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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Not deliberately! lol!
Cutest thing.....Okay, as some of you know, I work 3 jobs...Jamberry, Massage Therapist, and Nanny to my nephew.

When I got home this evening, I had a voicemail from my sister. My nephew was in the background balling his eyes out. He had been crying non stop since I had left, like he lost his best friend in the entire world! She begged me to call her back to calm him down. So we did facetime and the second he saw me, he was clapping and laughing. He was so excited to see me again. It melted my heart. Since I had his attention, I decided to run over some sign language that we worked on earlier in the day. Ask him to show me his nose and his belly and he pointed to both. I then signed some different objects around the house. For everyone, he would find it and make the, light, banana, frog, bed...etc. It was so adorable!!!! Then we ended the call with him blowing me kisses! I love that little boy so much! He makes me feel like I'll be a great mother soon!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara - I'm glad your nephew makes you feel so loved. My LO is like that for me.

10 years ago

Baby magic don't start testing for few days after you stop the Clomid, you can get a false positive from the Clomid.

Tara that is so sweet, my youngest niece is like that for me. She gets sooo excited to see me and is extra happy if she gets some one on one time. She loves to rub my belly now to feel her cousin.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

10 years ago

9 dpo and BFN. I know it is early still rather upset.while searching for something uplifting I ran across this.

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That is just what I needed. We need to remain hopeful. #bfpsin2014!

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10 years ago

Baby Magic - don't overload on the internet! There's lots of good and bad about everything so don't freak out! I took the one round of clomid and look at me now! Let your doctor guide you and just keep them informed.

Awww - Tara - your nephew is adorable! You will be a spectacular mother, is there any doubt??

Phatgurl - you are amazing! Keep strong :)

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10 years ago

Bfn again today - 12dpo & cd25, so I'm sure I'm out. My guess is AF will arrive tomorrow.

In case any of you think you have the best mom in the world, I'm here to tell you mine is. With all this stuff going on with my son, I've been seriously questioning my parenting abilities. My son is in therapy for various things, and I've started therapy to learn how to have better relationships with my kids. He has had some legal trouble, and the court psychologist basically said our parenting led up to what happened. I don't know how much is attributed to me, my ex, or our multitude of spouses/significant others. So, I was telling my mom I'm worried if I cannot overcome my shortcomings I am not sure I am the right person to offer my son the best opportunity to move past what has happened and be a productive, happy adult. She told me that I was able to change myself & become a better person than who I used to be, and she thinks I might be the perfect person. She believes I can do it. I know it's not true that I'm perfect, but it made me feel really good, and my mom doesn't give fluff compliments, so at least I know she thinks I've turned out OK. :-)

Holly - hang in there!

10 years ago

OH Holly!! I'm right there with you!!!!!!!!!!
Woke up to a text that my childhood best friend had her baby early this morning. Aaaaaaand, my closest friend now (the one in texas), is being induced tomorrow.
Talk about a double whammy! Can I just stay in bed all day and eat chocolate! Forget the about chocolate whip cream vodka! Lol. However, I'm saving money and spending my Jamberry earnings on alcohol would be stupid lol.

I'm actually trying to make really good choices with what I put in my body. Been drinking smoothies for breakfast. Eggs give me diarrhea, oatmeal was the last thing I ate before I got the stomach flu the other week and cereal is just too carb-y to have everyday. So I decided to find some easy recipes. I've had one the past 2 mornings that tastes like a chocolate covered cherry!
1/4 cup frozen cherries
1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup milk
1 T cocoa powder
honey to taste
some crushed ice
I dissolve the cocoa in a little bit of hot water so it's more of a sauce. Then add everything to the blender. No kidding...tastes like chocolate covered cherries!
And if you dont feel like yogurt....
Take a box of sugar free/fat free chocolate pudding, 2 cups of crushed ice, and 2 cups of skim milk and blend. Takes like chocolate cake batter...add in frozen cherries and you've got black forest cake!!!!
There, that's my daily recipe! lol. It's amazing how cooking gets my mind off of stuff.

Hey holly- how did you add that picture? I've tried different ways but it always screws up the page. Photobucket updated and doesnt treat the link the same way. mom has always told me that...'dont give up on your miracle!"

Phat- your mommy is right! You are a great person honey...even if you dont see it :)

@kristi- thank you darling!

Dh called to chitchat during his lunch break while I was typing this and I started to cry. I just so badly want this IUI to work!!! I'm scared cause I see stories of other ladies trying for 5+ years and even though I know God has an plan for each of us...I worry that I havent been though enough to deserve a baby yet. Like I have to suffer more. What the heck is up with that!? That's the devil talking!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Tara - you should never have had to suffer at all, and it's definitely been enough already. When is the iui?

10 years ago

Probably first week in April based on previous clomid cycles. I'm praying we get our return before then. IRS says if you e-file and get direct deposit, you'll get it back in 10 or so days....21 at the most. If that's true, then we'll have it by the end of march for the IUI cost.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for the welcome everyone! And a super congrats to mephrika! I was in the middle of a message the other day when we got some bad news, so I haven't been on in a couple days. Good luck Tara; I've been praying for you for weeks now, and the rest of us too! My SO and I had a mc at 5 weeks a bit over a month ago and we ov'd this month so we're trying again. I'm 9 dpo and got a bfn this morning and so I'm hoping it was just too soon. I hate that I can psych myself into the symptoms even if not expecting! Drives me crazy! Praying for bfp's and sticky beans for everyone!!!

10 years ago

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