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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 11 years ago



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Oh I am so pleased to hear the HSG went well!! That is a relief as I really had no idea what to expect, but now I do :) I think the reason they didn't get me to do one earlier is because I had a miscarriage right before I first went to the specialist. Therefore they thought my tubes (or at least one!) were probably clear. They did do an ultrasound in which they checked all sorts of things like uterus and ovaries.

I had heard that you were more fertile after an HSG but didn't know the effect lasted for 3 months! I really hope that's what does it for you!!!

10 years ago

Tomorrow I have my next test! Im a little nervous for this one.. I woke up today feeling sore I guess you could call it. Not exactly what af cramps feel like more like my uterus and stuff just feels tired if you could imagine that lol. I guess its from being poked around and expanded so rapidly. The spotting from it is very little but that is normal they said. So basically im just nervous about tomorrows test because I am already sore so im afraid it will make it hurt worse. I considered calling and postponing it but im ready to have it done. So I will see how I feel in the morning and if I think I can handle it I will be back up here tomorrow hopefully telling you how well it went lol. This test is basically the same thing. They insert a catheter through your cervix and pump saline into your uterus making it expand and fill up with fluid. Then they give you an ultrasound while the fluid is in you and it is supposed to help better visualize what the inside of your uterus looks like. They can see if there is anything in there like scaring fibroids tumors or anything like that. Then they pull the catheter out, the fluid runs out then you go on about your day HOPEFULLY pain free lol. After that I have the whole string of blood tests on cycle day 2 or 3 and probably an ultrasound then they will schedule me an appointment to hear the results from all of the tests and then on to whatever is next lol.

How are you doing so far this cycle? Im on cd 10 so that should mean you are past your o time now right? Good luck this month :]

10 years ago • Post starter

I cam imagine that test tomorrow will feel weird! I suppose it makes sense that you are feeling a little sore after what they have been doing. It is probably good to get the second test done even though you are already sore because it sounds like they will again be expanding things, so if you waited then you will have to go through the soreness all over again.

I am CD16 and haven't ovulated yet. I think it is close, but so hard to know! I don't trust OPKs at all, particularly as I had to buy a new lot for this cycle and each batch I get seems to be slightly different. I am watching cervical mucus as well of course. My temps are well down and estradiol is increasing so watch this space! I just don't know if it will be today, or 5 days time! So hard with irregular cycles.

10 years ago

Well today went well! It didn't hurt at all either! It actually picnhed less today when he put the catheter in than it did day before yesterday. Once he started to wiggle around the ultrasound wand and I could feel the catheter moving around I could tell my cervix was still sore. It didnt hurt just felt awkward. And I didnt even notice when he started to put the saline in. They actually let dh come back and hold my hand this time lol. It went relatively well. The doctor said he didn't see a fibroid but did see some calcification in my uterus. I'm not too sure what that is but he said it isn't too terribly bad. They cyst was still there and measured 2cm almost an inch. And I have another appointment on feb 12th to go over the results of both test and have my bloodwork read and stuff.

Sorry to hear you are still waiting to o. I bet irregular af is a pain! My cycles usually stay between 27-30 days thankfully. Yeah Im funny about opks here recently too. Kinda seems like they dont turn like they should or get as dark as they should before they start going back neg. I quit using them too!

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh that is good that the test was so much better than expected! Must be a huge relief to have them done. It seems a long time to wait until your appointment! I am always so curious about test results!

I think I am going to ovulate very soon. I had another estradiol blood test today and it is as high as would be expected about a day before ovulation. I have also had very sharp ovulation pains this afternoon. Might be ovulating today. Kind of hope it happens tomorrow as it is our wedding anniversary then and if we got pregnant we could say we conceived on our wedding anniversary :) I also want another chance to BD as we only do it once every 2 days. OPK also got darker today, not an official positive but it probably won't go positive! I almost didn't bother buying them but they were very cheap and it is a good backup confirmation sometimes!

10 years ago

Happy late Anniversary!! I hope you both had an amazing day!! Thats good you think you are about to ovulate! I hope it happened for you and you were able to get the timing right to conceive on your anniversary that would be a great story! haha
Yes Im so glad the tests went well! All that worrying for nothing lol. We find out the results feb 12th because I have to take a cd 3 or 4 blood test and that wont be until the 30th or 31st because right now im on cycle day 14. So I guess that was their first appointment available after that. Once af shows I might try to call to see if I can get it sooner. Im skeptical about this month because yesterday was the first day we were able to bd since the tests and today or tomorrow is my o day and we bd every other day too. So Im a little nervous I wont catch it this month but we will see!
How are things going for you?

10 years ago • Post starter

I think what you are planning for BDing should be fine. You only need once in your fertile time! We do every other day usually but because I was sure I hadn't ovulated despite a temp rise we did two days in a row. It was great timing! The day before ovulation and the day before that, both the best statistically for conception! So I am happy. Had another temp rise this morning so must have ovulated yesterday. I did feel some more interesting cramping so much have been it! It has been a really weird cycle. CD20 was my ovulation day, which is the latest since I started on the clomid. I am just so happy we managed to BD twice in those fertile days, and that I knew my cycle and the signs so well that I could tell when I hadn't ovulated despite temp rise! Yay!

Just had some friends who live all the way down the other end of the country up to stay with us for a night. We had such a lovely day catching up today! Beautiful sunshine too so my mood is fantastic :)

10 years ago

Glad you had such a fun time! how are things going now?

Today I am on cd 22. Im not sure how many dpo I am this month bc I didnt use opks and Im not sure if all the tests delayed o or not. But I am about 8 days from my expected af start date. Not much new with me. I have been having crazy amounts of cm the past week, and fertile cm at that. usually this time of my cycle its pretty dry and I usually only get like a day of barely any fertile cm. I assume its something to do with the tests I had done, Im not taking it as an early sign of anything. Even tho this month I feel like I wont get my bfp because of all the tests and stress I can already tell that I will be more disappointed than usual since the tests are supposed to boost your fertility but oh well lol. Hope you are doing good!

10 years ago • Post starter

I am 8dpo today. Feeling pretty happy at the moment but just tryng to keep from analysing anything. My temps have been amazingly consistent since ovulation and I am sleeping well again. These are probably linked I know! I also have 8 days until I expect AF.

Are you BDing in case the fertile cm you are seeing means you are ovulating really late? I would be so lost without charting! I am a bit of a control freak...

Hope you can find some time to relax so you have energy to cope with whatever happens at the end of this cycle :)

10 years ago

Yes we still bd'd :] I cant temp because every week we switch shifts from days to nights. The temps would be too irregular to chart. Plus I am a mouth breather at night and if you breath out of your mouth at night the temps arent accurate unfortunately.

how is your cycle going?

I am currently 2 days away from when af should show. I started getting crampy today so I expect it will show unfortunately. I was really hopeful for this month but looks like it will be a no go. I also found out one of my best friends might be pregnant with her 3. Im so hapy for her but I cant help but feel a little jealous lol.

Hope things are going great for you!

10 years ago • Post starter

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