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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Doing good! Cd14 and waiting to ovulate. Havent checked my cervix today and I'm out of opks. Feels like I'm winging it lol. I've been preoccupied with my cat and havent been over thinking this cycle too much. I've also been trying to escape sickness as much as possible. As soon as everyone finally got over the stomach virus, my nephew and sister both come down a nasty cold virus. So far I've skated past both! Thank you Jesus!

@xomandy- That would be so awesome if just the meds worked and you got your bfp! Fingers crossed for you sweetie. I tried femara but my body wouldnt respond. The only thing that has worked for me is clomid and soy. But then again, you are already ovulating...your dr is just trying for better eggs right? Cant wait for updates! It's been so quiet on here.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies hope all is well haven't had time to check in had been a rough 2 months been in and out of hospital with hyperemesis gravidarum and my various health issues but thank God that my baby girl is doing great 13 wks so far n she is bouncing around her little trampoline like a gymnast n keeps sending me to the potty. Just so glad my little one is doing great I don't mind going thru these passions as long as she's doing good.

Tara I'm glad u were able to get ur kitty help but man that very bill is crazy that's y my husband won't allow me pets I have 3 carta that I kind of adopted but he won't let me keep them last year we have a litter born under our house n he got a bowl problem don't know what it's called but his bowl was out his hinny I couldn't afford to get him help but took him to a shelter and told them he was a stay, and they actually helped him unfortunately he didn't make it at least he wasn't in pain. There was actually some people ready to adopt him he was a very locale kitty rip scrapy <3. U baby is so lucky to have u as a mom. Still praying for ur bfp may God make ur oven nice n fertile.

My beautiful little baby girl
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9 years ago

Hi ladies wishing you all a happy new year even with the rough start we all seem to be having !! :s

Tara I'm so sorry about your little guy..i hope he gets all better the poor thing..the bill is crazy too, did they not have an option of paying it in portions? Here in Canada, lots of vets allow this for emergencies..

Lila- are you feeling any better today?? I'm so glad to hear your little girl is doing well..

As for me I have nothing going on besides stress and lots of it..ridiculous but have kinda already started giving up on the TTC thing..feels like nothings working. DH going to see his urologist on the 22nd and will ask for a semen analysis, don't know what to expect..frig.

9 years ago

@sugaarplum- I'm sorry things dont feel like they are working. I feel ya girl! I'm glad he's asking for a semen analysis. That can help A LOT. I remember Lammy tried for a couple years and her dh finally had a SA and turned out he was taking too hot of showers. I have high hopes for you sweetheart.

@liliam- So they determined it's a girl?! Yea a girl! She's adorable! I'm so sorry you were having so many issues with HG. I'm glad she's holding tight though :). I think the dog had a prolapsed rectum . That's what it sounds like anyways. So sad.

Monroe (kitty) is doing good. Peeing like a champ! I'm still paranoid though. Dh laughed hysterically tonight cause he found me in his litter box squeezing a cat pee litter clump in my hand to see if it was warm and fresh. I had to make sure it was new and he passing urine ok! lol. Had to admit it looked bad but it's no different than checking a toddler's poop for penny ROFL!. I'm used to expressing dog's anal glands so it's no big deal to me. He's feeling good though. Right now listening to him run up and down the stairs, throwing himself against the basement door. lol...he's dying to explore the basement more. I just dont feel like pulling cobwebs and rolly polly carcasses off of him LOL.
CD 16...not sure what's going on cause I forgot to temp this morning. It's been one of those days. Went to my inlaw's house for dinner (first time since christmas cause they've been sick). Got to hear an ear full from my FIL about how it's stupid to spend so much money on a cat and it's just debt on our credit card. Some people dont understand that when you dont have have furbabies. And my cat is my baby. Also found out some interesting know the kind...makes you want to slam your head into a wall? Dh's cousin separated from his wife a couple months ago. Well they got back together last week. AAAAAAAAAnd SURPRISE she's pregnant!... with another man's baby . I feel horrible for him cause they tried for over a year to have a child and boom, she sleeps with someone else and get's knocked up. (She's 6 weeks). I didnt know whether cry, scream or curl up in the floor in the fetal position. But I held my head up and smiled (and that took A LOT of effort). I hope you dont mind me venting ladies...

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Well went for CD3 ultrasound and they did blood work to check ovarian reserve. I have 5 follicles on my left side and 2 on my right. He started me out on 100mg Clomid CD3-7 then I go CD10 for another ultrasound to check the follicles. So far no side effects, however it is only day two of taking them. I think the hardest part in all this is not having sex everyday.. Lol we have sex ALOT! And we think that has been a major issue due to him having poor morphology we weren't really putting that many good sperm in there. I dunno, either way I will do this till March then do an IUI w/injections! Yippeeeeee

9 years ago

xomandy- So you have more than 7 follicles left...that's just the main ones likely to be affected by the clomid this cycle?
I'm glad you're not having any side effects yet. I always took my clomid at night so I could sleep through any side effects. The only issues I had were a couple hot flashes and a random CLOMIDZILLA moment lol!!!
I totally agree!!! The every other day sex is TOUGH when you're used to doing it all the time. Granted, you can still get served but you feel bad that dh is on a hunger strike .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Tara so glad ur fur baby is doing so much better

Xomandy I can't imagine how hard it is for u ladies having to go thru all un tara have done to get ur baby. I pray that God blesses u ladies soon I wish I could give u some of my fertility. To make it easier for u to have ur miracle baby. But my thoughts n prayers are with u ladies

Update: just got my results from 12 wk ultrasound n blood work, everything came back normal n signs of downs or trisomy very relieved this is actually the first time I've had this done didn't get it with my other boys cuz I was young n healthy n really didn't know much. The dr scheduled me but I was nervous about it but God is great baby girl is doing great! Oh on that note Tara still don't know 100% if she's a girl but praying for a Lil girl ill know for sure in 5 wks when I have my ultrasound currently 13wks n 5 days. My husband keeps asking me when are we going to know every time we go to the dr if we ate going to find out. I have to keep reminding him that he had to wait until 18 wks. Now he just keeps counting down the days lol so cute but sometimes annoying to keep reminding him lol. Got to love his excitement my dh <3 wants his baby girl n so do I keep praying

9 years ago

Good Evening Ladies!

@liliam- So happy everything is going to smoothly. Fingers crossed for a girl!

Well...I may not have my twins yet BUT I did get to play momma to twin girls this weekend ! Dh's cousin stayed with us this weekend with her baby twin girls. She hasnt had much sleep lately since she also works nights so I volunteered to take baby duty....meals, babas, baths, diapers, and middle of the night diapers and babas. Great practice! They left earlier today so I'm feeling lonely and my house is really quiet. Makes me excited though. I'm totally exhausted but it'll be worth it. Lol.
Havent been able to temp past couple nights because of it. Cervix is feeling happy lately though lol.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

Tara I would have loved to experience twins!!! Well I took my last Clomid last night and am proud to say that the only thing that bothered me was the sweats at night. I stated sooooooooo hot! Ultrasound Wednesday.
I'm excited but yet kinda bummed we aren't doing an IUI this month. It was my idea but now I'm regretting it

9 years ago

Cant wait for the results!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9 years ago • Post starter

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