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Could I be pregnant? Month 1 TTC!! Need Advice!!

My fiance and I had sex on the 14th (May). I thought I was ovulating because afterwards he had a lot of white discharge (sorry TMI) on him. However, my cycle is usually 26-27 days. I had a positive (I think) OPK yesterday (May 18th) and haven't tested yet today. That would make sense since I should (according to the norm) ovulate on the 20th (tomorrow). Is it possible that the sperm could have lived from the 14th till either today (19th) or tomorrow (20th)? I have been feeling slightly "off," but that would have to just be in my head, since I either ovulated today or will tomorrow. Please help! Getting nervous and impatient with a lot of BFN's!!

2 Answers • 14 years ago



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Answers (sorted by hugs)

1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Sperm can live up to 5 days in the right conditions (hospitable cervical mucus) but if you had a positive OPK on the 18th you probably didn't ovulate for another 12-24 hrs. There is a chance that sex on the 14th could cause pregnancy but the chances are slim. Also- you really wouldn't be feeling anything yet because if you just ovulated- you also just released your egg and fertilization may not have even occured yet. You usually don't experience any pregnancy related symptoms until after implantation which is normally not until 7-10 days after ovulation/fertilization.
Hang in there. If you're serious about TTC think about tracking your cycle is a great resource and it will tell you when you should have intercourse. Otherwise- try to have sex closer to the date of expected ovulation. You can probably expect to be TTC for a few more months as it's normal to take up to a year to conceive. Good Luck!

14 years ago

Also- you probably shouldn't expect an accurate answer on a HPT until May 31st - June 2nd. Taking them at 8 days after ovulation or less is just a waste of money. There isn't enough hormone in your system (normally) to show up on a test until 9 days and then it's very low. First positives usually don't show up until 11-12 days past ovulation (dpo).

14 years ago

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