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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Jess- that's ridiculous! I would have a serious for about that. I would tell them either we're covered under this insurance or give back all the money that's been paid. There's absolutely no excuse to pay all that money and have this much of an issue with it.

8 years ago

He did tell them to reimburse him for everything we've paid in & wed buy our own! His next check showed health insurance reimbursement $25, then right under that it showed health insurance $25. So what was the point!! Then every week since they're still holding it out!
He said he talked to the owner of the mines & they were supposed to get it lined out, again. So I'll give it a few days then call n raise heck again if its still not working. I can't wait forever, 5 weeks today .. I want to go ahead n make an appointment!!

8 years ago

Hey girls! Happy Saturday!
@jace- 5weeks- woohoo! I was telling dh about your insurance issues and his jaw had dropped He couldnt believe the crap you're going thru. Sometimes our insurance company drives us nuts but then I look at the statements coming in for all the bloodwork and surgeries and appointments and I feel so thankful to have insurance. My bloodwork alone was $3000 but it was completely covered! My surgery on the otherhand...we're starting to get a few bills in of what wasnt covered. But it's no where near the thousands it would have cost out of pocket. I really hope you're able to get everything worked out...who is your insurance company?

@missdani- love looking at your tests :)

Well, dh's sister had her baby girl on thursday. They about 4 hours away so we'll have to plan a weekend trip at some point to go see her. Her cute wittle face makes my heart melt.
On another note...had my RE post-op appt yesterday. He did another u/s and my lining is too thick for a treatment this cycle so I'm on progesterone to jump start my next cycle. I'm happy thought cause I feel I need my pipes cleaned LOL. However, I was also was hit by a mac truck yesterday (not literally). During the ultrasound, the dr found a scar next to my right ovary with fluid trapped. Not good. He doesnt believe it's totally blocked. And it's something that can be hopefully fixed with a lapraroscopy. I may need one in the future. Because of this, he doesnt want to dick around with using clomid and getting one good follicle that may or may not get fertilized. If the scarring is endo or even an old infection of some sort, he's afraid of it progressing and loosing our chance at natural conception from the right ovary (which is usually the only ovary that kicks out eggs). Here's my ovary u/s.
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So...since he's not wanting to tiptoe around this based on my u/s, he's gonna hit it hard. On cd3 I'll have to come in for baseline stuff. Then start femara cd 3-7. He said cause my m/c's occured on clomid, he wants to try femara again but since femara didnt make me ovulated the first time I tried it, he wants to chase it with injectables from cd8-12. Then trigger with prescribed intercourse. I'll start a high dose of immune suppressants including baby aspirin, prednisone and heparin injections. Now going back....Injectables!! I wasnt ready to hear that cause I know the cost. Here's what I'm looking at...for a COI (controlled ovulation induction) they do packages. Instead of paying for each appt and an underdetermined amounts of ultrasounds, etc...they have a COI package that costs $375. Okay, that's do-able. Except, injectables, like follistism or menopur, are $100 a day! Meaning 5 days, so that $500ish depending on pharmacy I order from. So he said I'm looking at a little less that $1000 for a treated cycle with injectables. Here's the tricky part...we have $1400...BUT dh's parents' 50th anniversary is next month. And he's an only child meaning we take on the whole cost! We're doing it at their church, and it'll be potluck minus fried chicken and the cake that we'll bring. There will be 100 guests or so and invitations already went out this week. So we cant just say sorry you cant have a party now. Granted they'd understand I'm sure but I cant resend invites out saying nevermind dont come. So we just have to try to cut costs where we can. But no matter what, after this party, we wont have enough money for this next cycle to be treated. AND with everything going on this upcoming month...we think it'd be best to hold off. So we have about 10 days to decide what we're going to do. After my appointment, I drove straight to dh's work cause I needed a hug from my love. He spent his lunch break talking to me and hugging me. To top it all off....I had a horrible migraine yesterday and just wanted to take a hammer to my head. It was too much for one day. Take it one day at a time I guess. Until then, we plan to take my whole paycheck and put it toward the baby fund. So hopefully in a few months, we'll be able to do this thing. No matter what though...I know God is in control so I'm not stressing too bad over it. I'm mostly just stressed over the whole anniversary party thing. I went to the craft store yesterday too to price a few things for a wedding arch and got so overwhelmed! Seeing all the decorations, I just felt like this party was going to be drab. I'm more stressed over this than I was my own wedding! That definitely didnt help my head. I just walked out lol. Deep breaths Tara...deep breaths!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara... Deep breaths! I'm sure the party won't be drab at all, it'll be wonderful. 50th anniversary is a big deal but the celebration and togetherness is important part!! It's all going to be wonderful. I can't wait for you to do a treated cycle. I'm feeling good and positive for you! :)

