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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 11 years ago



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Sorry to hear about your smell! That happened with me too!! It went away pretty quick for me tho thankfully. I am glad you were able to talk them into giving you the 12 weeks scan! Its weird they couldn't hear it on a doppler yet? We heard ours at 6 weeks. But you don't have much longer to wit at all! At 12 weeks it really looks like a little baby but with just like a curved neck still. That's so exciting!!! I can't wait to hear about it!

At my appointment they had some scheduling conflicts so I wasn't able to get my scan but they are going to have me come back Thursday for my mid-pregnancy anatomy scan and all of that fun stuff! At my appointment they just gave me a basic 4 weeks appointment. Now when I go in they measure from your pelvic area to the top of your uterus (which is at my belly button now). And they can hear the babys heartbeat on a regular stethoscope now so they do that too. And thats about it! Pretty uneventful. I am excited for my scan and to see how the baby has changed! I am showing really good now and feeling kicks regularly. However, the baby is breech so when I do feel kicks they are all in my cervix!! It is weird to get used to but great to feel him kick! I'm hoping he flips around soon so I can feel them in my belly!! haha

Hope you're doing well!

10 years ago • Post starter

How are you doing? How did the anatomy scan go?

I have been away at my Grandmother's funeral. I am so pleased that she heard about my pregnancy before she died. It was also really good that basically everyone there had heard about my pregnancy as a result. It made things so much easier. I didn't have to make excuses as to why I wasn't eating all the little sandwiches and sausage rolls afterward.

So I was almost better from sickness feelings when yesterday I had the worst day ever. I was so nearly sick a number of times. Even went into the bathroom at work and stood looking at the toilet. Wasn't sick though. I think I am starting to get better again now. 11 weeks 1 day today! Tummy is definitely sticking out now! It is going to be very hard to keep hiding it another two weeks at work! We have holidays after that. I would prefer to tell them later rather than earlier, but we shall see. It might come out before then accidentally!

My amazing little sister has sent me a bag of maternity clothes. So happy! I really needed some more outfits! Now I will have plenty to keep me going the next couple of weeks. After that I won't be so concerned as then I won't need to hide it! I am not sure when should tell my students. I might wait and see how long it takes them to guess... I have a group of kids who will probably find out sooner rather than later and word will spread.

10 years ago

So sorry to hear about your grandmother. It sounds like a good thing that she was able to know about your pregnancy before she passed, I'm sure it made her very happy!

And I'm glad to hear your nausea is easing up some!! And that you are starting to get a little belly! I didn't start to show that early at all! I bet its difficult to keep it from your students! I bet they will be excited for you when they hear the news! You are starting to get up there now in weeks! Not too long and you will be out of your first trimester :] How exciting!

My anatomy scan went really well! Our little man is definitely a show off!! He was wiggling around like crazy and sucking his thumb!! When she went to look at his feet he was even wiggling his little toes at the camera! It definitely brought a tear to my eye to see him wiggling his toes and sucking his thumb he is so much like a little baby now! The doctor lady told me that I have an anterior placenta meaning its in front of the baby instead of the back of the baby. The baby doesn't mind at all the only thing it means is that kicks and punches will be muffled since its like he has to kick through a big pillow.

I went to a maternity store yesterday with my husband to try to find a dress but they were all way too big for me, it looked like i was wearing a giant tarp! haha So it looks like I'll just stay in normal clothes this pregnancy.

Last night I was walking down the stairs in my house and accidentally stepped halfway on a step and fell right down them! It scared me so bad I was worried about the baby. But when I fell I landed straight on my bottom and slip down a step or two. But my husband reassured me that the baby has a big cushion with all of the amniotic fluid and he probably didn't even feel the fall. My back hurts a bit today but I didn't have any spotting or anything and I used the doppler today and heard the baby's heartbeat so I assume everything is okay, it was just scary!

Hope everything is going well with you! Don't you have a scan coming up soon?

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh my goodness so glad you are both okay after the fall!! I have heard of women being in horrific car accidents while pregnant with internal injuries but the baby being perfectly fine. They are very hardy if healthy.

That is great about the anatomy scan. Must have been so fun! I am very much looking forward to seeing the baby move in our next scan. That will be in 10 days time. I will be 12 weeks 5 days.

I am almost counting down the days till the end of this trimester. Not quite because that would make it seem like time was passing even slower! I find that if I try to think about it less time seems to go quicker because suddenly I think about the date and another few days are passed. Some people say that it is the end of the 12th week when you are likely to be safe so I am waiting for that before I am happy. I have a friend who miscarried at 13 weeks, and she had a good scan at 12!!! She had announced it on facebook even. So we will not be doing that. Definitely leaving the facebook announcement till much later!!!

My mum was joking about how many months i was because my belly was sticking out so much at the funeral! It is just such a contrast as I am normally slim, sometimes too slim.

I often find that things like maternity dresses are far too big looking. I think they make things like that for end of pregnancy wear rather than throughout. There are so many "normal" clothes that work as pregnancy clothes these days that I don't think it is much of an issue. Dresses in particular depending on material and style can fit right the way through (I think). I am still trying to hide it so that limits what I can wear.

