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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@xomandy- You really think my tests are dark enough? I know that's a stupid stupid question...I'm just so paranoid . I'd love twins :) It'd explain all the spotting!

Throughout the day yesterday I had so much bloating and tightness in my lower abdomen. Felt like my uterus needed to burp. Doesnt help that I havent pooped in 2 days!!! lol. But I had no spotting with the discomfort. But hours later, after checking my panties multiple times, I had a coughing fit while cooking dinner. Afterwards I went to the bathroom and for the first time I had some of the brown spotting make it to my pantyliner. It was like just old rust brown blood. Not alot, but I still almost passed out when I saw it. My heart started pounding and I almost threw up. I know it was old blood but spotting plus my history doesnt mix well for peace of mind. I talked to Alisha (the girl that was on here a couple years ago) and she said her dr had her take her actually progesterone pills and break them open and rub the liquid above her pubic bone. She did that til her 2nd trimester once a day. I had 25 of those pills leftover that my dr gave me so last night, I cracked one open and rubbed it on. Could barely sleep last night. Fell asleep with dh hugging me cause I needed to cuddle. Woke up and went to bathroom. Thank goodness there was only a tiny bit leftover from last night. I have my nephew today and I know af is due today. Sounds silly but I keep checking for blood every 15 minutes. So far nothing, Thank you Jesus. I was listening to the radio this morning, and Mercy Me's Flawless came on...had my bawling in the car. lol. Ugh...I sound bilpolar dont I?

@xomandy- what cd are you now? I have a hard time understanding that too. I have to think of it as...the parent's may not be the best but that god knows that baby's purpose and that it had to be born at that time to those parents for it fufill it's purpose. Still sucks seeing it though

@astrid- I cant wait for you to poas too!

@jace'smama- My nephew is ALWAYS trying to suck his toothpaste off his toothbrush...I could only imagine what he'd do with mouthwash! I'm sorry you're sick again sweetheart .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

I am 14DPO but since I started taking Femara I have a 15 day LP so I will test this weekend if I do not start.

I still am in shock at your awesomely dark two lines!!!! EEEEEKKKK I can't wait for your Dr appt :-)

9 years ago

Hey ladies!! Hopefully this is my month for a Bfp!! I am two days late right now I took a test the day before af was due and got a maybe faint line? But it was reallllly light and a blue test so I am trying hard not to be excited at all. Currently not to many symptoms sleepy and had crying spells ( crazy ones I just can't control really not like me ) last night ( tmi ) had sex with the husband and he said I tasted and smelled different like something he had never experienced. He also said I was really tight like he thought he was going to hurt me and sex was amazing. Lol any similar situations or experiences? Anyone else holding out on testing ?


9 years ago

I dont get to poas this month, my progesterone level is very low so i will probably get my period on time. :(

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9 years ago

Astrid that sucks.. Did you have your progesterone tested for any particular reason?

9 years ago

Xomandy my doc has me tested every month day 7 after ovulation. Dont know exactly why, probably to be 100% sure i did ovulate. This month my progesteron was 5, last month was 10... he says i will get my period. It is due on friday. Well, new month, new chances, right?

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9 years ago

Sorry astrid.. its so hard, this emotional rollercoaster we ride each month. Worrying about ovulating on time, perfectly timed sex, watching for blood... just to do it all over again. I think I've had more heartache in the past 6 months than I have in the last 5 years!! I wish I could relax and not worry about it but it's impossible.

I have been running all day and I'm so sick I don't feel like moving. Started taking my allergy medicine again, mucinex, and my inhaler so hopefully it'll help. My head is so stopped up that I'm staying dizzy and can't turn my head without having to puke :( And I had to pick my niece and nephew up from school so they're here til their mom gets off work tonight. At least they're taking it easy on me cuz they know I don't feel good and they're keeping Jace occupied so I can sit for a few minutes..

Tara my DH thinks I'm crazy now. I was sooo excited for you and was telling him about it. He says 'How do you know her?' I told him from the internet. He asked a few more questions then looked puzzled... then says, 'So you're just talking to random people about ttc?' I said it wasn't random, well I guess at one point it was random, but not anymore. Lol. He doesn't understand the depth of the pain I suppose. He just thinks if it doesn't happen then we'll try again and if it does great. He doesn't stress about it all like I do.

9 years ago

@cmmhopeful- sounds very promising! Wish I could see your test. Can you post it to the test gallery? Dh noticed my 2nd pregnancy that my vagina was tighter:)

@astrid- I'm sorry darling . I'm surprised your dr doesnt have you on progesterone.

@jace'smama- Eeek! Sounds like my childhood. I had ear infections that made me sooo dizzy and sick. I hope you feel better soon hun!
Lol at dh! My dh looked at me puzzled when I first told him about the forum. After a while, he'd start asking how 'the girls' were. Three years later, he knows every one by their profile name and knows every abbreviation. Lol... a few weeks ago a friend that knows about our ttc was telling me about her cycle. Dh was sitting next to me and she said, "Oh dear, this isnt disgusting you is it?" He laughed and said "Nope, I'm used to it now lol"

Did some research and found out I can use my progesterone pills as a suppository! YAY! Still spotting but only after a bm. It was pink-tan and freaked me out again but stopped right away. I read it's normal after straining. just trying to relax....

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

this is one active thread. I feel so emotional. I knew early with my last pregnancy and I am so moody. I'm testing everyday till the day before my next period. Yes I feel crazy. I'd love a positive. It'd be such a great Mother's day gift.

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9 years ago

my progesterone Levels are ok, it is just that when it is goind down instead of up that is a clear clue that af is on the way. You would think that after 2 years it is getting easier to cope with af but just gets harder and harder.

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9 years ago

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