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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@sunaet- I ate SOOOOO much pineapple core! Lol. Got burnt out on it. My cabinets are full of so many different supplements and meds that I've tried over the years. I've really lost count lol. Just have to keep experimenting and find what works for you .

@pinkster- YAY TWINGES!

Had my yearly OBGYN appt today for more birth control. I've been with the RE for over a year now so I had to update my regular OB on everything going on. That was a doozy....trying to explain my past year in 5 minutes LOL. Apparently since I last saw her, she became certified in helping pcos patients with weightloss. So she's really excited to try a brand new medication on me. She said the way it affects how my body deals with blood glucose/insulin, it will make the weight melt off. I'm 5'1" and 166 pounds. With pcos, it's VERY difficult to lose weight no matter diet or exercise because of the way my body holds on to any sugars. I've lost weight in the past but my pcos makes it a butt. So the new meds should help. And in the long'll improve my fertility! So I'm excited!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Better yet, Pink, I figured out how to bookmark it! WaitingOMM, that's definitely overweight and besides fertility, even, there are lots of great reasons to lose weight. You will feel more energized and confident and your heart and joints may thank you. I am short like you, 5'0", and most of my adult life I have weighed a 122 pounds and then last summer I ballooned up to 138. I felt horrible, I looked terrible, and I got pregnant and physically, I felt even worse. I ended up losing the babies and went through a horrible depression. When I started to come back to life, I made a commitment to lose the weight and in that year since then, I have lost the weight plus more. I eat a super, healthy, regimented diet and I run 4.5 miles most days of the week. I hate the word, "can't." I respect medical professionals, tremendously. However, I am a firm believer in helping ourselves as much as we can before relying on outside assistance. You stated that you lost weight in the past, so you know you can do it...!!! A big part of it is keeping it off!!! Oh, one more huge husband finds me much more attractive without the extra fat and it has definitely improved the !

We're having a baby!!!

8 years ago

Waiting OMM, I am confused about the birth control. Is it to regulate periods, help with weight loss, or both?

We're having a baby!!!

8 years ago

Sunaet - for some women with PCOS, it isn't as simple as cleaning up their diets and exercising. I admin a group of thousands of women on FB who lift weights as their primary exercise, and the women with PCOS have the most struggles, even when eating properly and working out 6 days a week. Each of them has to look for the right combo of macros, calories, and workouts that will work best for her, and it takes some of the women years to find that sweet spot. Some of them have to add cardio every day even though for most women, lifting is enough of a cardio workout to not have to add anything. I am really happy to hear you found what works for you, though! I'm sure it will help in your fertility journey.

8 years ago

Tara- I'm glad the doc has something that may help. I know you've done strict paleo and worked out with your hubby. I'm sure the fertility meds have not helped with some weight gain, either. Maybe this will be the thing that works best for you.

8 years ago

Thank you, Phat...hope so!

We're having a baby!!!

8 years ago

I got the results of my genetic test (NIPT done through LabCorp - brand name is InformaSeq) 2 days ago. We are having a girl! Our girl has a 97% chance of having Down syndrome based on the test results and my age. I thought about having CVS done to confirm, but CVS also tests placental cells like the test we already did. The results would likely be the same.

The only 2 possibilities in my specific situation that the test is a false + is placental mosaicism where the baby's DNA is different from the placental DNA that was extracted from my blood or vanishing twin syndrome. There was no sign of a twin in any of my ultrasounds. So, we will likely wait until 20 weeks and have an amnio done so we know for sure but when the odds for miscarriage are lower.

If our baby does have Down syndrome, my chances for stillbirth from now until 25 weeks are about 30%. After 25 weeks stillbirth odds decrease but are still higher than in normal babies.

I'm still trying to absorb everything. I'm processing information, hoping the test is wrong, and trying to wrap my head around having a special needs child all at the same time. I will keep you all updated as I know more.

Right now, I'm having my first gestational diabetes test done in about 2 weeks, and I have my anatomy scan scheduled 8 weeks from now. That's all I know for sure.

8 years ago

Hiya ladies (10DPO)
Phat-hang in there lovely, I know of 3 people that have had that test years ago and their baby turned out perfect, thats not coincidence, my sister was one of them at the age of 41, Im 46 and still not given up yet
Sunaet-thank you for your lovely comment and I hope your right, bit scared to test tom in case it shatters my dream world at mo and its a nasty trick how are you and where you at mo
Waitin-same, thank you, what are you up to, any news/updates
& to all -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Pinkster - I can't wait to see tomorrow's test!

8 years ago

Phat, congratulations! You will be in my thoughts... I cannot imagine what you are going through right now but you seem like a very strong and resourceful woman who is not afraid to reach out and seek the solution to what life's answer is for you. I realize everyone is different and circumstances are not the same. However, I know that if I received a"diagnosis" like the one you did, it would not change my love in any way for the child. I hope you have a strong and loving support system, always helps. -Pink, I saw this morning's test and I still see a line. I hope the line gets brighter... I may be the biggest hypocrite for saying this because I am guilty of letting anxiety get the best of me, but "one day at a time." As far as me, I am hanging in there...I am in a bit of an emotional rut right now, incredibly frustrated. But I have to believe everything will be better. I start work on Monday, which will help my mind not to be so fixated on myself :( I am waiting to ovulate...I hope everyone has a wonderful day and if I don't talk to you before the weekend, I hope that is a wonderful time also .

We're having a baby!!!

8 years ago

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