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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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thanks soooo much @Phat! Thought I would jump on and read what was going on before I left for work today and u made me cry! Love tough love! Thanks girl! I'm sure DH will be A LOT more grateful to you too! haha

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

Mooney - you're welcome!

Holly - it's so funny that you have that on your signature. I just told Shay the other day that I see lines like psychics see dead people, then I was holding one of my tests saying to myself, "I...see...lines."

11 years ago

@Shay thanks for telling me about the $ Store tests. I didn't know that. That helps. You asked if I was positive about when I O'd and the answer is no. I never used OPKs or anything - I was going to graduate to that if we didn't get pregnant by December. As a matter of fact, I use an android app on my phone called "Period Tracker." I have been using it about a year now and I have 28 day cycles like work! So according to the app, it predics when I O, so perhaps I did O late...never thought about that! In terms of the diluted could be. I've been drinking lots of water and ginger ale for my upset tummy and recuring urge to barf. It is like something is stuck in the back of my throat. I swallow, but it won't go away...odd. If you find out anything about my faint lines, let me know.

@Waiting...I thought the "Screw Dead People; I See Lines" was a hoot. Had to have it. I wish I could change it to say, Screw Dead People, I see FAINT Lines" LOL. I got it from They have others for us POAS addicts. Now that I think about it...maybe I will go there to see what they say about faint 's. You asked when I get my blood test results. They said 3 days. So I should have them by Tuesday. I sure hope so. My OBGYN does not want to even see me until I'm 6 weeks and I am scheduled to be in Europe at that time. As a result, they had me scheduled for September 26, so I decided to take matters in my own hands! I Googled it and found and paid for my own test, printed out the Dr.'s authorization, and went to a local LabCorp and had the blood drawn. Needless to say...I might be switching OBGYNs because why tell a woman over 40 who had a previous miscarrage that you don't want to see her until 6-8 weeks? You would think they would want to confirm I'm pregnant first...go figure. Sorry, I'm getting off topic. I'm rather chatty today. your way, hope stays away! As I chant... !

@ Impotts, sorry to hear showed. Hope you hear something good from the doc next week. for you!

@Phat...glad you are back! Missed you, but I am so sorry that came. I want all of us to get a ! We deserve it.

Thanks for the advice. My squirrel hole has over 20 right now and I'm now hiding them form DH. He thinks I'm weird for saving them. We went to get dinner to bring home last night and I had about 10 used ones in my purse. Sad, but true. I wanted to see what the lines looked like in natural light, so I pulled them out while we were in the drive through waiting for our food. He said "they have pee on them!!!" I said yes, but the part I peed one is covered by the cap. He just looked at me are wierd.

and to all!

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11 years ago

Well Ladies i just got back from my GP (general practitioner) and i have gotten a new diagnosis to add to all my other medical problems! I have Chiari Malformation, GREAT! I also spoke to him about the endometriosis and he said that it is very likely that is what i have considering other medical issues of mine and symptoms they cause, Someone just shoot me, I am not even 30 and I am falling apart JOY!!

Holly- I am about to head to work and i will do some research there and see what i can find.

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

dont worry hun i been falling apart since i was 18 lol and im only 23 now lol

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11 years ago

Lammy- I am 25 and i was first diagnosed with Von Willebrands at 11 and JRA at 13 lol I am a mess needless to say!

Does anybody believe in the Chinese Gender Calculator?
I am not buying because according to it DD is a boy lol I am 100% + she is not a he lol

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Sheesh Shay! You are falling apart sweetheart!! Just looked the diagnosis up...Dh said your symptoms sound like you feel drunk half the time. Dont know whether to or at that. I'm sorry honey! Does your doctor have a treatment plan or anything? If your curious, ask your doctor what he thinks about craniosacral therapy by a specialist. He may give you a cocked eyebrow though. LOL.

I'm sorry Impotts! Well, I'll still be here 2 weeks from now when you're ovulating again...maybe we'll be cycle buddies! Same to you too Phatdarling! Yes I just called you Phatdarling!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Tara- i dont ALWAYS feel drunk but i get periods of feeling like it mostly when i end up working overtime=15+ hours in a day. I HAVE NOT heard of craniosacral therapy since med school. I do not think it would be beneficial in my case seeing as i am not longer a child l0l Its underlying theory is false because the bones of the skull fuse by the end of adolescence and no research has ever demonstrated that manual manipulation can move the individual cranial bones. Thank You for the suggestion though, We are going to look into surgery because i refuse to take narcotic pain medicine. YET another surgery, this time much more serious. It may not have to happen for years on in though, THANK GOD. If the symptoms quickly get severe then surgery will be pushed but as of right now they are manageable.
PS. Its ok to laugh because that is the way i initially explained to him what was going on, "I get these spurts where all the sudden i feel like i am hammered! And at work its not a good thing, I have had a PA ask me have you been drinking" that is what led to the MRI to see what was going on.

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Raise your hand if you had to Google Chiari Malformation. Wow, that really sounds like it would suck!

Holly - at my OB the prob isn't usually the docs. It is the idiotic front office staff who have an uncanny ability to tune out pregnant women with legitimate concerns. I have found that I have to ask for what I want very specifically with my stated reason, and oftentimes I have to leave a message for a nurse. Here's my suggestion: call back Monday, tell them you have several different + pregnancy tests, the newest tests have fainter lines, you have a history of miscarriage, you are already high-risk because you are over 40, you are worried you are having a miscarriage because of the hpt's, and you want blood work and a sonogram to confirm the pregnancy is still viable. HcG readings don't mean a lot when you only have 1. 1 reading will only tell you what you already know - you are pregnant. It's much better to have 2 readings 2 days apart to see if the levels are doubling. If they don't make an appt right away, ask for the nurse, if the nurse isn't responsive demand a call from the doc. If the doc isn't responsive find out if your insurance requires referrals. If they don't, call a high-risk ob (maternal fetal medicine doc) to see if you can get them to listen & see you. If not, get a new, more responsive ob. My ob office has 8 docs. Maybe just ask to see the first available & even see if they'll let you come in & wait. Be persistent. I have found if you repeatedly call until they get sick of you they will see you just to shut you up.

11 years ago

Hi ladies! I just happened to check my email and I received my beta results from Personalabs! That was faster than I thought. I thought I wasn't going to get them back until Monday or Tuesday.

My Beta was 8 mIU/ml on yesterday (13 DPO) - Confirmed BFP, but that is lower than what I hoped. However, since I did not use an OPK to determine O, I may have O'd later. If so, that might also explain the faint lines. While I started stressing over it, I went to: It is a great website with some good info on Betas. The good thing is I did see that there were those who reported having successful pregnancies at my "estimated" DPO and some were even lower.

I still feel preggo. Sore boobs, lower backaches, and fatigue. Also, for the last few days, I keep getting a strange pulsating feeling on my tummy (it is like a strange muscle when your eye twitches, but instead my tummy is doing that! Feels really bizzare. The only thing that is troubling me now is a sharp prickly pain I periodically get on my left ovary (feels like a cyst).

is due to today and she has not reared her ugly head, so I'm still in it to win it! At first, I was getting really sad about my results and then I thought I should just be thankful that my BFP has been confirmed.

Okay, just wanted to update you guys. I have to go take a nap. I'm pooped.

and to all!

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11 years ago

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