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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Whew! Good to hear you are both still doing okay! I was a bit worried... I get paranoid sometimes, as my husband knows if he is a bit late home!!! I am glad you are being monitored so closely. Amazing you are still pregnant at this point! 8 pounds is bit enough, and you have already had injections for developing lungs. I hope the induction goes well!!!!

I am still doing well. Baby very active these past couple of days. Blood glucose levels annoying. They are higher with me back at work, I thought they would be lower! I have to go for walks after every meal to ensure they don't get too high, and they are still often very high! In another couple of weeks I will have an appointment with a physician who will decide on protocol for treatment.

28 weeks pregnant today!!!

9 years ago

Its okay, I do the same thing :] haha. And I feel the same way! I don't know hows hes still in there with him being so big and me so tiny! I can definitely feel that it is about time. I can feel my body just being different and I can feel the contractions changing to be more stronger and getting crampy almost like a burning feeling. And I definitely waddle now hahaha. I am excited to see how tomorrow goes and to see how how the "natural" induction works. I am excited but nervous as well.

So glad to hear everything is going so well with you besides the gd. I can imagine how difficult it is to live a busy life and try to manage it all while pregnant. I heard they can give you insulin and that it wont effect your baby or pregnancy. I hope it all goes well for you! And good to hear you are feeling so much movement, its such an exciting thing and still hasn't gotten old to me lol. Have you started to feel your baby flip head down or have and braxton hicks yet?

9 years ago • Post starter


I just woke from an afternoon nap. I was SOOO tired. This morning we had our second antenatal class and afterward needed to do the food shopping. I got ridiculously upset at all the things I couldn't eat. What is rather bemusing to me is that before I had an issue I wouldn't have even wanted all the breads and cakes and slices, but not being able to have them I really crave them. I know there is no way I can eat them and as it was my morning reading was way too high. After lunch was also way too high. I heard from my diabetes midwife yesterday. They are very pleased with how I have been managing my diabetes and said I have done all they have asked of me. The fact that I am still getting over 25% of my readings as too high means I need treatment, unfortunately. It is so frustrating. My two aunties who had this were able to use diet and exercise and said it was "easy". Sounds like I got it worse. So Monday I have another appointment at the hospital (good thing it is not too far away!) and we will find out what kind of treatment regime I need

Mmmm afternoon tea, green beans and a homemade rolled oat biscuit.

How are the contractions going? Did the natural induction work? I have had what I think are Braxton hicks every time we go for a walk. I know that baby's head was down when we last saw our midwife, but I don't know if it is still somersaulting or not. I can't feel it if it is! I do feel it when it doesn't like the position I am in though!!!

Hope all is going smooth for you. You deserve a break!!!

9 years ago

Oh man I can only imagine how difficult that is. I only had to do it for about two weeks until I had my next test and I remember feeling like I couldn't eat ANYTHING. I love fresh fruits, breads, and green beans are my favorite vegetable I felt like everything I liked I couldn't eat! You are so strong being able to stick to that diet through the remainder of your pregnancy, I know its tough!! Hopefully once they start you on a treatment it will make your diet less strict and you can eat more of a variety of tasty things! haha I can completely empathize with you on the tiredness, and unfortunately it only gets worse. I thought it was crazy when people would tell me "oh, at the end of pregnancy you will want to sleep all the time!" Turns out its true, unfortunately. I go to sleep earlier than I ever have at night and feel like I need naps during the day. I am constantly exhausted for no reason.

I am still having the contractions! they get really annoying at night time haha. They will get really regular about 6 minutes apart for a long time then they will go back to like 10 mins apart, its so frustrating! I got my membranes stripped on Thursday. It was painful but so fast that the pain didn't matter. Later that night I lost my mucous plug. I was 1cm dilated (Ive been at 1cm for 2 weeks) when he stripped them on thursday and I went back the next day (yesterday) to be checked and I went from 1cm to 2.5cm in just one day! And I also lost more mucous...there is seriously so much that I never would have expected it, just a little tmi so that you aren't as surprised as I was when it happens to you haha. I have also been spotting since I had them stripped which the nurses said is good because thats a good sign that im still dilating. So fingers crossed it won't be too much longer!!!

