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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm 7-8 days past ovulation been so nauseous. My story is to long to read on here but I wrote in my TTC Journal please feel free to read it. If any 1 has any idea or clue please let me know ! :)

10 years ago

Hey ladies been a few days!

So been a full week today of consistent sleepiness all the time, headaches (which have become unusual), nausea and near vomiting and constipation.

I've taken some miralax to help with my constipation cuz it is quite miserable, it's helping some slowly. still very nauseous at random times, feeling of twinges and bubbles near my ovaries and uterus area. last test was 8/1 came out neg. i'm on cd47 now. af was supposed to come 7/25 or 7/26. my cycles haven't been this long since before i started back on azurette bcp (which i've been taking for about 1 yr now, but i've been on it before as well) af has always come at the same time when i've been on bcp. 6/24 thru 6/28 had no real flow, had spotting with no clots.

still absolutely no sign of af coming at all. boobies look a little bigger, nipples are more sensitive. what do you guys think could be up???

10 years ago

Hey enbutler, thanks for the tip, might have to try it out. Also I can't believe you AF still hasn't showed her ugly face! that is so weird... maybe you have completely missed your period... if you had AF on time what cycle day would you be at now? I was just thinking there is a posibility you might have ovulation spotting rather than AF if you completely skipped a cycle... just a thought. either that or you are pregnant but just have low hcg..

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10 years ago

@Gracey if AF came on time i would be on cd10. possibility it could've just been ov spotting. idk what to think right now. been having some unusual dreams as well, like vivid ones for the past week.

I have hyperthyroidism, before i found out and started taking med, i was getting pg symptoms quite often, but once i got on the meds this year and back on my bcp i was totally fine, my cycles were ranging from 25-28 days and now i'm on cd42, so it's very strange. i'm really hoping i'm prego and its finally my time. i've had baby fever for like a good 3 years or more now. i come from a very fertile family and lucky me i gotta get the hyperthyroidism and be the less fertile one..but anywho not sure what's going on.

10 years ago

Just want to say hidy & I'm still stalking.

10 years ago

Hi ladies, i'm no longer backed up (sorry tmi). i feel much better as far as that goes.

Here's a quick update, still feeling pressure in my uterus and some twinges and small pains on both sides of my ovaries kinda switching sides every now and then. my lower abdomen/uterus area feels like little bubbles in there sometimes with small pulls in my uterus every now and then, boobies are not sore, but nipples are sensitive. still absolutely no sign of AF. What you thinking now??

10 years ago

@enbutler-It's always possible. But then again, some women will miss periods on certain birth control. Your best bet is to go to a clinic that will do a free bloodtest or at least cheap. If you are pregnant, the birth control isnt good for baby. Dont stop it til you know though cause you need the folic acid in the birth control (that's if your bc has it).

@MNJ- Welcome! I read your story...I have PCOS too and ttc has been exhausting. I've had 3 mc's and dont OV on my own so I need clomid. I understand your pain. PCOS is a BUTT! I was hopeful I was pregnant for almost 3 months before I was diagnosed. With your hormones being so out of whack, like you said it's hard to tell if you are pregnant or if you OV'd at all. I hope you did! Keep us updated.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

10 years ago • Post starter

@waiting. i'll see what i can do about a clinic. i do want to find out as soon as possible. The feeling i have is very different from past feelings. Hmmm...

10 years ago

enbutler keep positive, we're all here for you unfortunately i don't have any more guesses tho sorry.
Quick question though, has anyone used first response opk's? I'm using them this cycle and according to my days i'm due to ovulate on Thursday (it's tuesday here in Aus) and I still got a neg opk this morning. Should I be seeing a darker line by now? or not until the actual day? My line this morning was the same as one i took two days ago :( also I can only use my first morning not my second morning because I have to be at work by 8am and don't pee again until i get to work, would this affect my results?

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10 years ago

@gracey thanks for the comfort. I am sooo hoping this is it.

never used opk's so sorry, can't answer that question.

10 years ago

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