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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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I've been trying for about as long, it was kind of hard hearing from the doctor that I am now considered "infertile" since we haven't had success for a year. So now's here's what I gotta do:

1. Blood tests on CD 3 and CD 23 of next cycle for hormone levels.
2. Having a needle stuck up my cervix to inject dye into me to exam the functions of my uterus and fallopian tubes.
3. Having a surgery done where they will actually cut open my uterus and put a camera inside.
4. Hubbie is taking a sperm test.

What are their thoughts? They think that I either have endometriosis or my tubes are closed, but they said either of these cases are good because they are fixable. They said that if they find nothing, then I have unexplained infertility and that means that there may not be a cure.

Next few months are prep for treatments.

10 years ago

Hi all. Well I have AF-type cramping today - 11dpo. Could go either way! Was utterly exhausted at work today too. Have had an extremely busy time this week and last so I am not surprised at being tired, but the level of tiredness was a bit higher than usual. It is lovely having people be so positive for me - thanks :) Still a few days until AF is due.

That surgery does sound rather invasive TryingAndHoping!! We had a sperm analysis and the hormone testing at the 16 month mark but because I had had a miscarriage just prior to our appointment I suppose they decided those other things must be okay. This is our 19th month now.

Booking fertility specialist appointments are great ways of getting pregnant. Both myself and one of my best friends did that as soon as we booked ours. She is about to have her baby shower and I am still trying :( Another friend was about to start IVF after 4 years trying and she got pregnant the cycle before they were to do that!

10 years ago

Hi ladies sorry for being quiet a few days. It was that time of the month for me again where I sit and go back to the drawing board and rethink everything that has happened and how to go about this I said in my previous posts the past 2 cycles was crazy for me.....I just had about all the early pregnancy symptoms that a woman could possible get before she finds out she is pregnant.....and what's making it worse for me is that since I can remember my cycles has been 30 days with LP of the14 days and O on cd 17 with no unusual AF symptoms only the day AF shows up.....I have mild cramping, terrible backache and is usually very tired on cd 1......

But the previous cycle started as usual on cd 30, but O was on cd 16 and AF showed up cd I have no idea what is going to happen this month and needs to chart every single day from cd1. What I'm doing different this month instead of using OPKS , I bought Fertile-focus its a ovulation microscope that allows you to predict O by using your saliva . You will use your first morning saliva that is before brushing your teeth or having something to drink. Here is the web page if any of you ladies would like to read more on saliva-based fertility

How it works: Fertile focus detects hormones changes that occur prior to and during ovulation. As estrogen increase, "ferning " or crystal patterns can be viewed in dried samples of saliva. I bought it yesterday and has started this morning with my fms to chart my ferning ......

Then DH and I will go see our doctor to make sure we are both well and able to have a baby.......this will be our 4th cycle ttc....very optimistic and excited to go and see the doctor on Friday for my own piece of mind....

Good luck with your appointment Liz keep us informed I'm sure things will go great...Shelob good luck I'm also positive that is is your month for BFP...

Goodluck to the other ladies who is still in their 2 ww ......sticky vibes

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10 years ago

I am glad you took some time to rethink things and have a plan Dixieheart.

This morning my temperature has gone back up to where it was around 7dpo with my progesterone peak. There are only three cycles in my history of TTC where it has been this high at this point in the cycle. My miscarriage cycle and two others. So this is good! Very pleased! Tomorrow I go onto spotting alert. Any spotting in the next couple of days and I will know that I am not pregnant.

The problem with this cycle is that I know these things could just be effects from taking the clomid! I might not spot at all due to good progesterone levels, but still not be pregnant! I want to keep my hopes up though as I have no way of knowing. Best to wait it out. Planning to test on Monday (although AF could easily come Tuesday, don't think I can hold out that long!)

10 years ago

Spotting has started today :( I always spot a few days before AF so looks like this month hasn't worked :( But still, we know I ovulated with a good sized egg and good lining. We haven't known those things before so hopefully next month works better. Statistically it should! 20% chance each month...

