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February 2016 Babies

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I'm going ahead and starting this board since I know for sure I'm out January. ladies!

Me: 27 DH: 31 TTC #1 since January 2015 & User Image

267 Replies • 9 years ago



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Well ladies I am probably out this month.BFN with a first response test. Still no . But its CD 40. 18 dpo. I will call Dr tomorrow. Feeling deflated

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9 years ago

Margie: Good Luck with your IUI! I wanted to try that too but my doc insists that we try naturally first as my periods are regular. She wants us to go for IUI only if after trying for at least 3 more months, as she does not do it and would have to refer us to the RE.

How did you go about with your IUI scheduling? Do you have a RE? Do you have regular period?

AFM: I am out. I got my last afternoon. I had an ice cold beer to chill out and now working on planning and preparing for the Mar baby.

Congrats to all and for everyone in POAS stage!

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9 years ago


9 years ago

Congratulations to all bfp's!

To you who did not catch the egg: sorry to hear and I have my fingers crossed you will be lucky on your next try!

AFM: AF was due yesterday but did not show and it is never late. I have tender bbs, have to pee alot, bloated and so on. No positive test yet but I have a short luteal phase so it might not have had the chance to build up to measurable level. What do you think?

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9 years ago

Hi ladies,

dsinha - I have very regular periods. I usually O between CD 13 and 18. and my cycle has never gone longer than 34 days (even my chemical pregnancy finished on CD 32). I do go to an RE. I've been seeing one since last September, but it wasn't until February that they recommended doing IUIs. My IUIs are fairly hands off. I just take the medication as prescribed and wait until I get a +OPK. I go in the next day and they do it.

I'm sorry that AF showed, I hope you enjoyed the beer at least. I really hope you won't need to go the IUI route though.

risa - Please let us know what the doc says.FX that you're just one of those women who's BFPs don't show up right away.

Namdaed - Sorry AF seems to be showing.

Nychick - I hope you BFP gets darker and darker.

kelley - did you get your + OPK?

AFM - I think I need to drink more water now that I don't have to POAS anyti me soon. The hot weather is really taking it's toll on me. I BDed with DH this morning as per the doctors orders. I really hope I'll get my sticky BFP this month. I actually feel really good about it.

Me:29 DH:27 Mar 31 2015: IUI #1, MC 16/04 May 30, 2015: IUI #2, Jul 31, 2015: IUI #3, Aug 25, 2015: IUI #4, Sep 26, 2015: IUI #5, Oct 24, 2015: IUI #6,

9 years ago

I took a test yesterday 11dop. Negative as I assumed it would be. Still waiting to see if AF will arrived. I'm down but not out yet :) Good luck ladies!

9 years ago

Sailors wife: right there with ya. I took a frer this morning at 11dpo and BFN. The shadow on my last hpt was bothering but now I know. My last pregnancy showed a faint BFP at 11dpo so I m out this month. Unless AF is late I m not going to test anymore this month.
Looking forward to more BFPs to everyone else :)

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9 years ago

Had a cp was feeling down but now positive. I am due to O on 5th so fingers crossed this WILL be our month, for all of us, good luck ladies sending positive thoughts to you all xx

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9 years ago

Nychick84 - I'm sorry. Hopefully she stays away and you can test again in a few days. Fx'd!

AFM - Tonight my garlic spaghetti sauce tasted so heavily of red peppers or cayenne pepper, that I went in pulled the jars from the recycling bin to make sure I had bought the right ones.I indeed had, my typical organic garlic sauce. But I could barely eat it. I felt like it was burning my tongue. I think my hubby thought I was nuts.
Now I'm laying in bed watching tv with the DH and I have heartburn coming on. Geez, I can't get a break. Maybe just maybe there is hope this month for me after all. I can't let myself get my hopes up too much though. CM is still completely dry like AF is coming, and this afternoon I felt a heaviness like cramping might start soon. I also had the weirdest sharp shooting nerve pain in my vaginal area, like getting shocked with electricity. It only lasted a couple of seconds, and didn't happen again, just the one time. Weird right? I can't find anything about that feeling on the web, so probably just a random nerve pain.

9 years ago

Hi Ladies, I hope you don't mind me joining in this group, as technically if I am pregnant, my edd is Jan 20th. My lmp was on April 15th, so CD 48 today, with no pregnancy symptoms or signs that af will turn up.....

A little about me, I'm 28, and for the last 20yrs, I've suffered from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). Due to all the medication I have been on in the past/on now, including a drug used for chemotherapy, I have fertility issues. I suffer from pcos but the majority of my cycles are regular (31-35 days) but I rarely ovulate. Have been trying for 3 years nearly now. Before I start clomid, I need to lose weight, which is hard with the pcos, but also a drug to help control my JRA, side effects are increased appetite and weight gain. I'm hoping to have lost enough weight by the new year to start my fertility treatment. Hubby also suffers from slightly low spermatogenesis motility too.

Good luck to everyone waiting for their bfp

9 years ago

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