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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Athena - I think wait 2-3 days minimum.

11 years ago

Well, I guess one week of shittiness wasn't enough. AF showed today. I'm pretty bummed about it. Since I've been on this site I've had (4) 25 day cycles followed by a 27 day cycle then as 23 day cycle. Starting today made this one 26 days. While I'm very thankful I don't have extended cycles, I don't know why they've become inconsistent. At least they're kind of short, so I'll hope fora Christmas miracle.

11 years ago

AF should arrive today since it didn't on Friday....still no sign of her. Only today, I've experience hotflashes. I went outside in shorts and a t shirt (it's 70 degrees here) and I thought I was gonna die from a heat stroke. Loss of appetite, too. I'll just see where this leads me. good luck to you ladies.

11 years ago

Well today I've had more of red and brown spotting and 4dpo. I was talking to my husband on the way home and telling him about a conversation I had with my sister about how she said she wished I had learned from her and finished school before having a baby. He said that he agreed, but I wanted to have a baby. And he said that he thinks if we do have a baby I won't finish school, but I told him that I guess I will have to prove him wrong and that I'm not pregnant yet so we shall see. I am over halfway finished so I don't see why everyone is against me. I will finish college. It is really frustrating that everyone is against me when my sister hadn't even started college when she had her first baby.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

well my mum and brother now know we ttc me and my mum are close so was hard for me not to tell her and i was going well as we been ttc since march and thats along time for me not to tell my mum but her and my brother was going on at me saying things like " im going to be 24 soon " " marks(DH) getting older too " " youve got to lose weight before you try and thats going to take a while " it was 30mins of them both going on at me and this happens ever time i see them but this time i just snapped and said we have been trying since march so shut up .
and my mum was like i know you was which made me mad if she know why did she keep going on about it

im 6 or 7dpo and have docs tomorrow to talk about things

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11 years ago

i everybody!!! trying to catch up on everything I have missed over the last bit of time... been a hectic and emotional week for me. ready for this new one.

I am taking myself out of the ttc rat race for now... i know he loves me, and I love him... but I find myself not content anymore... something is missing for me so I need to find out what that is..

I have been wanting to move for quite some time and I am taking the steps of faith to do it... I have applied for several different opportunities in different states. I am willing to put my business on hold and do something different. There is a yearning in me that I really need to tap into and understand more...

I am thanking God in advance that one of these opportunities will open up. It is SCARY to say the least... I will be moving by myself, away from everyone and everything I know, with no support...

AND I will be moving away from him... i trust that if we are meant to be, we will be... if not then other people will enter our lives as we move forward and maybe I will find that true contentment that I desire... and I want him to be happy as well...

Im hoping to get things moving pretty quickly and find something so that I can be moving in January. if not before, lol!

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11 years ago

Lammy- I told my mom and my sister knows, but I was going to keep it from my mom til I was actually pregnant. But when I found out about the pcos I've had a lot of Dr. appt and she was concerned so I just told her. My in-laws though are not going to know til I am actually pregnant because my M-I-L has hinted that she is not ready for us to have kids, so I'd rather them think it was a surprise lol.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@Cutie I'm sorry, you're having a shitty week. I have no idea what to do about my bf and my situation. I think he's making an excuse to push me away because the Sunday before he decided to talk to my mother we were fine, that night he looked at me and said baby you're the best and then 2 days later, he changed totally? That doesn't just happen. Ugh help

11 years ago

Enbutler... it will get better. Just focus on you fir a while.

My last week was very crazy.. not really him. Everybody around me. I feel stifled... I need breathing room. Part of the reason I want to move. I want to breathe a little. Let my hair down... try something new.

Time to discover more of me...

The sweetie will still be mine if hes supposed to be. And I'll be his. And if not we'll meet who were supposed to meet. Lol, three yrs, separations & dating other ppl... something always draws us back..

Like they say.. love the person enough to let them go... But right now I don't think I will be able to be fully present until I figure out what this is I'm yearning for...

Get back in school... take care of u right now....

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11 years ago

Hi Ladies! I'm new to the site. Not really ttc but I'm on cd46 and af is nowhere in sight.

11 years ago

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