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June 2015 Babies!

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Starting this now for anyone who is out for a May baby, as I am.

Post here if you're try for a June baby.

(I'll still troll the other forums, but I thought I'd make this one in advance)

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

853 Replies • 9 years ago



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Lolo, I am so happy to have a cycle buddy! I can't symptom spot based on the progesterone I am on, which makes me feel bloated and tired. Do you have any symptoms yet? I think it is too early for me. I probably will test this weekend, with a Dollar store test :)

9 years ago

Hi ladies

hope you don't mind if i jump on...

I'm 9dpo today.

I had a miscarriage in May just after hubby and I got married. since then we have been 'trying not to'. My cycle ahs been up the wop since then but i felt as though i was ovulating and we ' didn't try not to' lol. I've had lots of symptoms.. dull cramping each day since O day..a headache that lasted for 3 days and turned into a migraine (i haven't even had a headache for months and months, let alone a migraine) on Saturday (6dpo) i woke up with a scratchy throat that is really read and a bit sore but hasn't come to anything. Have had ewcm and lotiony cm since but today seems to have gone away? Ive had small sharp pains where i would imagine my uterus to be.. but on the right side i'm not sure if its that?

I caved this morning and took a test.. BFN... not even something i could pretend was even remotely like a line! I know it's too early but i can't help but think if i really was then it would have shown up... and also since i dont have much cm today? feeling a bit discouraged!

9 years ago

Hey everyone my name is crystal and I just had a possitive at 12dpo with a cheapy test and when I took a digital it was negative.ð??? I have my Dr. Appt. tomorrow and I can't sit still!!!!!!! I have been exhausted and very moody and I'm feeling a lot of "pressure" and little twinges more on my left side then anything. So
fingers crossed for tomorrow.

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9 years ago

Bumpin4Baby- I have been trying for 5 months now. So I know its not long compared to many.
I do have a luteal phase defect so I am just hoping I don't start to bleed. Normally I would in the next day or to. I am 3 dpo.

This site has been a good distraction. I love reading all your posts. Makes me feel so much better.

Question: Do any of you cramp at ovulation. I had cramps for 2 days and my bbs sore. i don't ever remember that happening when I wasn't trying to concieve??

I hope everyone is doing well. I went shopping today spoiled myself a bit.
Went to costco and bought some christmas stuff.

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

9 years ago

Good morning ladies!!

Lolo: !! You will get your BFP, remember, I said this will be YOUR month! :)

marcie: stupid AF.. You have the right to be upset when you feel the need to be. We spend a lot of time preparing and waiting to see those two lines on that HPT and from the moment that we do, our lives change and we get our hopes up and immediately start imagining the future. Hang in there girl. Next cycle will be OUR cycle!! Hopefully.

marcarla: Welcome!! Your symptoms sound promising! GL :)

amo: I had a MC in August at 7 weeks and 2 days so I know the pain. Your symptoms are sounding good so hopefully this will be your month! :)

Cryslynn: Digitals aren't as sensitive, so don't get discouraged. Take another line test and wait a couple days before taking another digital. GL :)

Holly: 5 months is forever when you are TTC. I find it hard to believe I am going on 7 months TTC. I never thought it would take so long.. This site is amazing. The girls are amazing and you will find that you will be friends with most of them. This is 3 months that I have been active on here and it has been a true blessing. GL to you!

AFM: Well, bought tampons yesterday as I was totally sure that Af had started and even thought it was CD1. I was wrong. I had a tampon in all night and this morning I only had a little spot of brown on it. I just checked my cervix though and it is still high and soft but did collect some bright red blood so hopefully AF will officially show her bitch face today so I can start my cycle.

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Thanks for the vote of confidence I took another line test today and its negative :( trying not to get discouraged as I have some "pain" in my ovary region . I have an appointment this afternoon so I will be sure to let everyone know the results!

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9 years ago

AH... sorry about the BFN.. yes, be sure to let us know!!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

Welcome to all the newbies! This is truly the greatest group of ladies to go through this process with. Best of luck to all!

So I have tested positive on the opk for 3 days now. Only tested hpt once and had a faint positive. My symptoms are more synonymous with ovulation, so I am sure I am not pregnant and that i cam start counting dpo instead of cd. (Currently cd35) We BD'd everyday since Saturday, and cm went back to dry today so i think today should be the last day of +opk.

Question though. I used soft cups each time, left it in for 6-12 hours, but when I take them out I get really bad cramps that have me unable to walk for about an hour. Any one else have issues with them?

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9 years ago

Oh and I found a new way to determine ovulation. In addition to cm and cervix changes, I was researching (which seems to be my new hobby) ovulation pain (mittelschmertz) and found that in addition to the pain some women experience swollen lymph nodes in the groin area on the side the egg is being released from. I get swollen lymph nodes down there every month and it's always on one side or the other. This weekend my ride side was swollen. I am so glad I finally know what the heck they are! They have perplexed me for years.

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9 years ago

mom2b: I don't know about the coft cups. I have never used them. The swollen lymph nodes are pretty interesting. I will remember that!

TTC Baby #3

9 years ago

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