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Hi Hopefuls!

My husband and I have been wanting a baby for a while, but we just started charting this month for the first time. So, I am really new at this. I had my last period on April 30, and I received a strong positive ovulation test on May 16. So, I have been tracking my temperature and it did increase by 0.4 degrees (C) on that day.

I am not sure if this is important, but I am 26 years old, of healthy weight and my cycle is pretty regular and lasts 30 days.

So my questions are: First, from what day of ovulation do I start counting DPO? Is it from the first day of ovulation or the last day? And how do I know when the last day of my ovulation is? Second, What am I looking for in my temperature to suggest that I may have successfully implanted? Third, I am slightly iron deficient, will that impact my chances of getting pregnant?

Thanks guys!

4 Answers • 7 years ago



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Answers (sorted by likes)

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Hi Lillywonka

I won't be able to answer your questions as I am also looking for the same answers! But I thought I'd reply anyway because my husband and I also just started trying for our first one and as it is all new to us, we are quite nervous and unsure about everything! I have so many questions and no one to really talk to about it because we haven't told anyone that we are trying!

Sorry that I couldn't give you any answers!

7 years ago

You don't ovulate over days, it's a once off event that normally occurs 12-72 hours after the initial surge. The hard part is to work out when you ovulate after the surge. For me it was the day after the surge. So I would get a surge (positive OPK) on CD13, O on CD14 and then CD15 would become 1dpo.

An iron deficiency shouldn't stop you from getting pregnant, but you should start on a supplement now to build up your levels as being pregnant and growing a person can deplete your iron supply quickly as baby needs lots of iron to grow.

Can't help with the temping as I was terrible at it.

<a href=

7 years ago

Thank you for you responses, ladies! Mistique, your answer was very helpful, I guess I didn't do it right this month but who knows, DH and I got really busy.

LieselW - We're first-timer buddies! How did people get pregnant before they watched for all these things? LOL

7 years ago • Post starter

Being iron deficient does impact fertility and egg health. The same is the case for vitamin D deficiency.

7 years ago

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