10 years ago

I feel like If I am paying attention very day it seems to go by slower too. After your first trimester it seems like it does go by faster. There will be weeks now that Ill be like has it already been a week? Seriously? haha I am 20 weeks now and I hope it keeps going by this fast. Im enjoying being pregnant but I am SO excited to meet my little baby. The way it works here its a little confusing. You are actually a week farther than you are. For example I am 20 weeks 2 days so some people consider it to be 13 weeks because I am 2 days past the 20 weeks part. I don't count it that way tho. I will call myself 20 weeks until I reach 13 weeks. The other way is just too confusing haha.

I know what you mean about the regular clothes still fitting. I am very skinny too. I can still wear extra small in dresses which is the smallest size available here. And my baby bump sticks out all cute like I really enjoy it. And now that by uterus has risen up and its not all down between my hips anymore I find it a lot easier to find pants and getting them to fit haha. My appetite has greatly increased lately, I feel like I need to be eating all of the time now its getting really hard to limit myself and eat healthy.

I understand you not wanting to tell people on facebook yet. That is a big step and cant be taken back once you do. I posted it on facebook at about 10 weeks and got a lot of support. Its just a decision that nobody will know when it will be right except for you. I am so excited to hear all about your scan. It is such an amazing thing to be able to see your baby :]

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi! Hope all is still going well for you.

I passed the 12 week mark, and am now 12 weeks 3 days. Two more days until my ultrasound! We told most close family this weekend so REALLY hoping the ultrasound shows good things. If not, there will be a lot of untelling to do which I cannot imagine doing at the moment. If all is well we will start telling friends on Thursday. I think I will leave telling work until after the holidays (three weeks time). If my tummy pops out during the two weeks break then it will make the telling all the easier! Apparently I am nowhere near as big as I imagine. I have put on weight though! The correct amount according to a chart I found. I will keep plotting it to check :)

I still can't feel my uterus (or else have no idea of what I am feeling for!) I know it should be rather big by now, but still hiding? One day I am sure it will be obvious!

10 years ago

Hi! 14 weeks today. My ultrasound was great! Everything measured right. I still don't feel like I will be completely excited until the baby is here. I keep thinking after the next milestone, but that only keeps me satisfied for a short while, then I think "anything could happen, and if I get really excited now, it will only make the fall harder". Still, I have been thinking about future things. I planned the arrangement of furniture in our house which we plan to move into in about a year and a half! I am also planning for a trip to the UK next year. Looking at options for baby items to take which us that will be light and compact. We might have to buy some stuff over there.

Speaking of stuff. Now that I have made the announcements to most friends and family, I am starting to collect hand-me-downs which is fantastic! A friend with two little girls brought round a whole lot of more neutral type clothing for the early months. That is great! I am happy to take anything which allows me to buy less. I don't think I will need to buy much in the early days (apart from those things for our overseas trip...)

How are you doing?

10 years ago

So glad to hear everything is going great with you!! And that is great news about the ultrasound! I know what you mean about the anxiety...unfortunately that doesn't go away. I am 23 weeks now and still constantly worry that something will happen to my baby even tho I know that the chances are incredibly slim. I think that just means that we are going to be good moms who care about our children! :] Your trip to the UK sounds exciting, I've always wanted to go there!!

I am doing good. I can't remember if I told you about my 20 week anatomy scan yet or not? I'll keep it to a minimum just in case I have haha. Our little boy is nice and healthy! He is about a 12 Inches long and weighs over 1 pound now! He was wiggling his toes at the camera and sucking his thumb! Everything was great but I learned I have an anterior placenta. Meaning its in the front instead of the back. Its nothing bad and doesn't effect the baby at all. It just means some of his kicks are muffled like he is trying to kick through a blanket or something like that. But I can still feel his kicks pretty regularly. My husband has been able to feel them and you can even see them whenever he kicks! My belly just jumps around haha.
Tonight we are going on vacation to see all of our family. Its going to be a long drive about 10-11 hours long. I am not looking forward to being stuck in the car that long but it will be fun once we get there. We are going to have a party to celebrate our baby with our family that we don't get to see often so I am looking forward to it!

So glad to hear everything is going great with you!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good to hear things are going well with you too. That baby size seems huge!! I amazes me how fast they grow.

My placenta is also anterior! They mentioned that at my last scan.

I talked to my sister with a baby today. She said don't buy anything as they have everything we could ever need! That is great :) Leaves us with money to spend on other thigs, like our trip! I haven't been to the UK before but my husband has. So looking forwrd to it. It will be an adventure!

10 years ago

Hi!! How are you doing??

I had a great midwife appintment yesterday. Baby heartbeat was great to hear! She found it immediately. I have gained 2.5kg in the last 6 weeks which is spot on for what is expected. It proved how inaccurate my bathroom scales are, they only show a gain of 1-2kg! I have been trying for a while to locate my uterus and haven't found it. Discovered why. It is huge! Almost to my umbilicus and it should only be halfway between my pelvic bone and my umbilicus!!! She checked I had had a scan to confirm it wasn't twins!! I am 16 weeks today. I remember when you were talking about being 16 weeks, I thought that was so far away I would never be there! But here I am :) In a month I will be halfway through the pregnancy, crazy thought!!!

So I have to do a glucose tolerance test in the next week or two. Doesn't sound fun! Then an anatomy scan in 4 weeks.

10 years ago

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