for everyone! Dani TTC in my 20s for baby #1

8 years ago

Tara our insurance is KY health cooperatives, its through the whole obamacare. And we're not the only ones that are paying for nothing! He said there's 3 more that he knows of that's its not working for either! I want to scream every time I think about it :( hopefully since he talked to the main owner maybe something will get done (not holding my breath though). I was getting so excited reading about your doc wanting to jump right in & do a treated cycle - until I saw the cost Wooooahh!!! $100 a day just for the injectables! That is sooo crazy! I love your attitude about it though.. that no matter what you & dh will find a way & it is going to happen! I want you to know that you have been in my prayers every single night. You are strong, your faith is strong, its only a matter of time. He sees your trials, your drive, your passion, your tears.. and I know He's got something so special in store for you!! And I can't wait to see!

I hope you all are having a great weekend so far! We attended our friend's memorial this evening. I love how they made it a celebration of his life! I almost made it through it without breaking down, but when they spoke before the balloon release of all our most precious memories-and seeing his father (which is like a father to me) in tears..I just lost it. More tears of joy for the time we had with him, then more tears of sadness for his mom, dad, sister, & fiancé. As hard as it is for us I can't fathom what they're feeling. I know he was watching & smiling down laughing with us as we shared our stories. I was also fighting back the vomit hat was trying to escape because it was 95 degrees & it made me sooo sick! I can't take that kind of heat anymore! I was very thankful to have held it back. My son almost made me puke today too, he had pooped his diaper full & it had poured out everywhere! All over the chair he was sitting in, all over my nephew who was sitting with him, & all over his hands & arms.. he hollered "eeewwwwww look mommy, stinky swamp butt poopy!" I wanted to run...

8 years ago

@missdani- Thank you sweetie! Things are starting to come together. However, my mother in law found out it was going to be potluck and she freaked. She thought it was tacky but I explained that for the amount of guests she wants, catering alone would be almost $2000. And my father in law is obsessed with money so he doesnt want us spending barely anything. I just flat out told them that too make both of them happy, potuck was the only option. At least this way it can be pretty and still have good food. Besides, they live in the country and just about everything is potluck. I'm sure it wont be a big deal. I'm visiting the church tomorrow for some extra researching of the finer details. My sweet dad is helping build a wedding arch in the next couple weeks. My big issue now is the 50 year old wedding dress. It's in good shape but it's more ivory than white now and the smell makes me gag. Dry cleaners wont touch it and dress restorers want $200+. So we plan to just use some tricks to take the tench out. Anyways, enough about my crap LOL....How are you doing sugar cube???

@Jace- And how are you feeling honey? Hilarious poop story but BLAH! lol. I'm happy the memorial went well. I always lose it as funerals, especially tributes like balloon releases. You've just been put through the ringer lately with loss:(

AFM- I'm about a week into my progesterone. Just waiting for the pipes to self clean. Keeping super busy! Miss talking with you all :)XOXO

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara, hi honey!!!! The Anniversary Party will be AMAZING I'm sure :-) I totally understand the waiting to move forward part, still sucks for us though. However.... depending on when you guys decide to it we may be doing it the same month! Wouldn't it be amazing if we both got out BFPs together!!! Lol, I'm a dork, I know!

Jace's Mom, how are you?????

