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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@athena thanks for looking at my chart. I suppose I just have to be patient.
I would say start taking that provera on Tuesday just to be sure that it stops the witch by vacation time. I want you to have a great relaxing time on vacation. I know that things have been rough with DH's brothers anniversary of his death. It's something that will never be forgotten. Me and my sister always have the hardest time every June 17th, its been 21 yrs since my mom passed away and I still get that feeling. So I do understand.

11 years ago

I cant quit farting!!!
It's horrible! I feel very bloated and full in my lower abdomen. Some twinging too. I noticed some soreness in my boobs today....and I havent been poking at them. They just feel sore. Trying not to read into it. I wont start getting excited unless I start getting nauseous. 6 DPO today! Getting closer to testing.

@pisces- I concur with thursday being your OV day. Your temps look great! Granted I know that doesnt mean much cause they can plummet fast but they do look good!!

@athena- I'm sorry you're spotting again honey! Your track record isnt too good when it comes to surprise bleeding. I say just do the provera so it kicks in before vacation time. Did I tell you I'm jealous that you're going to Mexico!!
I know how you're feeling. It's been a year since I lost both of my grandparents and it's just a strange feeling. We cant say anything without it stirring up a memory. How's your dh doing?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

The hardest part is talking about what happened because if he got help he could still be here and I know people have to want to be helped. Know one knows when or why it started and its just crazy how long he kept it hidden, he became a good actor.

Afm I slept all day, I took some Benadryl and it knocked me out. I do feel better but still stuffy and coughing. Dh also had to go get me som super plus tampons cause it is bad. But hey at least I had a period so that's a plus.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Tara I'm not spotting now. It is a full blown period which is good i think since I got it. I was going to wait to see if it stops on its own.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Well hello fart bucket ;-) LOL

How have you ladies been? Sorry I have been mia, I have been BUSY BUSY BUSY! Summer is approaching so we are swamped at work then are pretty much busy all weekend. I am in the middle of a Sales Tax audit at work so it has pretty much consumed me :-( they couldn't be happy with the $86,000 they fined our ass four years ago, they are in for a rude awakening this time! I got this shit covered :-) HAHAHAHAHAHA

Anyways, fingers crossed you ladies get your BFP this month.

11 years ago

Hard to even think about myself today. Been watching the tornado coverage all afternoon. My heart just breaks for them in Moore! Stay safe everyone!

But...for countdown sake...I couldnt temp yesterday cause my cat woke me up puking and I had to go the bathroom. But this morning my temp spiked up to 98.4! I was shocked with as low as it's been. No symptoms really. Hard to tell with as sore as my body is from yard work. But my breasts are sore. 7dpo today so we shall see!!!

@athena- I'm glad af is full force instead of teasing you lol.

@xomandy- fart bucket? Nice LOL! You go girl! Show them who's boss!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

I know Tara I'm really happy it came full force because I was starting to worry it wasn't going too. But yay! Here's to all of us getting pregnant!!!

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Oh and Tara and Pisces and anyone else waiting to test, when are you all testing?

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

I'm planning on testing tomorrow if I can remember to catch my pee[lol.]

In all honesty I'm not really feeling it this cycle . Granted I'm gassy, little bit of cramping, random sharp low abdomen pains, and breasts feel on the tender side but I dont feel like I did last time. I know every pregnancy is different so we'll see. I figure I'll POAS in the morning. 9dpo is early but oh well. AF is due memorial day.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well as I'm sitting here, I'm having a lot of sharp cramping on my left side. I thought since I OV'd from my right side that I'd implant on the right side but apparently that has nothing to do with it. The egg(s) are more likely to implant on the side you sleep on. I sleep on my left side!
So maybe I am still in the game. I guess I dont feel like it since I'm not nauseous like last time.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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