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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Barbie...sorry about !

@Waiting ROFL...that was hilarious.

AFM.. we 'd last night. I checked my calendar and it was 6 days in a row! I really didn't mean to do that. I think I'm going to give him a break tonight. My OPKs are negative today, so since we last night, I should be covered. I also used the softcup last night afterwards. I strategically unwrapped it and placed it on the nightstand, so I could insert it without DH realizing it and guess what...the plastic in the center is so darn noisy! I thought DH was almost asleep and he said..."What was that?" I said "What was what?" Then he's like..."That noise." I said "Oh that." He said..."What are you doing?" I then said putting a softcup in to ensure your swimmers have nowhere to go but up!" It was dark, but I could tell he was shaking his head. I think he thinks I'm crazy with all of my pills, gadgets, and fertility aids. He must love me....

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11 years ago

HAHA!! Holly, if your dh is anything like mine...he'll think you're adorable!! ....ROFL...what was what...that's good!!! ha!

MY BBT thermometer came!!! Woohoo!! Now I get to wake up every morning at the same time and take my temperature. You're right Holly, our husbands have every right to think we're crazy!! Dh gets up at same time everyday... so I think I'll temp when he gets up starting sunday .

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@tara my hubby has some sort of sleeping issues where he walks and talks in his sleep and he has done similar things to me at night, then I'll tell him the next morning and he won't remember and just laugh about. But then other times he will be making a move and I will be like are you awake lol.

@Holly I will wait til my dh goes to the bathroom to put mine in lol. He knows that I am using them and I think he thinks I'm crazy, yesterday when we he was like you are only using me for my spermies with a smile lol.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

I just typed a nice long response and for some reason it didn't post!

Here's the short version...

While working out at the gym...almost wet myself....could it be hormones?

@Waiting...congrats on BBT. Try not to obsess like me temping all the time.

@Athena...wish my DH would go to the bathroom after. Now he just falls asleep.

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11 years ago

I normally only use this site to talk about baby stuff & offer support, but I have to get some things off my chest to a relatively anonymous group, or I'm going to explode. Last weekend my ex-husband's wife got locked up for criminal domestic violence for trying to get him to hit her then threatening to get her gun and "take care of it". She's a prison guard, so she lost her hjob bcause of it & has been forbidden from going back home or be around him or their kids. He filed for divorce this week, and I've been trying to be supportive because they have a 3 yr old & 2 2 yr olds, and I know he knows nothing about raising kids. I've known for a long time she's crazy & hoped they'd split before it came to this. I've been a little on edge now that she's out of jail about her maybe coming here to start trouble. I'm not worried about me- I'm a Marine & not much scares me, but I do worry about my family. So there's that. On to next post...

11 years ago

Tonight my middle child's biological dad's mom (who we still see & have been close with) calls to tell me he is moving back with her from the state where he's been for 5 years without seeing, asking about, or contacting his daughter in any way. We are supposed to go to court at any time to finalize her adoption by my boyfriend/common-law husband. He had the nerve to suggest his mom should ask me if he could just be, "Uncle" if he's around to keep things from being awkward. I proceeded to tell her that she was more than welcome to see her, but he absolutely cannot. I resent him thinking it's OK to see her & what a fantastic, smart, beautiful girl she has become as a result of my hard work. I think about coming home to an empty house after my son's football practice with my 12 week old baby and him just gone. I think about all of her ear infections, surgeries for tubes & adenoidectomy, 400 or more doc's visits, trying to figure out how to work full time while taking care of a sick baby and my son all by myself, and I am so damned angry. I have felt safer all this time because he lived far away & showed no interest. I don't feel safe any more. I worry about him showing up at daycare or school to get her. I worry about him telling her who he is. Dh has been her dad since she was 15 months old,and she's never known any different. Please keep us in your thoughts right now even if we sound like a bunch of ass backwards hicks, but we're really not (all the time). I don't want him to shatter what I've worked so hard to build for us.

11 years ago

And then you know how my kids always get sick during my tww? My 5 year old threw up at daycare today. When I asked her about it she said her friend turned her around on the merry-go-round too fast, and it made her sick. It seemed reasonable to me, so I let her eat a normal supper. When it's time for bed she proceeds to stand in my living room gagging then makes it to within 3 feet of their bathroom & throws up all over my beige carpet, and it's pink and nasty. I get it sort of cleaned up & get her pajamas changed & get ready to put her in bed when I realize she has vomit all in her waist-length hair, so it's time for more hair washing. I finally get her in bed, and she cries until she gags and throws up in her doorway. My 2 year old kept coming back there to see what I was doing like she was determined it needed to be tracked through the house.

And my ex-husband's mom has been sick for years. Her illnesses seem worse when she's stressed & this divorce business with my ex-husband has her stressed to the Max, so she's really sick, and there's nothing I can do to help her. I love her very much, and I'm concerned about her getting so sick she doesn't recover.

I am having a bad day. Can you tell?

11 years ago

Also, I took a dollar general dollar test, and it was stark white. I couldn't even see the test line at all. I usually get something questionable to allow false hopes. I was hoping to get an evap or something. That's never happened on any of my tests, especially not on my CBE like it did earlier. WTF? (Not the nice version)

11 years ago

@Phatgurl-I have an aunt with 2 sons, she always told the younger that they had the same dad and her ex went along with it. But my uncle has been in his life since he was 2 and if you ask him that's his dad. He is 17 now and about 3 yrs ago he started questioning my aunt saying, mom who is my real dad, I don't look like you or my brother. And she told him that he was his dad and to just leave it alone. To make things crazier they went to a funeral and he was standing next to his real dad and didn't even know it and he looks like his dad. His dad left my aunt when she was like 9 months pregnant for another woman. He started a family with this lady and has never even tried to be in my cousins life. So my aunt felt that it was better if he didn't know. She still to this day hasn't told him, she said if he brought it up again she would. I feel like it would've made things easier if she had told him from the get go because if he finds out some other way he will be mad at her. Whether he is in her life or not she deserves the truth, your dh is her father because he has been there and that is what it takes and she will see that. But if she found out in some other way later in life she may take it out on you. Genetics don't make the father. Hope this helps.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

I plan on telling her when she's a little older, but I want to do it on my terms so it's less confusing. We live in a small town & kids are cruel, so it will have to be done. She's too little right now, though.

I'm less worried about her finding out about her biological father than I am about him trying to insert himself in her life & confusing her.

And I resent him being so casual about it & not being man enough to call himself - hiding behind his mama. Asswipe!

11 years ago

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