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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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Well I had a bbt dip so hopefully it will rise tomorrow. FX! Still don't see a positive opk. About to take another. Test in a bit. We bd cd 14 cd 17 and cd 21. Maybe I'll get lucky.

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9 years ago

Sailors Wife, sorry to hear that you are possibly out. Good luck for next month.

Lolo, Thank you for the link. Ive joined it but not posted there yet. Keeping my fx'd that its pregnancy symptoms, and not just medication side effects. Baby dust.

Afm, this is definitely a weird cycle. About 7am I woke up with cramping and needed to go toilet. Bit of diarrhoea again, and I also noticed some spotting on the tp. A few hours later when I went for another wee, there was a slight hint of pink again when I wiped. So put in a pad and assumed AF was definitely on her way....

Noticed though that since this morning, my cramps haven't reappeared, no more diarrhoea and no more spotting at all. When I asked hubby if I've been moody at all recently, he said that I've actually been quite pleasant and not a moody, hormonal bitch like I usually am for around a week before AF comes.....

So due to the spotting and cramping this morning, I didn't get a hot when in town as I thought AF was definitely on her way for sure, but looks like she's staying away so far.... Last night, and I've felt this randomly at times looking back, but last night was more defined, I felt like a bubbling/butterfly feeling in my lower stomach like few inches below my belly button. No idea what that could be....

Gutted I didn't get the hpt when in town, as wont be going there again until Sunday/Monday now and its about 20 mins from the village I live in, just to buy one thing. If I don't get moody etc by Monday, I will definitely be testing :)

Baby dust, sticky vibes and good luck to everyone

9 years ago

Hi Ladies,

I've been laying low on the boards after getting pretty discouraged after the last one, still been keeping up with you all so far though (I hope). A big "Hello & Welcome" to the new ladies.

Kelley- I also struggled with the OPK's until I started doing them at least every 12hrs starting on CD10 (I usually O on 13/14). This time I caught a good one, but only one test was positive so if I would have skipped that test that night, I would have missed it. FX for you this is it!

Lolo- You've really got me thinking now.... I've been doing the same thing. "ooo that really sounds good" then after a few bites not so much. :) Trouble is, we're both on P pills. Really Really Really hope your efforts pay off this month!!

Margie- I think we are almost cycle buddies (today is 6DPO for me) FX for you!

Afm, ... I dont know, the progesterone makes it tough to figure anything out. The only thing that is different this round that was the same last Jan (CP) is my short fuse. EVERYTHING is irritating, even get irritated with myself a LOT!

to those that are still waiting

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9 years ago

Thanks everyone! I have booked an appointment at the hospital on Tuesday after that I will get a time for the scan. Hope it wont be a long wait. I'll keep you updated

Lolo: I have my fingers crossed those are early signs and not side effects.

Keep your hopes up, I did not get a bfp until several days past expected period. I have my fingers crossed for all of you still ttc.

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9 years ago

I uploaded a pic of my negative opk... I know that it is negative. It is the darkest looking one I've had so far. Sad isn't it!! I'm on CD 23. Hopefully they will continue to get darker and I will o soon. I can only hope for the best. Keep the Faith!

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9 years ago

Well ladies I sure didn't see this one coming

AF is officially 2 days late today and this morning I decided to check again and this is the darkest BFP I have ever gotten. I used a Walmart cheapie first, went to feed the baby and squeaked when I came back to check because I was so sure I was out with my stark white BFN at 11dpo. I confirmed with this frer. 2 weeks ago I shared that I had cramping at 3dpo and was wondering if I was Oing late and I guess I was. That would make my BFN a 8dpo test and that was just too early. I updated that I should be somewhere around 12-13dpo.
Thank you all for the encouraging words. Your well wishes worked and AF stayed away. I m sticking around to cheer everyone on :)

I am due 2 days before Valentine's Day :)

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9 years ago

Yay!!!! Congrats NYchick!!!!!!!

9 years ago

Congratulations NYChick!

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9 years ago

And then about 5 hours later took another test and you can barely see the second line while the other negative test from this morning still has color. grrrrrr never going to o!

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9 years ago

Im very new to this site! Hopefully we have a sticky baby, if so my edd is Feb 14th!

9 years ago

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