9 years ago • Post starter

Any progression on labour?

I got my insulin pen yesterday. Turns out it is easier to manage than I imagined (at this point). I just inject the same amount of insulin every mealtime. I did my first one last night and we went for a walk after dinner too. I still had a really high glucose reading! I hop that was just an abberation and my readings will be fine from now on... It was a good appointment yesterday though. Great doctor! We have apparently been going above and beyond in terms of management of the diabetes so it certainly isn't our fault that I have high readings.

9 years ago

Sorry ihaven't been on to reply! I just wanted to hop on really quick to tell you we had to be induced Monday! Everything turned out okay and yesterday at 5:04 pm we had ahappy healthy little boy! 8Pounds 11ounces 20 inches long. I will message you again and fill you in once we get settled at home. Keep me informed about how you and baby are doing :)

9 years ago • Post starter

Oh that is fantastic news! Phew!!! I thought that must have been happening, surely!!! That is a big size! I look forward to hearing how it went!!!

I had a midwife appointment yesterday. She said my tummy was measuring big, but as we have a scan coming up on the 3rd she didn't need to do anything else at this point. I know ours is going to be large! Bit of a worry...

9 years ago

I finally have some time to reply! Lol so here's what happened:
I went in for my 37week check up and nst. I was still having contractions but they weren't regular. When i was given my ultrasound the amniotic fluid levels were low again and he saw some dark spots in my placenta which he thinks was blood meaning it might have been starting to separate. So he told me to go home take a shower and get my things together then head to the hospital to be induced! So my husband came home from work and we headed to the hospital. I got there around 6pm and they started the pitocin to induce me at 10pm. Once the contractions started to pick up i decided to get an epidural. That part was a lot easier than i thought, it didn't hurt a bit. Unfortunately, it didn't take well on the right side so every few hours they had to give me a little boost on that side. Around 4pm the next day I started to feel an odd pressure in my bottom. It wasn't the urge to have a bm like a lot of people say it just felt like pressure. So they checked me and I was 10cm and the baby was ready to come out! so they cut my epidural off and I pushed for about 30 minutes and he was out, my contractions never got closer together than3 minutes apart so that's what made it take so long to push him out. I had to get a 2nd almost 3rd degree episiotomy because he was so large his shoulders had trouble getting out. it was honestly not as bad as ithought it would be at all. I did have the epidural but with it it was completely painless, even the pushing. I was sure iwould feel some kind of pain but it was only some pressure. Healing from the stitches has been difficult. I can't sit on anything and I'm constantly scared they will break! But having a child is amazing. I can't explain how amazing the feeling is when they get him out and lay him on your chest for the first time. It's an overwhelming feeling of tons of emotion. And when they lay on your chest and stare into your eyes it melts your heart. It makes me tear up just thinking about it.

How are things going with you and your pregnancy? I hope your gd diet is getting easier on you!

9 years ago • Post starter

Wow, after all the stress and struggles you have had that birth sounds remarkably easy!!! So glad it went well for you and you have your healthy little boy :) How long until you expect to heal from the episiotomy? I'm glad that despite your and baby's size you managed to get him out without a c-section! That gives me more hope :)

