ago

Omg, I wish my brother was that sweet. You are blessed just to have him care so much about your feelings like that.

@sugar what happen with your appt?

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12 years ago • Post starter

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