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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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No, you can't put the Soft cups in before because they would act more like a diaphragm and keep the sperm away from your cervix. I don't think it would be all that messy. Yes, you will get some sperm on you, but you probably do ifyou normally get up to go to the bathroom or wipe yourself off. The benefit is that if you get a good seal around your cervix with it you are basically fighting against gravity. So if you have trouble keeping the sperm in normally it should help with that. When you stand up you'll only lose what isn't trapped on the cup. You can leave the cup in place for up to 12 hours.

I personally think if you have a cooperative partner it would work a whole lot better to have him pull out at the end and deposit the sperm in the cup then insert it. You will have more to hold against your cervix, but if he won't it could help to keep what you can from coming back out so there's a better chance of fertilization occurring. I would also use Preseed if you have it.

If you're putting it in after sex you're going to have to stand up to get the positioning right, I think, so I would have the cup ready & kind of hold it under your cooter so you don't lose the sperm. If you can do it before your body liquifies the semen completely it will probably be easier.

Some women have a vaginal environment that is hostile to sperm and kills them. The Preseed would help that as well as give the sperm a "lubrication highway" to travel to your uterus and Fallopian tubes.

I've done a ton of reading on it, but my partner is uncooperative about it (sex) in general. I haven't had the sperm to practice with like I would want to.

When I practiced with them during my cycle I found it helpful to compress them as flat as possible before insertion then put them in as far as possible with my fingers before releasing the cup to pop open. Then I would check the position to make sure it was snug around my cervix. Above all make sure you break the seal by inserting your finger along the lip of the cup then pushing back & down simultaneously when you're ready to take it out. I had them catch on my cervix when I tried to remove them a few times before I got the hang. I found it easiest to remove them while standing near the toilet to break the suction and push down & back then sit down on the toilet to remove it so nothing spilled on the floor.

Good luck!

11 years ago

@phatgurl thanks for the info. Although my partner isn't very cooperative either, but i'm sure i can work something out. Sucks that it has to be put in after, but that's okay. I appreciate the clarification on that issue.

Really don't feel like working tonight, but on the flip side, i'm already half way through my shift, only got 4 more hours to go. AF is almost done

11 years ago

I use soft cups after and I put them in laying on my back with my knees bent. I have to wash my hands after but it definitely works because the left overs are in it in the morning.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

@athena thanks. I'll give it a try

11 years ago

Just tested again this morning, and got a faint line on a First Response test. :) I really hope this baby sticks. I hear 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage. :(

11 years ago

925 - I saw it & it's def +. So happy for you!

11 years ago

Have faith mommy925! The best thing you can do put your baby in God's hands and trust that He knows what's best . And we'll all be praying for a happy, healthy, full term pregnancy for you!

RIGHT ON Cutiepie! Gotta love when you read a post and God puts something on your heart to say .

@enbutler & phat- just watched a video on how to use softcups...IT MADE MY VAGINA HURT! I keep imagining it getting caught on my cervix. Now my other question is this...what about when you have a bowel movement. It said to remove it, that you bare down like having a BM and it causes the cup to pop out from behind the pubic bone. Would you have to replace it everytime you have to poop or does it stay in? I ask this cause we know from tampons that sometimes they move down during #2. I dont know...just seems weird! . And you can have sex with them in....could dh feel it? I may just have to try it this next Af to get past my fear of them.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

CutePieMom I loved your post. It really touched me!! I think it was meant for me. I have just felt God so much more lately and have had the desire to just run back!! I believe and have grown up in church but DH and I have different views so I havnen't had the connection to God like I used too. I feel so emotional and thankful today!!! I didn't have the easiest of childhoods. Without going into too much detail, My mother left my brothers and I when we were 2, 1, and 2 months. Yes were stair steps. I have never had a stable family. My Dad left for Iraq in the first push when I was still in Junior high. Thank God he made it home! And now that I am married to my DH I am apart of his very close knit family and now I have 3 mothers. (2 amazing step and MIL) God is amazing and I know he will bless our family with another amazing blessing. So thank you for your post! I now have an overwhelming feeling of calmness and faith.

Waiting. Sometimes when #2 it will leak a little but it stops when you get up! I have never had it get caught that would hurt. haha and DH has never said anything about feeling it! Its kinda like the Nuva Ring and about the same size!! I used that after I had DS for a short while but the hormones made me psycho!!

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11 years ago

Thanks for the soft cup/BM heads up . Think I may try it. Cant count how many times I've been on my period and my libido has been sky high!
I was raised in church too but my parents bought a weekend vacation home and pretty much stopped taking us to church, but God was still a big part of our lives. After I met dh, I started going to church with his parents and bringing him along lol. He hated it at first but the seed was planted and before I knew it we were getting baptized together the sunday before we got married . It was a moment to remember. To be honest, I almost cherish that as much as I do our wedding day! Since then we found our own church and I've seen dh grow so much. Ha...I remember when we first started dating, I prayed for him when he was having stress at work, it made him feel weird. But nowadays, he's preaching to the preacher! I've mentioned this in past pages, but if you're interested...go to . It's my local christian radio station. It's been a big part of my life and they feel like family. You can click the "listen live' button at the top and listen to some awesome music. I spend my mornings listening to it. Brightens my day!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Mommy925 i see the line

CutiePieMom u hit a spot a good spot its made me see things diffrent . thank you x

tara - have you taken a test ? i been dreaming of u i have a strange feeling u are preg . every time i read u saying about provera i get this stange feeling i just cant explain it

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11 years ago

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