AFM, nothing much to report. Just working and trying to stay out of the heat! Well, unless I'm in the water but for the most part I hate being in the heat. We decided to remodel our house, spur of the moment but hopefully it will all be finished before we start treatment again in September. New floors throughout the entire first floor and all new granite counter tops, new sinks, faucets, etc.. in my master. Oh and we decided to tackle the fireplace project ourselves :-) We did the demo work yesterday and started on building the bases for the hearth and extensions in to our insets that are beside the fireplace. I'm dying over that mess!!!! It is going to be a disaster for a couple weeks I'm sure and I am OCD about cleanliness so I am already stressing over it.

8 years ago

May I join this board?? I was actually recommended to this particular forum by Kasey Cordell; we met on Countdown My Pregnancy while we were pregnant with our sons and have since grown into BFFs! My hubby and I started TTC again last year in January and did 9 cycles before he deployed to Korea in September. We did one Metformin cycle alone, five Clomid + Met cycles, one Soy Iso + Met cycle, one Soy Iso + Clomid + Met cycle, and one Femara + Met cycle. Had 2 chemicals, but just barely; I never even got a strong BFP, just very faint ones. DH was gone for 9 months, and we started TTC again in June when he returned. Did an extended Femara + Met cycle (10 days of Femara instead of the usual 5), as mu research shows that the results for the extended regimen are significantly better. (I kinda do my own thing as far as my TTC is concerned. I get the scripts and then play with them to see what works best for me.) Last month was a chemical. This cycle I did 5 mg Femara + Met, but had to do it on CD 5-9, as I was out of town and couldn't get my script filled to start the extended regimen on CD 1. This month has been my weirdest TTC cycle of all time. I have PCOS, so EWCM is almost a never kinda thing. FF put my O date as CD 11, but I had EWCM after O. I POAS after that and got about 12 false positives; I just went and had my beta drawn and my hcg was only at 0.6 I figured, "I'm 12 dpo today, so that's it for this cycle, right?" When I was looking at FF last night, I noticed that I had accidentally "discarded" a temp prior to O, so I went back and included it. I also changed the BFPs I had listed to BFNs, because with a beta at 0.6, they were obviously false positives. That changed my whole chart! Now FF and CTP are in agreement; based on my temps, I didn't O until CD 16, which means that I am now 9 dpo today, and started Progesterone suppositories BEFORE I O'd which is a huge no-no! As of last night when I checked, I'm back to EWCM and this morning I've got a metallic taste in my mouth. WTF?? Y'all are welcome to see if you can make some sense to my chart...


8 years ago

Morning ladies. Well, I planned on getting on here in the next day or so to say I was on cd1 but instead I'm getting on here to say....WTH is this!!!???
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He didnt see anything on my ultrasound that looked like I was going to OV or had already OV'd. I was put on 10 days of provera to jumpstart my next cycle. I had a bit of spotting after sex a few days ago. Figured AF was coming. Then nothing. I finished my provera on sunday night. Havent seen any signs of AF which can be normal with provera but on a whim this morning, I peed on a stick. I looked at the test 2 minutes later and saw this^^^^^^^. I just dont know what's going on! I'm trying to remain calm. I wanted to pee on a first response but I didnt save my pee and I have nothing in my bladder. Called my RE and I'm waiting to hear back on what to do. I need prayers girls!!!!!

@xomandy- I cant wait to see pics. Especially the fireplace. I hope you post them on fb :)

@2frsty- OMG! How is Kcordell?? She is so sweet :). Wow! Our ttc histories sound a lot alike. I have pcos too with multiple chemical pregnancies and have done met, soy, clomid, femara, vitex, myo name it! Looking at your chart, I have no clue. I'd say based on temps, you definitely ov'd but I know progesterone increases your temp anyways. Yikes...that is confusing . And waiting to find out what's going on sucks!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

TARA TARA TARA!! WTH????? I'm not sure to excited or terrified! Or BOTH! LOL. Please test in the morning :-) That is definitely a line!

2Frsty, Hi! Welcome aboard our crazy train. At least now both charts are agreeing :-) I think you ovulated already, now ride out the remainder of your TWW and hope for the best!!!

8 years ago

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