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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Geesh I know the feeling I'm only 7dpo an last night I had the worst headache you can imagine. My breast are not sore but tingling.. I had a restless night of sleep last night an my breast were uncomfortable while sleeping.. Again tonight the same thing around same time never had this before.. Tested an bfN

8 years ago

Koffee do you usually feel something different around this time?

8 years ago

Koffee --> Screwed up sleeping positions because of sore/tingly boobs is the worst! I'm a side sleeper, but while I was pregnant it got to where I would sleep in a nursing bra (the most comfy bras out there) just to keep the girls in a good spot! And I'm not just a member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee - I'm also the president!

Tara --> YOU are the inspiration for us all! God IS using you, love. Even if it's not in a doctor's office or medical setting, He is using you to help and reach women like us. Women like me who want to know what all this mess REALLY is, what the meds do, how they work, and oh - I'm NOT a crazy woman, I'm just hormonal! Follow wherever He's leading you! That's the entire reason I started my blog!! Not only does it provide the therapeutic benefits of journaling, but it allows me to reach other women LIKE me who are going through a similar process. So they can hear it straight from the horse's mouth, not just the fact-based info you find when you're researching things! In a perfect world, I would get my doula certification and be a proffesional doula for a living. But the Lord decided that after 12 tears of TTC, He would give Matthew and I a beautiful boy who's autistic. I'd like to hope that He will allow me to be a doula for friends/family (at no charge to them, of course!) along the way, but the certification is just not the path that He's chosen for me to walk. Love you girl! And don't worry; if He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it! You'll have the strength and inner peace to attend your sister's appointment, and you'll be happy for her; even though you are dying a little inside. Because that's what you do. You hold everyone up around you, even when you're hurting ... and that's why the people around you care for you so deeply! God places angels among us to guide and uplift those they can, in ANY way that they can. And I believe YOU are one of those angels!

AFM: Almost barfed all over the inside of my car this morning! Only explanation I could come up with was that once my belly got completely empty, the hCG from the Ovidrel about made me toss my cookies. Thankfully I ate in time to keep from being sick. Not much to report today. Had a jammie day with my son after his speech therapy this morning; he came down with some HORRIBLE diarrhea this evening. I'm thinking that maybe he came in contact with a tummy bug from school, since he's not eaten anything out of the ordinary. I did manage to ravage his Daddy tonight though! Since my RE wanted us to ONLY tonight (since today is O day), but we did last night AND tonight, I think I'm not gonna stress over tomorrow. If it happens then great, but I'm not wanting to make it an item on the daily "agenda" so to speak! Y'all think I've got my bases covered? We BD tonight, last night, and two nights before that.


8 years ago

Well I was going to take a test today but I woke up feeling like AF is about to show. I'm pretty sure I will cry. Gonna wait it out a little while longer.

8 years ago

Wishing lots of and for those like me that need to over the weekend, for those that are waiting for one at mo and stay away you wicked wicked love n luck to all -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Can I ask you ladies a stupid question, should you have sex the day before the line is at its darkest or the day of it and is OV day the darkest line day, the day before or the day after, not sure when to exactly say what day I ovulated and start counting, sorry to be so dumb :( -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Wow do I have a lot to catch up on!!!! I will have to take an hour out of my afternoon and read all the way back :-)

Pink, OV day totally depends on who you ask. I get two days of positive OPKs so I always consider day two my OV day. We have sex every other day leading up to OV then day of and day after my first positive OPK.

2Frsty, I tried the link you posted to your blog but it didn't work. I think you got your bases covered on the BDing :-) I read back a bit and seen the pictures you posted. I'm sure you have tried everything under the sun for it, a friend of mine uses 100% pure organic coconut oil and rubs it on her face every night before bed and she has noticed a tremendous difference. Another friend has it all over her arms as well and she uses the same thing for it. Holy cow that is a lot of eggs!!!!!! I did 2 weeks of stims and only got a total of 21! The US pics are awesome like that. My RE won't use that for measuring though, strictly for a "hey check this out" kinda thing. Lol

Hopeful, Congrats!!!!!! When do you go back for another draw or are they just scheduling you an appointment to see the Dr.?

