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5 DPO Cycle#9 {{Need A Buddy}}

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Hello, Im A Newbie Here, Just Trying To Find Some Friends In The Same Boat As Me TTC. I Have Been TTC For Almost A Yr And NOTHING YET. Im 5DPO And Praying For A Sticky Seed This Month:))


Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

291 Replies • 12 years ago



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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You kept that quiet! Did you do anything exciting? I hope the men in your life spoil you rotten all day! Sending you big birthday hugs. I know what you'll be wishing for when you blow out your candles and I'm you get your really soon.

Thanks for your kind words. It means a lot to have you guys on my side. I hope you get your this month and won't need any EPO - but if you change your mind then just let me know.

As for the website - have you looked into setting up a blog on Blogger? I set one up for my TTC journey but I've not put too much on it so far. Actually, a lot of it is similar to what I put on here! I linked it up to Twitter though and I now have 20 followers. Pitiful I know, but it's a start!!!

Take care and have an AMAZING birthday! x x x

User Image Team TTC buddies with Kbcooper and Mommybowleg My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

Thank you for the birthday wishes. My dh wants to do my party on Saturday. We may go out tomorrow night. It is hard cause he has school tonight I will look into setting up a page, I have never used twitter. I know it is very popular though. If you ever set up a facebook page please let me know I am 6 dpo, nothing exciting happening here You all know that you will be the first to know if anything good goes on We should all get together and write a book about the harsh reality of ttc That would be a best seller

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12 years ago

SCREAMING***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMMIEEEEEEEE**** I pray you are njOying every moment of your special day .
I wish we could join you at your bday party we would have a blast!!!!

Kimmie please ask your sister if she has any clomid left because I think that's what I need and yes clomid works wonder with Pcos I heard people get a in no time. **LH** I pray everything turned out ok at the appt. I really wish we had fertility doctors on the Island because I have a gut feeling that im not O'ing like I should.

I really want my (Poking My Lip Out) I have been seeing pregnant chicks everywhere I turn like their throwing it up in my face . Im sorry ladies but I have been pretty down in the dumps today just thinking about it. I hate that still no sign of the, that heffer been playing tricks with my mental and I don't like it 1 bit. My dh is starting to blame his self and feeling less than a man because he can't get his young new wife preggers . I just don't know how to feel about it anymore . Well enough about me how are things with my team???

I need to read all the post so I can catch up because im so lost . I have just been skiming thru a bit picking out bits here and there. Well this cycle and I you both get your

Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

hey look me up on twitter..... sexydawndiva
Corny I

Dawn Singleton-Bowleg is my FB .

Kimmie I never requested you because I didn't know if you wanted to be friends on there but whenever you do just send me a request:))

LH.... Check me out on twitter and Kimmie set up an acct.

Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Thank you for the birthday wishes Dawn, she only did one round of Clomid to get pregnant with her son, he will be 2 in April. She does not have any left She never went to a fertility doctor, she got it from her gyno. She had major o pains when she took it, but it was a miracle pill for her. With her daughter I think she did 2 cycles. Dawn, I know it is easier said than done but your dh should not feel bad. He is able to make babies since he has other children. It might just be an o problem. There is a form of natural clomid you can buy over the counter soy isoflavones. PLEASE search it on this site, there is a post where a lady tells you exactly when you take it. It is a natural form of clomid So are we saying that I might actually join the land of twitter? Hmm, am I cool enough? After I do an account I will find you on there. By the way, littlehappenstance, what is your first name? As for me, I have cramps and sore boobs, just like I do a week before my period, so I think I am out. Dawn, if you want the soy isoflavones and they do not have them on the island please let me know and I will get you some

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12 years ago

WHOOOOO HOOOOO Thank you so much Kimmie I just read so info about it and I want it BADD. Im going to check around the Island since it's all natural and I will let you know. Im dying to try it have you tried it yet? The only thing is im going to have to break down and buy some OPK's because I left the entire bag I bought in Maryland....uugghhh.... Gurl I was in tears when I got home and there was no plastic black bag. My mom said she would send them but it she takes to long I will just buy some. My period is still lost and im pissed because I want to get this show on the rode

I really think we should write a book on TTC.... We can call it the TTC Dream Team. We have to make a pack that if either 1 of us fall preggers 1st that we will still be a team .

LH.....Where are you and did you get the results from your doctor yet? I know everything is ok!!!! I you are having better weather because what I seen on the news scared me to death.

Kimmie I can't wait to read your book it kind of sounds like my child hood a bit. Well I will be out trynna to find that good medicine today so I will chat with you ladies later .

Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Dawn, I hope you can find the soy stuff, if not I will send it. I am sorry about your opks, that sucks! If your mom can't send some I can. As far as making a pact to stay together, of course You all are so special to me. I love it when I get on here and there is a new post I get all happy. Where is littlehappenstance? I hope you are ok, I don't want to send the search party, it is too expensive I need to get some writing done because it plays in my head like a movie until I write it down. I think I am a little nutty I hope to hear form you all soon

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12 years ago

Hey ladies, how are you both?

I'm wide awake at silly-o'clock in the morning and decided to log on and check out how my team TTC-ers were getting on. Sorry I've not been around as much, I've been at my mum's a lot helping her recover from her op.

Kb, sorry, I only just realised that I've never told you my name! It's Trish - although my Twitter handle is MessagesToMyBump. The reason being, I decided to start a blog with the same name so that I could write a diary to my bump-to-be and then, hopefully one day, to the actual bump! I set DH up as a contributor to my blog but I'm still waiting for him to contribute!!! I'm happy to set you ladies up as contributors if you want? It could be the start of our Team TTC book? You can look it up at (PS I know it's not the most interesting read at the moment, but I'm hoping it'll get better! Especially if you ladies join me! PS You should check out the fertility video I've posted - it's AWESOME!)

Dawn, count me in on the 'Team TTC-ers to the end' pact. We are in this together until each one of us gets our BFP. And then, we're going to be Team Bump Buddies! I just need to work out a new t-shirt design...!!!

AFM: No more news from the doc yet. My transvaginal scan is on the 16th, right when is due. My doc gave me pills that will stop my period from coming but I've read online that you can't take them if you're pregnant. And, while I know it's unlikely, I don't want to take them just in case. But I also don't want to have a transvaginal scan with (although, apparently this won't stop you from having the scan, it's just uncomfortable and, quite frankly, gross!). So, not sure what to do?

DH has his sperm analysis on 11th and he's to abstain from sex for 48 hours beforehand but have sex at some point in the five days prior to that. So, he's banned from after today!!!

Oh, Dawn, I wanted to say something about the Soy Isoflavones. I wanted to try them too as I've heard great things about how they help women ovulate and there's so much online about all these women who've had their after one or two cycles of taking it. After reading these posts I was desperate to get some too! But I carried on researching and have read that you shouldn't take this if you already o naturally as it can really mess with your cycles. When docs prescribe clomid they can monitor your hormones to make sure you get the right amount (plus, they'll have confirmed an o problem before prescribing it). If you're confident that you're not o-ing on your own then I don't see the harm in trying it. But if you already o on your own then just be careful as you don't want to mess up your cycles.

I really think you should make a doc appointment to find out what's happening with your cycles. Ask them to test your bloods in case there's a little bean in there that's managing to evade HPTs (I've read that some women just don't show positive on HPTs). If it's not that (and I'm it is!) then ask them to do a 21-day blood test to check your hormone levels. That way they can confirm if you o'd or not (my levels came back at 26, which is low but apparently shows that I o'd last cycle). Another thing I would recommend is BBT charting. I know it's a pain in the neck but this is my second cycle BBT charting and I really think it's helping me find out more about my cycle (I think you can see my chart if you click on my signature? If not, I can post the link if it'll help you any?).

Kb, when are you due to test? Have you been having any symptoms?

I better go before I get thrown of this site for writing War and Peace emails. I really need to learn when to stop!!!

Sending you both lots of and

User Image Team TTC buddies with Kbcooper and Mommybowleg My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

Hey Ladies,

Well I have been reading more and more about the soy and im having mixed feelings about it. I want to try it but so afraid that I will screw myself up even more. I start my new job the end of the month so imma try to be seen by one the ob docs there. I really think im not O'ing but I'll let the docs be the judge of that. I still have not came on yet which sucks because I want to monitor my cycle with a fine tooth comb.

How is the weather where yall are because it's so not out here. I took my dog to the beach so he can run wild in the sand. I have a little white spoiled rotten Bishon Frise do yall have any pets?

LH... Im happy you spilled the beans about your name now I know what to call you. and where the heck is Kimmie? I hope she's writing her little heart out. Well im going to take a nap so I will chat with my team later

Dear God, Please Bless My Husband And I With A Baby This Month And All The Other Ladies That Are TTC. **AMEN** User Image

12 years ago • Post starter

Dawn, I think that if you can get checked over at the hospital when you start your new job that would be excellent. When are you due to start? Are you excited about your new job?

Kb, I see from your signature that you're 9dpo today. When are you planning on testing?

AFM: I just got my first official crosshairs on so I can assume I ovulated on cd16. That makes me 4dpo today. I just hope the spotting doesn't start anytime soon...

Take care ladies, and speak to you soon.

Sending lots of

User Image Team TTC buddies with Kbcooper and Mommybowleg My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

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