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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Phat, did they do the basic genetic test or the one that test for 200+ genetic disorders? My RE originally only did the basic which only tested for about 50-100, thats when I found out about the MTHFR and SMA1. After I decided on IVF is when they did the more extensive one and found the Sanfilippo Syndrome A and Fumarase Hydratase Deficiency. Do they want to test your DH?

8 years ago

Mandy - They did one that checked 102 things. I'm considering doing 23 & Me to check for others. They have not mentioned testing him. Right now I'm not having my husband tested but am considering it. I am more focused on having my children checked right now because MTHFR can cause behavior issues. My son has ADD & is very defiant, my middle daughter has been displaying symptoms of ADD since she was about 5 or 6, and my youngest has some concerning meltdowns that are not what you "normally" see in young kids at that frequency. I got an order today to check for a glutathione deficiency and for heavy metals (urine). My RE's office doesn't have what they need in house to send them to LabCorp, so I will have to go on my own. My van was acting up today, so I came back home instead of going to the lab. Everything I get done is about 1/2 hr from my house.

I had my homocysteine levels checked today & imagine I'll have the results early next week. My ultrasound showed nothing of concern on my left side. She could only see one possible follicle starting, and the 30mm one I was really worried about is completely gone along with the other 7 or so I had on it.

My right side has 16, 11 & 11 follicles already, and there are 4 other smaller ones. The bigger ones are possibly follicles left over from last cycle that have not yet resolved. She said the RE will definitely exclude the 16mm as viable. She is supposed to let me know if they are going to switch me to Femara to start tomorrow, and if they do they are supposed to prescribe Estradiol for my lining, too. The RE did agree to prescribe me MetaNX instead of just stuffing me with extra folic acid like he originally suggested. Once I know I am tolerating the MetaNX well, I will add methyl B12, see how I do with it & start looking at other things I may want to add.

I have had severe depression, ADD, and anxiety for as long as I can remember. I am 41, and by age 15 I was on anti-depressants. If I had been born in another time, I would have been given meds much earlier. If my MTHFR mutations are the cause of my disorders, fixing them could be the single biggest life-changing experience of my life outside of the birth of my children. I have hope for the first time in a very long time that the remainder of my days will not necessarily be with me and this cloud over my head. I literally wake up daily wondering if it's the day I'll be in bed for a week because my depression has me paralyzed like it has in the past when my medicine stopped working. It could also be huge for my son as we have had some very heartbreaking things happen with him which could possibly all tie back to MTHFR. It could mean my daughters may never have to face the mental challenges we have had. So while I'm frustrated we've never been tested, I have something great to look forward to for the first time ever. I am extremely emotional and grateful right now.

8 years ago

Pinkster - good luck!

8 years ago

Oh ive no idea, I did ask they said its for glucose, kidneys, iron and a few other things?

8 years ago

Thank you Phatgirl, good luck to us all :)

8 years ago

Well, this is just fucking fabulous. My RE considers the larger follicles cysts left over from the Clomid from last cycle, and he is putting me on birth control this month. Birth control turns me into an absolute lunatic, and I usually gain 15lbs in one month of it. I'm pretty sure I'm about to lose my mind just thinking about it.

8 years ago

phat - WTF?! I hate birth control! The only kind I've ever had good luck with was the Mirena I had inserted while DH was in Korea last year. Ugh! I'm sorry!

AFM: I have FINALLY started spotting! Well, not really - but my CM is tinted light pink; hasn't made it's way to my panties or the TP yet though. It's eminent. Last few cycles I've had (especially the ones with the long LP) have started out this way. And of course my body did what it always does, and has dicked around all week and now I won't be able to have my baseline u/s until Monday. They said that it shouldn't be a problem, but considering that I usually O early on CD 12, I hope it won't cause any issues. He's starting me out on 150 mg of Follistim. Does that sound like a lot? I've seen where most women get started out at 25-50 mg at first. Think it's because of my age?


8 years ago

2Frsty - I think Monday will be okay since your first cycle day will be on your first day of red bleeding. I don't know very much at all about fertility drugs or normal dosages. I would guess if the dose is high it's because he thinks it's warranted with your history, but I really don't get how these docs make their decisions.

8 years ago

@2frsty- 150iu of Follistim is a pretty normal dosage :). That was my dosage. I was on 150mg for 2 days and 100mg for 3 more days. He only lowered me because it was the weekend and he needed the growth to slow til my appointment the following monday.
They know that a little goes a long way but since this is your first time trying something so potent, they will be watching you closely. Follistim is easy to change dosing based on the click pen design so after a couple days of injections, they'll likely rescan you and see if dosing needs to go up or down based on your follicles.

Hi Pinkster! I used to think the symptoms were all in my head but then I realized that progesterone levels can do some crazy stuff to you during the tww. How are you doing?

Sorry I havent been on to post. I'm doing good. Snowing here and taking down our Christmas decorations. Seems weird after putting up the decor in 60º weather LOL. Dh is removing ornaments so I better get off of here and help him out. Talk to y'alls later!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi there waitingformymiracle, thank you very much for your concern, do you have to pay for progesterone and hormone sort of things, still no AF and Im never late so might buy a test tom as 2 days over now, did another of the internet cheapies I had from a year ago, (but still in date) and still neg this eve, guess I may still come on over next few days and my brain stopped the AF coming? I dunno, very frustrating, will get blood result on Tues, (glucose, kidney iron) and then my partners doc will hopefully check his sperm sample next week. Snowing, how pretty but cold brr, good luck to all, in our madness lol :) -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

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