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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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I'm here! Been making my nephew's 1st bday cake/smashcake for past 2 days. I've been coughing hysterically but at least my virus is almost over. On top of everything..... I have pink eye now!!!!!!

Treatment.....breastmilk! That was a strange convo i had with my friend...hey can i borrow a couple oz of ur breastmilk as eyewash!? Awkwardly soothing!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@phat -ill keep my prayers sent up for you .Im okay .not to sick .just heartburn and nausea but I haven't actually lost my cookies yet .well I did twice .im just extremely moody and tired and my nipples are really sore .Im way to scared to have sex ,so my sex life is not existent . That blows .@ tara- glad to hear you are doing better!!! just got my new ps3 game today .off to play it ttyl

11 years ago

I'm here lol
Idk know what is going on with me. I could be getting sick, but idk. I am nauseous, still no period, shooting pains in bbs but now they are sore. I also have a swollen lymph node behind my jaw that is killing me. I'm going to test in the morning to be sure.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Tara -breast milk in your eye ?! No way hozay

11 years ago

Did u test athena???

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies!

I'm sorry I haven't been able to post lately. So much going on. I have been so busy, I forgot to grade some work for my students this week and I promised I would get it back to them on Tuesday. One of my students emailed me today and said...Professor - did you grade our assignments from last week yet? I was like holy crap! I jumped up out of bed and have been grading assignments all morning. I just finished. Thank goodness.

AFM - I'm 8 DPO today. I don't feel pregnant, but it is still early. I took a Wondfo this morning and see a shadow of a line. I'm not going to post for now. I am not excited about it because they tricked me in April. I'm trying not to obsess over it this cycle. If AF comes, then I will be ready to start my new protocol with Femara and whatever else my RE has up her sleeve.

My DSS and I will be taking DH out for lunch for Father's Day. Then we said we might go bowling. We are doing something today versus tomorrow as we think restaurants may be jam-packed tomorrow. My hubby is so cute. We are taking him out in his honor and he asked me what I want to eat...LOL. So we are going out to my favorite restaurant. Score!

I'll be popping in and out this weekend to troll the discussion form my phone, but I hope all is well with everyone!

Here's to hoping that by next Father's Day I will be able to make my DH a proud father with a new baby!

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11 years ago

Holly - your chart looks good so far!

11 years ago

I tested it was neg I guess if the provera doesn't get things started soon i will test again

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Get ready for a monster long post!

I've mentioned on here how it seems my kids always get sick during my tww.

So, let me tell you about what it's like with 3 kids.

2 Saturdays ago I took my oldest daughter (6) to the doc for strep. He gave her amoxicillin, and I've been giving probiotics, but she still got diarrhea, and she pooped in her pants 4 or 5 times throughout the week.

Last Thursday night my little one (3) threw up once then had no further symptoms.

Last Friday both girls went to this bouncy house waterslide thing with daycare, and they seemed fine Friday night.

Saturday, the littlest had these crazy bumps come up on one butt cheek & down her leg a little. By Saturday night, my middle one had them, too, in similar places but spread out more. Saturday night the littlest threw up again, just once.

Sunday was the little one's bday, so we had cakes and ice cream for her & the middle one because her birthday was coming up Thursday. That went fairly well, and the bumps got worse.

Monday the bumps were worse, but none of the other kids & no one here had them. I went through the check list of possibilities & started worrying about bed bugs since we just got back from Las Vegas, but the bumps didn't itch. I've been scratching imaginary bugs & searching all of our beds & looking for bites on everybody & washing all ten thousand of our blankets all week.

My eldest (12) had diarrhea Monday which I wrote off as too much cake and ice cream. The bumps didn't get worse or better with hydrocortisone or oatmeal baths. They finally started clearing up Thursday.

The eldest had diarrhea once Thursday & once yesterday. LO had diarrhea in her pants at daycare Thursday.

The girls went to the waterslide thing again yesterday. The little one's original bumps looked better, but she had some new ones. The middle child went to her nana's, so I didn't see hers. My eldest went to his dad's. When I gave the little one a bath, her ear hurt, so I knew we'd have to go to the doc today which meant missing my son's baseball banquet, so I made sure his dad was taking him.

Got up this morning, took a shower, got little one ready for the doc, got ready to walk out, and there was a text from 1:49am from my ex that my son was throwing up everywhere. I called him, and he asked me to get him to try to keep his 3 girls from getting the stomach bug.

Go to the doc, and LO has an outer ear infection & the bumps are folliculitis (inflamed infected hair follicles) probably caused from a random strep or staph bacteria that found its way in their skin through abrasions from the water slide. It's not contagious unless they're open & weeping. Since LO is getting new spots, he gave her an oral antibiotic & strong antbiotic ointment to use. The ointment is to finish healing the middle one's bumps, too, and she'll get an oral one if new ones come up. The doc also wrote Zofran for my eldest in case his symptoms worsen.

On the way to get my son, the middle one's Nana calls to tell me she wants to come home because her stomach is hurting now, too.

So I pick up my son from his dad's house since he'd can't meet me & when he gets in the car I notice he stinks. I asked him to look for poop on his shoes because they have horses & dogs, but there's nothing. At one point he rolls over in the seat to rest, and I notice he has shit splatters up his shirt. I figure he had violent diarrhea & it got messy. I make him get in the shower & tell him to give me his clothes to bleach. He tells me his swim trunks are FULL OF POOP, and he says he must have crapped himself in his sleep & not known it. So he's had crap in his pants for hours, but nobody noticed. WTF?

I'm Lysoling and Clorox wiping like a mad woman, and I have to rewash blankets to reduce the chances of the girls' bumps spreading! I even had to Clorox wipe my leather van seat because of him sitting on it. My whole van stunk when I opened the door.

Now my eldest is still sick and can't go to the banquet or be with his dad for Father's day, the middle one is nauseous, I feel nauseous, and the LO won't stay away from them, so it's only a matter of time before we're all fighting for toilet space.

Plus, if I do have nausea I won't know if it's a possible pregnancy symptom or a damned stomach virus.

The moral of this story is, "Stop at one, or your whole family will be sick all the time!"

Sounds like a good time, doesn't it?

11 years ago

Phat, you have your hands full! My heart goes out to you because I'm sure you are fatigued trying to clean and be Florence Nightingale to your entire family!

I hope you get a BFP this cycle to cheer you up. It would truly make for an interesting story to tell!

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11 years ago

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