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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Memphrika, It's nice that you aren't having morning sickness. Hopefully you'll escape that symptom throughout your pregnancy. I'll encourage you to try to calm down a little, but I know how you feel. It's easier said than done. Just try to focus on doing everything possible not to risk anything. I'm praying that you have a this time around.

For me, I spotted last night, then AF showed up early this morning, YAHHHH!!! I've never been so happy to see the arrive, lol. At least I know that my cycle has started again .

And here I am, once again for the ride on this TTC journey. I need all the that I can get ladies!

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10 years ago

Memphrika - yes these babies are definitely taking over my body! But whatever it takes to make them happy and healthy! Just two more months I need to tough it out! Pray for my sanity!
I completely understand your worry. I went thru that in the beginning with this pregnancy because my last ended in a D&C because I had a blighted ovum. I was crushed. I was so worried when I went in for the first appointment. Then when I saw there were 2 I was worried for a while everytime I went in afraid to see that one didn't make it. I think the worry finally went away around 12 wks when I saw they were resembling little babies instead of beans. :) I also bought one of those fetal dopplers on line and checked for their heartbeats religiously. I still use it from time to time. But it helped ease some worry in between doctor's appointments.
Baby Magic, I've got my fingers crossed for you. If not this cycle, then give it all you got next cycle! Just have fun with the acts of "making" the baby. Lol, I miss it!!! My hubby jokes how he was in his glory during that time. He could get anything out of me, hahahahaha. Now he's getting deprived. I'm still in the mood at times, but hefting my big body on top of him just isn't sexy, lol. And now he's on 3rd shift so it makes it hard to coordinate our love life. Oh well.

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10 years ago

Hi, everybody!

I'm doing OK. 3dpo or something like that. Bd'd once, so let's hope that was enough.

Kristi - you could contact your local La Leche League office, and ask them who does fittings nearby. Just don't buy their bras, cause they suck for big boobs.

Babymagic - sorry AF came. On to the next O!

Tara - what did Parints decide to do this cycle? Did you ever get a + O?

10 years ago

Phat - once is all it takes! Fingers crossed for you!!

Baby magic - sorry AF came! Time to begin another cycle. How long have you been TTC? Have you been diagnosed with anything?

Tara where are you? Everything OK?

Another morning and still not bleeding. I hope the next 7 weeks fly by so I can finally relax!!!

10 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I took a TTC break. Also my computer died on me so it is being repaired. I hate using my phone, but wanted to check in.

Congrats Memphrika! I was so happy to see you got your BFP.

Good luck everyone else!

AFM, I have been seeing a chiropractor and an acupuncturist for the last 2 months. I also had an HSG a week ago to ensure my tubes are clear. They said I am good to go. I got a peak on my fertility monitor on Saturday, but so far no significant temp rise, so I am not hopeful. Infertility sucks!

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10 years ago

Holly - hope you O soon!

10 years ago

Hi Ladies!!! OMG! I am so sorry I havent been on since Friday! I take that back..I've been on to check on you but have felt too crappy to post.
About a hour after I made my last post, I threw up....and I continued to for the next 7 hours! Poor dh came home to find me with my head in the toilet and my pants soaked. I puked so hard, I lost my bladder down my legs. I can laugh at that now but at the time I was miserable. By Saturday morning the pain/nausea had subsided but I was exhausted, dehydrated and weak. Then that night, I had a relapse and was lying in the bathroom floor with dh for an hour crying and screaming in pain cause the cramps were so bad. They were even causing my back to cramp. He stroked my back and tummy til it started to relax then put me to bed. I laid in bed with a warm corn bag against my stomach and passed out hard. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday I spent recovering. I'm finally close to normal. Cant stomach many solids yet. Sticking with soups, applesauce and yogurt. Dh even stopped by the butcher and grabbed some beef bones so I could make a bone stock in the crockpot to heal my tummy. Cant wait for a hot cup when I get home!

As far as ttc goes...I got a progesterone test yesterday and it was only 0.6, so no ovulation. So I'm starting Provera tonight for 10 days then on cd 3 of my next cycle (hopefully in 2 weeks), I'll have more bloodwork and my baseline u/s, then start 100 mg of Clomid again. So that's where I stand. I'm sorta freaking out. We sent our taxes to our accountant and planned on using the return for most of the costs next cycle. However, he's packed and we're the 150th in line. So he wont have them ready to send off for 3 weeks! You know me ladies and you know that I'd only say this if I was desperate....anyone think an easy, inexpensive at home mani/pedi that last 2 weeks with no dry time sounds interesting?
I know, I'm lame but I'm praying for a miracle that I can increase my income. The Jamberry Nail wraps that I represent I think is key in affording my IUI. I was even having an impromptu party at LabCorp yesterday while I was getting my bloodwork. The tech there is ordering from me next week! She has gel nails but hates paying $60+ for a manicure so she's super excited to try Jamberry. You should have seen her face when I told her they were featured at NY Fashion Week and Mayim Bialik (Blossom/Amy from Big Bang Theory) wears them...her jaw dropped. lol.
But in all honesty, if you ladies or anyone else likes having your nails done but hates the high cost, please check out my website.....
I dont want anyone to feel like I'm pressuring them..I'm just throwing it out there. Cant hurt :)

Now onto everyone else's posts LOL...
@holly- I'm glad your hsg came back clean. I hope your temp spikes soon!

@memphrika- Parints did suggest an hsg in case all my m/c's have been tubal but she's not in a hurry. If this IUI doesnt work, we may do an hsg. The issue is insurance coverage.

@kristi- you're freaking me out!

@babymagic- I'm sorry love! What's the plan for this cycle?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

If anyone is's an example of our ombre polka and lavender sparkle wraps!
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Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

Yay Holly! We got our bfp after I had an HSG done during my last cycle. It hurt so bad for days afterwards and we only bd'd twice anywhere around the time Icould have possibly beven Oing. I pray everything looks great on my ultrasound Monday. But there is hope!

Waiting - I'm glad you are recovering. Your insurance doesn't pay for an HSG?

10 years ago

Anything that has to do with "treatment for infertility" is no longer covered. If it is, I'll have to pay some portion out of pocket and it depends on the facility that does it.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

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