@Cate, how have you been feeling??

Tara, maybe it will be good to go with your Sis. I was dreading it too until that ultrasound popped up on the screen and I seen my nieces heartbeat. I cried! I cried like it was my daughter :-) Probably for a number of reasons and my sister knew one of them was because I so desperately wanna be in her shoes but you could always tell your Sis you are just excited if you cry.
You should totally go be the lady that tells us women everything the Dr doesn't tell us!!!! :-) And no you are not crazy, I feel god does have a plan for you. I do feel like it will definitely have something to do with all this madness.

AFM, I go in for my retrieval today! We will know today how many he retrieved, tomorrow we will know how many fertilized, and at day 5 they will send off for the PGD/PGS testing! We will also know that day how many made it to day 5, they will then be frozen for roughly 6 weeks, then we transfer!!! This has been a crazy roller coaster, the meds 100% made me feel pregnant. I gained weight, boobs got HUGE, emotional wreck, happy, excited, and a bitch. All at the same time. My Dr warned me about the highs and the lows but it's crazy. It was an easy experience, I would definitely do it again in a heart beat. I think had I not had to deal with my damn insurance company everyday through the entire cycle it may not has been as crazy. The shots do not get easier, not for me anyways. It got harder and harder to do. I finally just had to stop watching it go in, I would turn my head and just push! I will definitely NOT travel again during a cycle. We ended up with 21 follicles, we will only get eggs out of half probably. 5-7 for sure, if all the 10s grew like they had been then we will get 10-12. I had 8-10 under 10mm so they will not produce right now.

I will get on this afternoon while I am laid up resting and catch up!!!

8 years ago

Waitingonamiracle- Amen! God IS good! And I dont think ur crazy. I truly do believe God has a plan for u. And for EVERY single lady on this board trying to get that BFP and a take home baby.
I'm sorry about the sister situation I kind of know how that can be. One my closest friends 2 years ago announce she was pregnant at the same time I did except my pregnancy ended at 3 months with a MMC and she carried her baby to full term and she would complain about her symptoms or her baby kicking her and hurting her side and it would make me so mad and it always made me want to say "well at least ur baby is alive and kicking, u should be grateful u have nausea and sore boobs because other ladies long for that" but I had to pretend to be happy while inside It was killing me. It's tough.

aharris- wow 5 days late! That's gota be good right? Is that normal for u?

babydreams- i feel the exact same way about this forum and u ladies :)
Also I don't have any bloating and got my BFP so there's still hope girl! Hang on to it!

Koffee- don't be discouraged, 7dpo is still really early for a BFP. Uncomfortable boobs was on of my first symptoms before getting my BFP this month so maybe just maybe this will be ur month keep us updated!

2frsty- I think u got ur bases covered and high five to not stressing over it, I would never be able to just say I'm not gona stress because not stressing makes me stress more sometimes lol if that makes sense

Pinkster- I would say do it two days before and then the day of the darkest line, at least that's what I did. Or do it the day before and the day of, either way if u did it whitin the "recommended" time frame there's nothing else u can do but wait

xomandyxocheyxo- thank u I have to go back next Wednesday to get another draw. I think my Dr wants to keep a close eye on me because of my past MMC so I'll keep u guys updated on that. I'm really hoping this baby is a take home baby.

8 years ago

Thank you HopefullMommy and xomandyxocheyxo, light today so darkest line will be tom so we did this morn, hopefully tonight and tom night, fingers crossed, so will dpo day 1 be tomorrow? thanks guys, your help support and advice if fantastic, this should be an eventful weekend for us all hopefully either with or -x-x-x-

8 years ago

No, I'm never this late. I did a family dollar test (not fmu) and got a faint line but I'm still not convinced. Gonna test again in the morning with a FRER.

8 years ago

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