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This is my 5 month of ttc af due on sunday so far no symptoms or anything, not going to be testing untill sat to avoid dissapointment on early negatives, if i havnt been blessed this month does anyone have any usefull tips?

5 Answers • 12 years ago



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Answers (sorted by laughs)

1 - 5 of 5 Answers


Although it feels like an eternity, 5 months in the TTC world is not that long. I would make sure you learn your body's cycles, and see if you can pin point ovulation. If you can learn to do that, then you should time your intercourse based on that. Keep yourself healthy, and try not to obsess over TTC, as it just adds undue stress and this in itself can effect your fertility. Keep positive, healthy, and have LOTS of sex. This usually works for the majority of women. When you're approaching a year, you could talk to your doctor an see if any investigation is warranted.

Good luck!

12 years ago


She said it well. It took me a year to get my BFP. I'd say, if you aren't tracking ovulation, you should try that. I also added a baby aspirin once daily the month I got my BFP. The good news is that 80% of couples will conceive within a year of trying. Each cycle you only have a 20% chance (that's even with absolutely perfect timing). Don't overanalyze symptoms (I'm not saying that you are, it's jusat advice), there were so many months I swore I was pregnant based on symptoms, but AF always showed up right on time. The month I got my BFP, I had NO symptoms! Also, if for some reason, you aren't able to BD a ton during your fertile time, don't freak out. I figured I was out that month because we only BDed once around ovulation (and once was all it took).

Anyway that's my advice, good luck and lots of baby dust!!

12 years ago

Kim...I am in your boat! 11 dpo and not testing until i miss af. I can't take the another BFN! I have only been TTC for #2 for 2 months ( I KNOW this is not long!!) but it seems like forever. I am really trying to listen to the advice of the women who answered your question!! Are you using opk or bbt?? I had to because I suspected I was not ovulating regularly. It has been great! I also started taking baby aspirin this cycle. Just trying to relax and keep busy so I dont test!! Good lucks! xx

12 years ago

The best advice I can give you that goes along with these ladies is try to chart your BBT and use OPK's to figure out ovulation. My husband and I tried for a year, and then I found out that I had a polyp the size of a ping pong ball in my uterus. Once it was removed, we conceived two months later. Unfortunately I m/c on March 22nd of this year. So we are trying again. I figured I would start keeping track of my BBT to help me figure out my cycle. Especially since they can be crazy after a m/c. Good luck to you and hope the advice helps. Sending baby dust your way!!!

12 years ago

is it ok to just BD once a day around fertile phase or should i go more like 2xs a day?? my DH is getting worn out, lol

12 years ago

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