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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Well, testing might be out for tomorrow. Don't worry still no AF but I may be waking up at 5am to drive my cousin to Tennessee and driving back that night. She's a christian music singer and is moving outside Nashville. She has 2 jobs lined up but needs a way to get down there. Her housing here feel thru and she needs a place to stay ASAP. Instead of housing her until she finds a way to get there (her car broke down), we're going to just take a day long road trip :). Please say a prayer everyone, tomorrow is gonna be a long day. Dont need to be stressed out if there is a bun in the oven!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well, my nausea is still no where near what it was, but now I'm starving. Ate like crazy yesterday at the in-laws' cookout, then slept for something like 3 hours, went and watched fireworks. Got home about 2:30am, slept until about 10am, ate a pretty sizable lunch. Was going to have pizza for supper, but when I was about to put it in the oven, my stomach lurched, so I decided just to wait a little bit to see what happens. Supposed to POAS in the morning. REALLY nervous about it. Praying for BFP!!!!!!!!! A friend pegged me on it today. She's got 2 kids and has been around watching all my symptoms, has been telling me for 2 weeks she things I'm preggers. Guess we'll see in a few hours!!!

& Shell

11 years ago

so im home and i didnt wait lol 5mins in the door i needed a pee and thought well as im here i might as well do a test lol but will test again tomorrow with fmu .
im starting to get pains on my right side on the side my cyst burst a year ago i was in hospital in april with the same pain but alot worse and was ment to have a scan then to see if it was but it never got done so monday if no by then then i will go to the doc's and tell them they might send me for a scan .

is it me or anyone else in one of them moods where one min u really believe u are then the next ur trying to think of other reasons for what happening as u believe u cant be pregant as all test are neg ?

TMI WARNING lol ive gone from constipation to diarrhea so much over the last week ive now got piles and they hurt


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11 years ago


Lammy, I'm in the same boat!! Took another preggo test today and on invert once again I can see the faintest of faint lines so i'm thinking it's all in my head!! Still have the same symptoms, I feel as thought I have been running a fever the last 2 days, cramping still there..Af due on Sat ***keep her away from me***!!! I jumped the gun and tested at 7pm..really who does that???? I plan to retest in the am, hoping for a more prominant double line affect!! Seriously think I have driven myself nuts!!

11 years ago

Waiting - I think you should just tell them you got a positive HPT when you're ready to go. It's ridiculous to me they didn't want to see you. That's what they're there for - to treat people's conditions even when they don't see an immediate need. One thing I can say about my OB GYN office, no matter how stupid my request or ridiculous my concern, they always had a "better safe than sorry" attitude and humored me. If you think my worrying about being knocked up or not is bad, you should have seen me during my pregnancies - complete lunatic. And with my last one I was AMA (advanced maternal age), so they gave me so much more to worry about with all of the extra testing. One of their lab techs reversed some digits when inputing one of my tests, and I walked around for a couple of months thinking my youngest had Downs Syndrome until I noticed the error when my high risk doctor read something back to me from my chart. They should be happy to see you any time because they sure can't diagnose you over the damned phone. I'm so mad at them, and I don't even know them!!!!!!!

11 years ago

Well, it's for sure now. Heading to Tennessee tomorrow . I'll test on Saturday. At least a roadtrip will get my mind off my symptoms.

@lammy-I feel the same way!!! One minute I'm convinced I am and the next I'm doubting everything coming up with reasons why I cant be (maybe I stopped ovulating, maybe I have a cyst,'s exhausting ). I just ate and I'm feeling a bit nauseated again...swallowing more. But maybe it's in my head

@Alisha-you crack me up! Good luck tomorrow hun!

@phatgurl-Wow!!! Just.... WOW!!!! I can't believe they did that! Told them I'd wait one more week (that was on tuesday when I called). If I get a faint line I'll tell them I got a positive cause a line is a line but I just cant lie (smile].

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Thank you so much for all of your kind words of encouragement. I feel alot more tired and sick today and I just know that I'm pregnant - I hope i'm not wrong . Wishing you all the very best of luck

11 years ago

Yep, I'm officially out this month. I do all of the sudden feel like a sane woman again now that I know I'm not pregnant.

I really would like to have another boy, so I'm using the Chinese birth calendar. If it doesn't happen in July I will be waiting a while before I try again.

Waiting - I couldn't believe they did that, either. They entered the nuccal fold thickness from the baby's neck WAY thicker than it should have been, and it took my numbers from 1/1000 to 1/100 or something like that on odds of genetic issues. I almost got an amnio then decided no matter what the result I wouldn't love the baby any less, and termination was never a consideration, so I decided against it. I'm glad I didn't because amnios carry their own risks. I probably could have sued them, but I was sso happy my baby had a better chance of being healthy I just asked for free 4d video & pics and let it go. And now I have my lovely little girl.

BTW - you can always tell them you think it is positive instead of that it is , and you wouldn't be lying. Tell them since the urine tests are in conclusive you want a quant blood test. I so hope everything works out for you. Be safe on your trip!

Come on, BFPs for everybody!!

11 years ago

well, this morning fmu. Guess will try again another time. So sick of just seeing 1 line.

& Shell

11 years ago

So sorry, Shell, but you're not out 'til A F shows, so try to think positively.

11 years ago

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