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I had my cycle last month and it ended on the 24th (I'm pretty sure any ways) and my husband and I started to have sex every night since may 6 and now it is may 17, My question is if I had sex every single night what are my chance of getting Preganact? Are they high or very slim? Also when will be a good chance to test on a HPT?

5 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers

Under the best of circumstances you only have a 20-25% chance of success each month if both of your are healthy and functioning normally. Us humans are not very good at reproduction lol. So if you actually ovulated sometime between then you got a 20-25% chance.

12 years ago

i went to my doctors the other day there ,just to have a chat about fertility .to cut a long story short ,i lost a baby in jan this year ,22 weeks gone .as you would expect ,i just want to be pregnant again.this is cycle 4 for me of ttc now .feeling very discouraged ,but feelin like this ,because it was pregnancy nomber 3 for me .in all 3 times i conceived it only took 3 months of ttc and i was pregnant.

however ,we only BD ,for 3 days through fertile period and it work 3 times .i have a 27 day cycle and always OV ,on cycle day 12 .so we BD on day 10 ,11 ,12 .my doctor told me you should baby dance twice a week and thats enough ,as sperm lives 3-5 days inside a womans body .she said the more u have sex the weaker it makes the sperm,and when it comes to OV ,there too weak to reach the egg.
hope this helps.

12 years ago

sorry only took 2 months of ttc to conceive and not 3 months .

12 years ago


Having sex every day or every other day during your fertile window is ideal. Use OPKs or chart BBT and other fertility signs to help determine your fertile window, which is different for everyone and online charts and apps can't predict what is happening with your body. You have about a 20-25% chance with each well-timed cycle, like the other poster said. Wait until your period is due/late to test with a HPT for an accurate result. Good luck!!

12 years ago


Even with absolutely perfect timing, you only have about a 20% chance of conception each month. But 80% of couples will conceive within a year of trying. Good luck!

12 years ago

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