What women are saying

Cramps (Not PMS/AF)

OhBoyOrGirl  4 years ago
12dpo had no feeling of PMS no cramps, no nothing! Good sign hoping xx


OhBoyOrGirl  4 years ago
5dpo having cramping feeling in lower abdomen & my lower back.


peonies2107  5 years ago
Dull/mild back cramp 9-11dpo, and lower right ovary dull cramp/pinching that is constant from 9-13dpo (today) + sore breasts starting 12dpo




OhBoyOrGirl  5 years ago
6dpo had this plus pink spotting. 7dpo still having mild cramping & no more spotting.


shanta77  5 years ago
11 dpo and I only feel lite dull cramping...not much else


member_58252  5 years ago
Had cramps in lower urterus area and lower back for three days.. then stopped yesterday today have cramps again in same area


crunchyadventurer  7 years ago
6 DPO, very light bleeding today. TMI!!! I use a diva cup and when I pulled it out it was a string of cm tinted red/pink. Low central cramps


Lconnolly  7 years ago
Been having mild cramping since 5DPO. It definitely doesn't feel like AF cramping.


beaedghill  7 years ago
At 4dpo had peruod like cramps. At 5dpo that morning received a huge temp shift.


mistycosme@gmail.com  7 years ago
My husband and I had tlc In the night after orgasmn I got really bad cramps for like 3 mins... 14 dpo is this normal


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