So the diabetes diet is getting easier in some ways because I know I just cant have some things. It isn't a matter I being tempted so much as just trying to avoid looking at and thinking about things I just can't have. But despite our regime of eating carefully and exercising a lot, my glucose levels have still been too high most of the time. So, they upped my dose of insulin. However, that caused its own problems. Over the weekend I had two sugar crashes! Not pleasant! The first one I was out with my sister shopping and I had eaten half a blueberry muffin for afternoon tea. Then 10 minutes after that I started feeling really tired. I couldn't walk fast or far and desperately needed to sit down. Couldn't make simple decisions. I tested my blood and sure enough it had gone down to 3.5mmol/L. My usual fasting glucose is 4.5 and after a meal I often have readings above 6.5 (my reading 3 hours before the crash had been 7.6!!!). Unfortunately my emergency jelly beans (bought specifically for such an occasion) were in the car. I headed out there immediately while my sister bought the things I was needing. I ate my jelly beans and slumped in the passenger seat. It was my car but there was no way I was driving feeling like that! I think it is illegal too. So my sister drove us home and then I tested again. Glucose had jumped up to 4.8 which was fantastic. It was rather scary! And then the next day while on our way to church I was in the middle of munching on some cauliflower (having finished my home made rolled oat biscuit) and I suddenly felt sick and dizzy, and unable to hold up the container. I now recognised the signs and tested. Sure enough, another 3.5! I was so frustrated. But, I had my jellybeans and a lollipop that my sister had bought me the day before after the first crash!! So I ate the jelly beans and sat sucking on the lollipop. 10min later glucose was up to 4.2, Whew! So during church I sat sucking on my lollipop to make sure! The problem is that my insulin would still have been working for another hour! Now I am being very careful. I make sure that even if I have a high reading I have a very good snack 2 1/2 hours after a meal. Obviously 3 hours is too long! That means I will need to pop out of my classroom while teaching to eat every morning!! Oh well, the things you have to do!

Back to more pleasant topics,,, I love the image you described of your first experience with your baby. Sounds incredible! I am very much looking forward to experiencing that myself! It is funny I realised the other day that I am actually excited about going into labour now. I used to push that from my mind, but now after learning so much at our antenatal classes I feel like I could do it. I double my experience will be as pain free as yours though! I am looking forward to getting the opportunity to push baby out.

Thanks so much for taking the time to write about the birth for me! I hope my wordy post isn't too long! Can you read while feeding? Are you breastfeeding?

I had better go get ready for work...

9 years ago

Hi there!!! How are you doing? Probably super busy and super tired!

Well, I had a bit of an interesting last few days. On Saturday I started having regular mild contractions. At first I ignored them, thinking they were just Braxton Hicks' and would disappear shortly. After half an hour of this I decided to start timing them. I timed for an hour and found they were about 5 minutes apart and I was starting to get lower back pain as well. I still thought they would go away so spent the next couple of hours sorting out baby stiff and hospital bags (just in case). Even got some of the tiniest bby clothes on the line to air "just in case". Then when the cntractions were still there, and seemed stronger, I thought I should contact my midwife. Well, straight to the hospital we were sent. I was very pleased we had the hospital bags ready! They put me immediately onto a monitor, and of course the contractins seemed to have calmed down. But then they got me up to do a urine test and when they put me back on the monitor, there they were. Beautiful regular peaks. "Well that's different" said the midwife!! So then everything started happening quite fast. I was only 33 weeks 2 days and they were very concerned baby wouldn't be able to breathe if born in the next few days. So they did a fetal fibronectin test (positive) and started me immediately on a course of medication to stop the contractions and administered steroids for the lungs. It was a crazy time. And I was HUNGRY! I had missed my afternoon snack, and dinner. They wouldn't let me eat while they waited to be sure I wasn't about to push out a baby! After many hours in which it didn't look like the contractions were abating, they finally decided that as I thought they were mild enough to sleep through that it was safe to stop the monitor and let me get some rest. The doctor called in saying "make sure you are still in one piece in the morning". Well, I was. Although VERY tired with only 2.5 hours sleep. My husband slept better on the lazy boy chair they had in the delivery room. The next morning it looked a bit better. Still regular contractins but they were shorted and slightly less labour-like. So, they hifted me to the maternity ward. I still needed more anti-contraction medicine and another steroid injection. Also, the stroids skyrocketed my blood glucose so I was having to more than double my insulin and they were handling my management of that very carefully. I ended up being in hospital 3 nights, then they were happy that if baby decided to come it would all be okay, and my glucose was also under control so I got to go home. But that's it for work for me. I should have been working another 2.5 weeks but nope, lots of rest for me! I am going to have to work out what to do to not get bored. I am not allowed to do anythinng strenuous like washing or cooking etc. So frustrating when I see things that need to be done and I want to do them!

So I might not be due for 6 weeks but baby could come any day, or not for weeks! Just one big waiting game now... The doctor told me I am a "ticking time bomb"!!!

9 years ago

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