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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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i was brought up in a house that belived in god we didnt go to chrush or anything but ever since i was little i would alwasy pary to god and i would always ask for the same 2 things ( i remebered all of this last night after i read the post on here ) i waould always ask to be happy and health . as i had a bad childhood and a ever harder teens i paryed for years for these 2 same things my health got worse which made me more unhappy .

i think i had stopped parying for about a year or 2 then when i was 18 i met my dh and have had a very happy 6years and i didnt think about this till yesterday but god did answer my paryers ok my health gets worse every day but im happy .

and i know my nan is watching over me as me and dh have been living together about 18months but when we was look at places to live things would always go wrong but then we would get something better out of it even with dh jobs . i am a strong beliver of everything happens for a reason even more so since we have moved as this house was prefect .

my dh has diffrent views to me but we still got married in a church and we got to middnight mass . i have even found myself to be parying again .

my new motto is not to say if we have kids or cant
i now say WHEN .

tara when are u going to take a test ?

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11 years ago

Yeah, Tara, when you gonna test???

11 years ago

Good afternoon ladies!!!

Okay so this morning I woke up and decided to try and new church. As I was getting ready and putting on my make up I was just holding back tears!!! I NEVER cry!! I wasn't upset I was just weepy over EVERYTHING!! Next thing I knew I was yelling at poor DH because he was laying in bed playing on his iphone instead of helping get DS ready for church. Hmmm. Only get upset like that around AF. Also had a dip in BBT. went from 98.81 to 98.24. still above cover line and am at 7dpo. So FX tomorrow it goes back up!!!!! Exhausted right now. about to nap or watch a movie while DS takes a nap!!

Yes!!! Tara TEST TEST TEST :)

Holly what are you taking!! I NEVER get enough EWCM. Mainly watery during O time. I am thinking of starting evening primrose oil next cycle if I don't get my BFP!

Lammy I am so glad you are happy now. Maybe you'll be able to take what you've been through with your life to be able to bless others from your experiences. That what my step mother always told me and I have found her to be right!!

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11 years ago

@kcordell: I usually don't have great EWCM every is rather sporadic. I even tried Muscinex last cycle and it didn't help a whole lot (although I did see some improvement). This month I am only CD 10 and have already had some good stretchy EWCM. I really think it is the Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) that I am taking. I am taking between 2000 and 3000 mg per day. I take one pill in the morning and 1-2 in the evening. Since EPO can cause uterine contractions, I plan to stop it once I get a positive OPK. I heard you can then switch to Flaxseed Oil if you want to continue a similiar regimen for the remainder of your cycle since there are other health benefits.

I will be sure to let you guys know how it works out!

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11 years ago

Hey ladies. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. This is my first day off, i've only got one more. My car is stressing me out, unfortunately. It's taking up my time to with bf and i am upset about that. I know i ovulate soon. I better be getting something after almost 3 weeks without anyway! Anywho, he's sitting next to me, it's our movie night, will jump on again later!

11 years ago

hoping my OPKS come today!!! I ordered them on Turkey day, and they are coming for TX and I am in GA, thats not a far trip:) Ready to start playing with those lol. Got a busy week, Af has finally left. Ready to start dancing!:)

11 years ago

8DPO and yesterday I had lower back pain and cramps. Cramps were not bad. Felt like I do the day AF starts. Very moody and weepy all day. Cried watching GLEE. Cried today reading a sweet story about a pit bull. WTH. I am NOT crier unless its the day before AF. Can someone look at my chart? I had a temp drop yesterday. It went back up but no to where it was.

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11 years ago

I am starting a detox to jump start my healthy eating and I am very excited because I know that I need to lose weight and I want to eat healthy while I am pregnant. So I am hoping this will get me started. I also read that it can help decrease the pcos.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Happy Monday ladies! Well, I tested yesterday morning for Lammy...and a bit for myself lol. It was but no biggie. I knew it would be. I found myself staring at the blank test line and wondering when I'll see a pink line there. I got so excited that one day, not sure when, I'll have a pink line there all my own. And I'm standing with my shield of faith and blocking the dodgeballs of the enemy!!! You're probably wondering what the heck I'm talking about . We had guest pastor at church yesterday and it was how life is a dodgeball game. It's hard to dodge the attacks of the enemy when they have good aim! So instead, as His word told us to do, "take up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one". It was a great service. Dh even got to spend the service on stage with the pastor throwing dogeballs at him. He pelted him in the head by accident at one point . Dh represented the dodgeball of TRIALS. WOW...trials. That was no coincidence that he was chosen out of all the men in a 1000+ member service to represent trials. Talk about a dodgeball to the head ! Hello, have we've been experience trials or what!? So needless to say it was an eye opening service !lol

@enbutler-hopefully your movie night turned into you jumping on him! LOL

@lammy-I'm happy you're starting to talk with God again . Trust me, the first time you ever prayed and asked for health and happiness, He heard you . I know you havent always been in the best health and havent always been brimming with happiness, but remember, the devil is the one that comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I've had things happen in my life that make me wonder, 'WHY?!!! But when you let go of the control and ask Jesus to take over the reigns, you'll start to understand that every heartache that has touched your life has gone through God's hands first but everything He allows to happen is because it will work together for your good and bring you closer to Him. Take a step back...right now you're going through a trial of TTC. It wasnt a coincidence that brought you to this forum. I bet it's opened your eyes a bit too and is making you wonder if this is how He's trying to reach you. Well...I can tell you for sure, it is . He's your Daddy, He created the universe yet molded you perfectly in His image. He loves you more than you can imagine. Dont be afraid to say, 'Hello Daddy". He loves nothing more than to just hear your voice :)

@kcordell-Sucks your crying! But I'm happy at the same time! Fingers crossed it's a sign!!!

@hkellerman- I have about 18 wondfo opks left. I'll be buying more soon!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

sorry for your tara

i will tell u all story

when i was younger when i used to pray to be happy and health i always belived i was gods daughter send to earth just like jesus and all the things i was going through was 1. a trial for me to see how strong i was and 2. to see what the human race was like .
like he wanted to see how people would treat me( not knowing i was his daughter ) and for me to tell him what i had gone through and one day he would come get me and i would tell him what people had done and he would punish them so i knew i had to be strong and i could do anything .

but only now since ttc have i seen what his HAS done for me and IS doing for me . i was lucky enuff to get married in a church and the perfect house i moved into at the end of the road is a church the sister church to the one we got married in and the other day i looked out of the window and saw the cross and i just knew he was looking after me .

i am very greatful for all u ladies if it wasnt for u maybe i wouldnt be where i am today so thank you x

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11 years ago

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