What women are saying

Sore/Sensitive Nipples

Page 36

Guest  12 years ago
i am worried because me and my fiance had unprotected sex, and my nipples have been sore. no period for another week or so, help?????!!!!!


lharri0209  12 years ago
Sensitive nipples, gassy, creamy cm and some cramps on and off 8 dpo. 6dl until testing.


lharri0209  12 years ago
Sensitive nipples, gassy, creamy cm and some cramps on and off 8 dpo. 6dl until testing.




katybug21  12 years ago
very sore nipples for the last week....i have never had this symptom before. hoping this means i'm pg.


Guest  12 years ago
10dpo. just felt this symptom today (funny thing is that i thought i'll never have such a symptom)


Guest  12 years ago
After ttc for over 3 years, I'm 6dpo and have a pounding headache I can't shake and sore nipples. Hoping this is it!!


Guest  12 years ago
nipples are itchy and sore and breast fill full and sore im pretty sure im pregnant:)


Guest  12 years ago
my last periods where weird they had light pink mucus on them I have sore nipples stomach cramps gas and weird ferling in my tummy


Juanis  12 years ago
My nipples hurt really bad I have a week like this, my husband says I'm pregnant but I don't want 2 get my hopes up,


whitney0206  12 years ago
NEVER have sensitive breasts or nipples before period, 1 week from my period, i'm hoping i'm pregnant :)


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