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All these hopeful "symptoms" but BFN? 12dpo

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I need some advice :( Heres my timeline of events: So I got a positive Smiley OPK on the 28th of September and ovulated on the 29th. (horrible ovulation pains that night on the right side) We BD'd that night!

2-6dpo: cramps, bloating, decrease in appetite, pulling twinges, ovary pain where I ovulated, and sharp pains in that area as well. Couldn't wear jeans cause I was so bloated and it made the pains worse.

7-10dpo: nothing! All those symptoms vanished!

11dpo: I started spotting brown CM from 8am-6pm. I wore a pantyliner and changed it twice. By 7pm all the spotting disappeared. Also my uterus just ached- no cramps at all but felt..sore?

12dpo: Spotting is gone, and today I have normal cramps. the past 2 days I've been overly sensitive to coffee and a today i urinated more than normal.

My period is due in 2 days- 10/13, and i took a FRER this morning and yesterday and got a BFN. Im wondering if yesterday was implantation bleeding? Did you guys have this and get a BFP later? These all seem like weirdly hopeful symptoms but Im lost.

Let me know girls <3

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144 Replies • 7 years ago



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I'm trying to be as calm about it as possible because I notice when I stress or get really upset I start cramping, surprisingly. So I'm trying to relax. I've just never not had a job and been put in this situation :( I pray I find something quickly.

Besides this mess, I'm feeling good. I finally ran out of pregnancy tests hahahah. I took one every morning and the testl line is officially as dark as the control line. I feel very happy and calm about my pregnancy. It feels very healthy and progressing healthy :) my nipples now are SUPER painful and itch. And I get cramps here and there but that's it! I think I'm starting to get more thirsty too. Oh! 1 big thing I've realized is, tmi, but reaching the big O during "bding" is a huge NO NO! It hurts.... so.... bad hahahaha. It only hurts for maybe a minute, but lord have mercy on my uterus! :P It's the worst pain ever. I think we'll wait till I'm later in the pregnancy to do that.

It seems you and I have opposite symptoms! My boob boobs are fine, I'm not bloated and my appetite is the same. Crazy how our bodies work with hormones. Though I have been crying a lot hahaha I'll give you that. I wanted to cry for the new beauty and the beast trailer, I cry watching random commercials. Someone mentioned their birth plan and I felt like crying :P I feel so silly!

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7 years ago • Post starter

Oh Kjacobs, so sorry to hear about your job situation! But like Luna said - as much as possible try to keep the stress to a minimum. You don't want any stress-related complications. One of my coworkers just went through a pretty terrible and unhealthy pregnancy due to stress. She was in and out of the hospital and the baby came super early...all because of stress. :-( But you don't sound like one who's easily shaken. So I'm thinking you'll be fine. :-)

LOL @ "Lord have mercy on my uterus!". That line totally made my day! Its funny, I had the same experience during my first pregnancy and I wasn't sure what was going on. Might just be something that happens with some women?

Anyway, thanks for the well wishes girls. We'll see what happens...

7 years ago

Thank you intention! I have horrible anxiety so I worry a lot about things, but I'm trying not to actually stress out. I keep trying to snap myself back to reality and tell myself it'll workout in the end and everything happens for a reason. I would never want to put my little nugget under stress :(! I feel horrible for your coworker what a nightmare!

Lol I'm glad!! It didn't make my uteruses day though that's for sure :P I think I experienced an idea of what a contraction is haha. Yeah maybe? My DB couldn't understand it and kept asking why it was hurting and what was happening hahah. I couldn't really explain it either except to say, it hurts cause something's in there now :P in fact my little nugget is the size of a red lentil now!

I'm keeping you in my prayers dear! <33

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7 years ago • Post starter

Hope you're feeling better after your "O" ordeal lol. I'm so nervous to have sex but I will try this weekend I think. Lol my poor husband!

I hear you about anxiety and stress! Must be a Virgo thing. I stress and worry about everything. My mind never stops. Trying to be more aware and keep calm during this pregnancy even with everything going on around me.

You will find a job soon and everything will work out! Have you started looking? Any luck as of yet?

How are you feeling by the way?!

Intention- Hope you are hanging in there! Can't wait for you to join us!! Let us know how it's going :)

7 years ago

I am feeling better hahaha I'm gonna try to avoid that for a little :) don't be it'll be okay! I read some people experience cramping and some don't! The act of sex doesn't hurt at all for me.

Yep definitely has to be a Virgo thing. I worry all day everyday, and I have to train my anxiety to keep cool haha. Yeah I've sent out my resume to like 10 places so far and I haven't heard anything yet. I try to send out applications every day. I have to get a call from someone! I really would love to an administrative assistant at an animal hospital, anything where I'll be sitting down :)

Feeling good! My DB is warming up to the idea of being a daddy now! We've been joking now about the baby and hoping baby doesn't smell as bad as he does :P hahaha and he was rubbing my belly last night when we went to sleep. It's made me so happy. For thanksgiving I think I'm going to make place mats for the table that has the announcement on it and cover it with plates. Then when we start to eat I'll have everyone lift their plates and read the news! :) I can't wait!

How are you feeling?? How are your symptoms??
I have some constipation, and itchy sore nipples and cramps as usual :) that's it for me

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7 years ago • Post starter

Kjacobs - I love the place mat idea! That's very creative. And this is the perfect time of year.

Luna - have sex, girl! Have lots of it! It'll help with the stress. ;-)

I'm doing okay. Trying to hang in there. This may be my last cycle of trying for a while, though. The highs and lows are just too much for me. :-(

7 years ago

Thank you Intention! I don't have big paper so we'll see how it goes, it might look corny, I'll have to google some other ideas just in case :)

Awh I understand :( I'm sorry about having to go through those. Just trying to conceive the naturally is stressful, I'm sure those treatments are even harder. But don't give up! That one treatment could do the magic!

Something I still cant shake is the fact that, the night we BD'ed I had a dream that I would be pregnant from it! A super long detailed one, and I got that jolting feeling you get when you think your about to fall and you jolt to catch yourself! And I woke up the next morning like, wow why I would have that...? I'm not ovulating at all till next week. Must be nothing :/ and then that afternoon I got a positive OPK! Then a few days later i had another pregnancy dream, and a few days later I was pregnant! I couldn't believe my dream told me that this was it! That, in a few days you'll ovulate and conceive! Trippiest thing in the world

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7 years ago • Post starter

That is wild! I remember you were concerned because you thought you'd BD'ed too early. Apparently it wasn't too early! LOL.

7 years ago

And I meant trying to conceive is hard period, whether it's natural or assisted. Am I pregnant? Could I be pregnant? What does this symptom mean? Etc. Then you get excited only to get a BFN. You know? It's just a butt-pain! LOL. My grandparents had 13 children and I'm sure not one day did my grandmother have to deal with the stress of trying to get pregnant. My grandfather could have just sneezed on her and got her pregnant! Hahaha! I guess some people are just blessed that way....

7 years ago

KJacobs and Luna you guys are such an inspiration! This is my first time TTC and the TWW has been excruiciating. Today I'm 10 DPO after IUI and got a BFN with FRER. I know it may still be early but it's disappointing. I've had a lot of cramping and gas (sorry tmi) so I was for sure something different was happening in my body. If you both can, send baby dust my way. I'm trying not to lose hope, but I feel like AF may be on her way with the cramping and extra CM.

7 years ago

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