10 years ago

Good morning has things been going?

Liz how was your appointment at the doctor?

Hi Shelob sorry to hear about AF showing up this month...I was so sure that this was your month for your BFP.....but like you said there is always next month.....

I have told you ladies already about my crazy cycle change......well my cycle changing from 30 to 29 days was not the end of unexpected thing happening......AF showed up on Tuesday which was a day earlier than usual.....and yesterday she packed her bags and left.....also very unusual......AF usually stays for 5 days.....this new cycle was only 3 days.....not that I'm complaining just a bit out of the ordinary......

I'm excited and nerves, we are going to see our doctor this afternoon and hopefully everything will be just fine......

Today I'm on cd4 not sure when I will O, still checking my saliva every morning no ferning as yet......

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10 years ago

Hi ladies!
Sorry to hear about af shelob. But it is great news that you know everything was so healthy last month! That should give you lots of confidence! With great cycles like that you should have your bfp in no time!

Hope your appointment goes great dixieheart! Im sure you will get some positive reinforcement from your doctor. Let us know how it goes :]

And as far as my appointment I still havent called to make my appointment. Im really nervous to call so I keep putting it off. Bad I know...

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies.....DH and I had a very interesting afternoon......

Our doctor appointment went very good......overall the doctor is very happy with our health.....he also said as long as AF shows every month I'm sure to O every month and no need to rise alarm for the sudden change in my cycle......he also said I need to relax and enjoy our ttc's to early in our journey to start to worry why we not conceiving.......I'm in good health and so is DH......

We had a sperm count done and will have the results back next week Wednesday.....I also had blood test done to rule out a few concerns that I might have........the doctor said he is convinced it's all about timing for us and is positive that I would get pregnant sooner than later.......

At least know I can relax and is sure the test result will come back positive next week....

Know I just need to track O this cycle, I'm still checking my saliva every morning and will start using Opks again on cd 12......

I can understand your worries Liz, but the not knowing is worse for me. I hate uncertainty.......I'm sure it's also just bad timing for you guys.......good luck and let us know when you have made the appointment.....

Shelob how are you doing? AF showed up as yet.......I'm sure the coming
cycle will be as positive as the previous one.......

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10 years ago

Hi girls. I am still only spotting ever so slightly, not even really brown yet. I expect AF the day after tomorrow based on previous patterns of spotting. That would mean starting a new round of clomid on Monday. I have already put all the dates into my spreadsheet where I record and analyse everything. Statistically I should get pregnant in the next couple of cycles on clomid. If not then reevaluation time I suppose.

That doctors appointment sound nice and reassuring Dixieheart. There's no harm in getting those tests done, and it's so good for peace of mind!

Lizhaley, there is nothing to be scared of with making an appointment. The hardest thing for us was admitting there might be a problem. But it was better to at least start the process because you go on a long waiting list to see a specialist. In the time I was on the waiting list I managed to get pregnant, and miscarry, and then go to my scheduled appointment! I was pleased I didn't cancel it when we got pregnant!

10 years ago

Good morning ladies....

Shelob that is wonderful news......I'm so excited for you.....I'm so positive for all of us that our next cycle will be positive and the waiting would come to an end.....

I feels much better since we have been to see our doctor you said Shelob ......for my own peace of mind......

Liz it's really worth going to the doctor irrespective of the's feels like you can breath for the first extra stress guessing and wondering.....

Well today I'm alone DH is in his final semester of his Masters degree in Mechanical by the end of this year he can also take a breather....he can then rest for 6 month before he enroll to further his studies.....

I'm so proud of him, he is working terrible hours, studies so hard and find time for our family.......I just love him so much, and really trying to make things as comfortable and exciting for him at home, it's the least I can do....

Today I feel like baking not sure what yet.......

Good luck with the new cycles ladies and baby dust.......

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10 years ago

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