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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Tara the pictures are BEAUTIFUL! I love hiking and taking pictures! I hate when our Dr's don't call back then we are scrambling to get in. Hopefully you call today and they get you right in at some point. Praying for you!

Jess, my AF came full force Saturday night.

Phat, Good Luck today!

Hi Holly!

Hi Athena!

AFM, I will call the RE today to start my Femera. We are doing one last IUI and if it doesn't work we are moving forward with IVF. We will meet with the Dr in December and get everything approved the our new insurance to start IVF in January! We changed our insurance and beings we own our company we got to decide whether or not we add the IVF rider so we added it. We did have to switch to BCBS but they have great coverage so no biggie. I just wished we wouldn't even be needing it. SUCKS! I never thought I would ever be needing to do IVF.

8 years ago

First off- I got the day off! Woohoo! Makes things easier today.
OK...called the dr. The nurse said that the dr and other nurses were gone friday that's why the receptionist didnt call me back . I know they call back if it's an emergency but cd1 isnt too 911 lol. They squeezed me in at 11:15 so dh and I will be leaving in about 15 minutes. I'm so happy I got in today otherwise I'd have to wait til thursday.

I'll update as soon as I get back :)

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

@xomandy- I NEVER thought dh and I would be discussing IVF either. No one ever warned me or mentioned the possibility of infertility. My family members all get knocked up at the drop of a hat. Figured we'd say "have let's have kids" then boom, have a kid. Tell you what has definitely grown my character and pulled me closer to God. Part of me is awkwardly thankful for everything I've been through. Otherwise I would have never been blessed with all of you in my life :)

Ok so here's my re appt....
May I say it's really weird getting an ultrasound while being on your period.
Anyways, doctor came in went over my chart. Didnt need blood work surprisingly. Nothing of any surprise on the ultrasound, just my chocolate chip cookie ovaries.
I start my immune suppressants today and he said I'll take them til I'm 8 weeks. I also start clomid today (cd3-7). Once my AF is finished, which will be thursday, I get to start my heparin injections! I was kinda shocked that he wanted me to start them before ovulating but it's how he does it apparently. Friday, I go in for a follicle check at 11:15 again. Depending on how my follicles look, we'll start the Bravelle FSH injections on Saturday. He said that he's very picky when it comes to over stimulating for non IVF cycles because he doesnt want me to get like 4-8 follicles, trigger and then have extreme multiples. He just wont put me in danger like that. So we're shooting for 2-3 follicles. I want the bravelle cause it's supposed to result in better egg quality.
We did have the discussion of IVF...which sucked. He said I'm not really a candidate for it but with repeat losses it maybe my only choice if this treatment doesnt work. But we'll have a couple more tries at it before IVF. He went into depth talking about our view of IVF. I told him we were fine with it to an extent, meaning we dont want 30 embryos sitting in a freezer somewhere. He also talked about he possibility of multiples. He said he never wants to put a woman in danger so he wont trigger me this cycle if I have more than 3 follicles. We can still just have sex but the trigger would put me in danger of quads or more in that case. Then he went in deeper with discussing selective reduction in case of large multiples. Made me sick to my stomach as he talked about shooting potassium into my babies to stop their heart beats. I'd never allow it so we decided on not over stimulating so we'd never have to have that argument.
SO, I'm getting ready to head out to the pharmacy to pick up my prednisone, clomid, foltanx, prenatal and tomorrow I'll pick up my heparin and syringes!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies,

It's been a long time, thought I should give you guys a break from me. I wanted to let you know that I was induced on the 12th, went through 14 hours of labor before I stopped progressing at 9cm and I had to have a c section. My Nalani Rose is 2 weeks old today and she's a very healthy baby girl. She weighed 6lbs 15oz and was 18 inches long. I'll post a picture if you'd like to see her

8 years ago

You better post a picture!!!! Girl we never need a break from you, do not ever think that!

Tara, I had FOUR follicles my last IUI. They allowed me cause I obviously do not get pregnant as easy as you! :-) I would never allow them to kill one of my babies either. NOT EVER! I'm so excited you finally get a real shot at this! I really really hope this is it for you! I will pray for you daily :-)
I hear Bravelle does give you better egg quality which is why I wanted to try them but my doctor insisted it would not increase my chances :-( BLAHHHHHHHH! I have a love hate relationship with my Dr. Part of me wished that I would've tried another RE that would have allowed injections just to see. But whatever, our insurance will not cover IVF so there isn't any point in pondering over what ifs right? Just move forward and hope for the best.

8 years ago


XOMandy - best of luck this cycle!

Tara - you know I'm thinking about you!

Athena - have you tested yet?

Jessica - you may be able to get something seasonal from now through Black Friday until your husband can go back to work.

AFM, I saw the RE yesterday. They're doing some blood work, and the way they do things, they do blood work then HSG, check DH's swimmers, and depending on his swimmers do IUI. It looks like our insurance does not cover fertility treatments at all. So, we will be waiting to do anything that requires an ultrasound or minor surgery until after the beginning of the year, so anything that is covered will go toward our yearly deductible. I don't want to take away from my children's Christmas in order to conceive another child. And, I may have to have back surgery next year, so I'd rather not have to pay my deductible back to back like that. I'll let y'all know what the blood work shows when I hear back.

8 years ago

enbutler - of course we want to see pics!!!

Oh, I forgot to mention my DH was diagnosed with low testosterone, and the recommended treatment through the doc was T shots. Turns out, according to the RE and google, taking those shots can actually decrease a man's sperm count to ZERO. That's right - zero. Your body thinks it's making enough T on its own when you take the shots, so it stops the natural production. Fucking great! My husband took 2 shots before we went on vacation not knowing this as they help with his erections. So, we had erections, but he may have had little to no sperm in his semen. There is something the urologist can give (like Clomid, I think) that can cause him to produce more T on his own. Or he could just do what I suggested which is lift weights. Gah!!!!

8 years ago

@enbutler, I have been so worried about you!!!! I hated not seeing any updates from you! I love to see & read about happy endings especially when it comes to you all! I wanna see pictures of your precious baby girl!!

Tara I'm so excited for you!! Feeling good about this month for you!! I can't wait to see you get your long awaited blessing.. I honestly can't wait!!

Mandy, you said it.. keep moving forward & hope for the best!

I had said I had a 2 day af, but yesterday after nothing for 3 days it came back bright red for about an hour & then nothing else since.. ? Weird.

8 years ago

Jace, my period this cycle was screwed up too! I started spotting LATE Saturday night. Had an overflow amount on Sunday then NOTHING since Sunday night after I got out of the shower! Not even a single drop or smidge until today. Today it is like a brownish, like it always is around day 4 when I stop bleeding. Who knows.

8 years ago

Here is my little munchkin.

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8 years ago

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