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Private Testers Support Group Part 2!

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Hello my lovelies! We need a new thread because the old one is huge. Let's stay together and keep our little unit going!

443 Replies • 10 years ago



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lawbride I hope you get some motivation soon! Back in my college days I procrastinated too ;) That announcement is so cute! Love it! Good idea to wait a bit extra too, just enjoy not being "out of the closet" for a while!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

Law, hey there! Glad you checked out the site, it is nice jewelry and the parties aren't too bad! Yes the General is awesome and seemed impressed with our house and confirmed the work bring done, so that was cool. GL on the paper! Love the announcement :)

Luv, staying in sounds great to me! Lol...that's cool you have some pieces of the jewelry too!! I finaaaaaaly got some great rest last night ;) whoo hoo! Hoping for more tonight!

Blue, hope your shift isn't too bad tonight!

AFMed, so happy you are enjoying the new job! Fx'd for you this cycle ;)

Amag, hoping you are feeling better today!

SMH, how awe you?

Cam, missing ya!

AFM, I'm ok...only CD15... Not sure why, but my breasts hurt soooo bad?! We have started DTD so that's nice :) hoping to relax tomorrow as I'm not sure what work will be like next week...going in for lab work next Saturday! Then the ultrasound and follow up doctor appointment the following Tuesday...looking forward to finding out more details so we can finalize our plan of action.

10 years ago

Luv--the problem is that after undergrad and grad school im well beyond my college years. Ive never ever been one to procrastinate. just so over this phase of my life. Id rather people know to be honest but I dont want something to happen and then I have explaining to do to large numbers of people.

Jada--how awesome. When will your house be complete?

10 years ago

Law, projected for July or August!

10 years ago

@luvtowalkfast- I am happy you aren't dissappointed about your plans being cancelled. And yeah, my temps are usually higher when I work night's. As my room is warming in the afternoon while I am sleeping.

@lawbride- I am sorry you are having a rough time right now. School is exhausting. I remember the whole time just wishing I could be working instead of school. That way after my work day was finished I was free to do whatever. With school you finish class go home and do more school. It's depressing, really. You've made it this far. Don't give up!

@jlhart- thanks! So far everything at work has been going well! I hope you are able to have a relaxing day tomorrow!

Afm, I checked my cervix today. It was kind of strange. It was high, firm, closed. And felt as if its like shrinking into a ball? I dont know how to explain it. Usually it feels longer.

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10 years ago

JLH yay for good night's sleep! Hope you got another one...two in a row would be awesome. Hope your boobs hurt because you O'd! :)

lawbride gotcha...I can never tell if you're annoyed with me when I say things, 'tis the problem with typing I suppose :-P

bluerose higher temps in the afternoon definitely make sense! Back in my pre-Clomid days I got higher temps in the summer because the sun came up earlier. Your weird cervix sounds great! I know very little about cervix checking but I would think anything super-different is good!

AFM 9 DPO and I had to go back and discard my 2 DPO temp on my BBT chart, because my recent high temps are making the stupid site think I O'd a few days ago. Discarded the one weird temp and now the coverline is where it should be. Stupid site. My boobs hurt a bit and my lower back is sore, and I've been having a terrible sleep pattern where I get to bed at like 11 PM, wake up at 3-4 AM and can't get back to sleep for hours, then sleep until 10 AM. This time I just got out of bed, hoping that'll help change the sleep pattern.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--I was admittedly slightly just sounded a little condescending when you said "Back in my college days I procrastinated too..." because the situation is somewhat atypical in that I've done my time in school and I've worked my a*s off to graduate in 3 years as an undergrad while working 2-3 jobs, then grad school, and now law's just a lot and I've barely had a chance to breathe. So, it kind of hurt my feelings in that it sounded like I'm just really lackadaisical when it comes to my studies and I'm just your typical "procrastinating" student which isn't the case. Sorry if I was snarky...I wasn't trying to be, moreso trying to somewhat explain that it's not what it appears when it comes to my newfound lack of motivation.

Blue--oh no, never giving up. I'm 1 semester (12 weeks of classes to be exact) from graduation and 120k in debt. Giving up was never an option, it's just extremely demanding, time consuming, and stressful. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm not sure what cervix stuff means as I never monitored mine but I hope things are on track!

10 years ago

lawbride okay, I intended it as more of a "god I'm so old compared to you" kind of thing. You respond to me that way a lot so please let me know in the future if you think I am saying something bad.

10 years ago • Post starter

Luv--I'm sorry. I'll try to be better at communicating.

10 years ago

lawbride it's ok, just trust me that I would not condescend to you about your education or anything related to it. You have busted your ass for what you've got and I have a lot of respect for you.

10 years ago • Post starter

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