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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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im always up late lol i have trouble sleeping plus being in a new house dont help lol

so when i went to bed i had Synchronised pain lol just as i was falling asleep i screamed DH was like whats ups u ok was worried bless him i said i got shooting pains my light bbs this time the right one had been hurting all day anyways then the pubic area pain started then the cramps along with feeling sick and hot i didnt have a very good sleep at all

did a test today with fmu

the pains in bbs are like Electric shocks going through my nipple through the rest of the bbs it hurts soo much

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11 years ago

oh i forgot to add the crying has got worse like i said before im not a crying person but now everytime i see a baby hear a baby see a bump see a todler anything to do with babys and pregnancy i start the water works .
DH thinks its funny as he never seen me like this before

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11 years ago

She's Back..... AF came full force this morning. At least the uncertainty is over and I can start over again. I am kinda bummed. If this had been the month my due date would have been exactly 6 weeks before summer vacation next year ( I teach 5th grade) so I could have my maternity leave and the whole summer! But, oh well, onward and upward! Good luck to everyone in the 2ww. I really want to see some BFP's here!

11 years ago

I'm going to sound like a valley girl but...I've SO TOTALLY thought about the idea of making the forum into a book! I think it would sell like hotcakes by the amount of wet undies from peeing my pants laughing (not really but pretty close )...I think it would be a pretty funny read!

@shay- I'm afraid of spiders too! So that reunion was a nightmare! I wont go in my basement. We live in new construction so wolf spiders are crazy...luckily 95% stay down stairs. With some of the money I'm going to make watching my nephew, we're going to partially finish the basement to make another living area for Dh's computer & games since his present room will become a other guest room is my massage office and no room for computer upstairs. I'm sorry about your boys .

@alimaygirl- Welcome back to the crazy train!

@kadokshe- That sounded like an awesome dream...minus the worms! Eww . I have dreams of holes in my skin with bugs. Eeekkkk...ok I'm getting goosebumps talking about it! BLAH! I had a vivid dream too...a sex dream...with michael phelps. AHHH!!! I'm feel so guilty like I cheated! There was no actual sex but it might have gone there is if I didnt wake up! Thank you my annoying cat for meowing til I woke up! Am I a horrible person??

@phatgurl- W-O-W-! Talk about ripping a new one! Sorry if I've done that!

@Lammy-It sucks you're in pain but I'm happy you have such strong symptoms! I'm not crying when I see babies but I do hide an internal frown . I cant watch baby tv shows except teen mom right now. I just sigh when I see babies born.

@Canzis-I'm sorry honey but feel blessed that your body is working like it should! I'm on day 101 of my cycle and still waiting for my Fertilitea to kickstart AF.

Btw- dh's cousin was listening to One Direction all day saturday on her phone and it made me want to stick in my old NSYNC cd's while cleaning, which led to watching so old music videos.

I just imagine us being the one's in the padded room....staring at our shoes and climbing the walls!!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Lammy - I hope it's because you're knocked up, or he's really gonna think you're nuts!

Canzis - better luck this cycle!

11 years ago

Take a journey with me - a journey into the mind of a crazy woman...

I'm 4 dpo, possibly less. I had an Answer HPT in my squirrel hole, so I decided to take it. First, my heart dropped when I saw the pink go across the test that makes it look + like it always does, then I started examining the "line" I thought I could see. I took pics from 50 different angles, took the test apart to take pics, put it back together, and put it away. Then I went back later & looked at it some more. 1 teeny tiny dot appeared on the test line that was there when I first took it apart, so now my mind's eye is extending this teeny tiny dot the rest of the way making me think I see an entire pink line. So now I have to take the test apart again & look at it in all kinds of different light. My mind immediately starts jumping around - maybe I O'd earlier than I thought, maybe I really am pregnant, maybe I'm an idiot. So I'm still pulling this thing out every half hour trying to convince myself that is what any sane person would do. I need a drink...

11 years ago

Tara - absolutely not. And it wasn't meant to be mean, just real.

11 years ago

I do feel blessed that I actually ovulated this cycle, my last cycle was anovulatory and was about 64 days and the one previous to that was 94 days. I totally understand the waiting for my body to decide to work! I hope it starts to straighten itself out for you soon! I am also really hoping that this cycle my body decides to cooperate again! I have PCOS, like many others, and it is always a crap shoot! I have a good feeling about this month though, so hooray for positive attitudes! I will have to see if the positive attitude sticks around in the TWW! Ha ha, it generally doesn't. I feel like I have some control over the first half of my cycle, but the second half I have to just wait it out.... waiting makes me crazy!

I think a lot of people would read that book! They would google "feeling crazy" and find that book, and finally feel like they were not the only ones feeling that way!

11 years ago

if i thought i was confussed before i was wrong lol im deffo confussed and need the stright jacket to be made tighter lol

so i went for a nap as was soo tried i woke up in soo much pain the type of cramps i get in the 1st few days of so i was sure had come a day early so went to the bethroom and nothink but i did have very think CM i do get CM but not like this hmmm how can i explain this it was like think clear egg whites .

i will admit it im scared some of the this that are happing to me in the last few days or so ive never had before . getting and know due tomorrow is making things worse . i keep asking DH for hugs i dunno why but i just feel i need to be huged/held tight i think its cos im scared it makes me feel that little bit more safe

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11 years ago

Lammy, I ran to my computer in excitement to update everyone. I just went to the bathroom and my CM was weird. When I wiped the first time it was like thick egg whites so I probed a little more (sorry if it is TMI) and then it was thick and creamy. The best way I could decribe it, was almost like when you have a yeast infection (not full on cottage cheese though...just creamy). Kind of looked like creamy yogurt. I'm not itching or anything. I'm still having some cramps and had a couple of pains in my pubic area. I couldn't wait to post it because I think I recall reading that this strange CM could be a sign!

I am just catching up with what everyone is saying and noticed you are having strange CM too! Lord knows I hope this is a good sign!I'm having my own personal celebration . Too bad I can't tell anyone or they will think I am off my rocker or tell me to go to the OBGYN to get my CM checked out.

- Hoping for a May 2013 Baby!

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11 years ago

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