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CD 6

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Heyy ladies! Today Im on cd 6. Anyone else just start a new cycle? This is our 11th month ttc. Im surprisingly optimistic this go around...Im sure that will change once the tww gets here lol. This cycle we are using preseed, fertility vitamins, and tomorrow we are both taking fertility tests we ordered off of amazon...Im anxious to know the results! How is everyone else feeling? Anyone trying anything new? Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!! :]

313 Replies • 10 years ago



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Thanks for the advise on the OPKs. I didn't realize you can get them so cheap! I had talked to my pharmacist a couple weeks ago, but all he had in stock were the pack of 5 OPKs with 2 HPTs, and it was like $20 for that measly amount.

So now I just placed an order on Amazon. Should be here between the 29th and the 4th, so I guess they'll be for next cycle. Or this one. I didn't go to bed on time last night or wake up on time this morning to get an accurate temp. But I did include an actually BBT thermometer in my OPK order so I could get free shipping. I've been using a plain old one-decimal digital so far.

Liz & Dixie - That's so cool that your cycles are right on track with each other. Enjoy the BDing and the feeling of being in the part of the cycle where there's something you can do besides wait. Are you and your DHs expecting to be pretty available to BD?

Shelob - So glad your AF was less witchy that previously. Hopefully this means your body is getting back to it's own normal. I bet your holiday will help with that too. What sort of fun and relaxing things are you hoping to do on your holiday?

As for me, I'm not feeling or noticing anything at all. CM varies between creamy/wet and not noticeable. I haven't felt ovulation pain or abdominal twitches. BBT was on the high end of normal for 2 days, dropped back down for 1, rose again for 1, and then today just wasn't reasonably accurate (although it was high...). Since I'm not certain if I've ovulated yet, DH and I try to BD every two or three days to cover our bases.

I think having my wisdom teeth out earlier this month delayed ovulation. I had my teeth out on the 9th and was expecting to ovulate about a week later. The extraction was complicated - the roots of one of the teeth were very close to the nerve, so the nerve got bruised. Now, two weeks later, I still don't have full feeling in my lower left lip. Initially I was terrified that the damage was permanent. I think the stress of that, plus the change in diet, exercise, medications, and attitude all have a negative affect on my cycle.

About a year ago I told my doctor DH and I were hoping to start TTC in the near future (although we didn't 'til Easter). The doctor did a preliminary are-you-ok-to-TTC physical and had no concerns. I'm going to give myself a few more cycles before I get concerned.

Me: 27, DH: 28 TTC since: March 2013 Irregular cycles User Image

10 years ago

Hi ladies! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend!

Im glad you decided to order them Julia. I get mine off of amazon too. That's also where I get my preseed, it tends to be cheaper on Amazon too. As for me dh wasn't feeling up to bd lasnt night, he thinks something in his lunch made him sick. We did bd the day before yesterday and plan to today as soon as he gets home. This morning I had an opk that was pretty close to positive (this was at 3am) So I knew today at some point they would turn positive. I just took one a few minutes ago (4pm) and it was VERY positive. The test line even turned positive before the control even started showing up lol. So now im just waiting on dh to get home from work. It should be around (730pm) As I have mentioned before dh works 16 hour days at work. So the majority of the day he isn't even here. I hope that skipping the bd last night that he gets home early enough tonight that we don't miss our chance! I'm really stressing it!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies hope you are enjoying the weekend so far......

Liz I'm sure your DH will be home in time....don't stress it......go wait for him in
The bedroom and make sure you not wearing anything that would waste your time to get your groove on.....good luck and have fun.

Julia glad you got time to order your Opks I promise you, you will not regret buying or using them.....if you did miss this month don't sweat it relax and do your preparations for next month so when your cycle starts you will be ready to go.....

Shelob how are you doing?

DH and I make sure we bd enough days before and during my fertile period....before my fertile period we will start from cd 9 every second day and once I hit my fertile period which is usually on cd 12 we bd every day no specific time when ever we can once during the day, everyday till about a day or 2 after O....the rest of the time I don't chart when we have sex because we do it as much as we like when ever we like.....the only time we don't bd is between cd 1 to cd 8....DH gives me time to deal with AF and get myself back on track......

Tomorrow we taking a road trip with some close friends to the country side, we want to visit the flea market and country vegetable farm.....I'm really looking forward to tomorrow it will definitely make the time pass quickly......

Baby dust and sticky beans ladies.....

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10 years ago

Good morning. Well that was an epic night in many ways. Firstly my husband had planned a special evening for us with food, entertainment and relaxation. I didn't know what we were doing, and he picked out my clothing and accessories for it! It was fantastic fun!!! As we were driving home I saw the moon almost full, very orange and huge-looking. Amazing image, very romantic. Then while sleeping we were woken incredibly abruptly by the loudest thunder I have ever heard. It was so bad I called out to my husband and we reached out to comfort each other. I am NEVER scared of thunder. I find it exhilarating but that noise made me think the house was falling down or something! Then when I finally fell back asleep I dreamed someone was setting bombs off in all these huge sky scrapers outside my window (there aren't really skyscrapers there).

Cycle-wise. Plenty of hot flashes last night. AF finished. Yep, waiting to ovulate! I have my first blood test at CD11 this time. I will be using OPKs starting tomorrow (CD7). Don't want to miss it if I ovulate at CD 9 again!

Dixieheart, that's a lot of BDing. Good on you! We couldn't sustain that much!

Lizhaley, remember that sperm can easily survive for 5 days so you already have sperm there. Just think of each subsequent BDing as a "top-up". You haven't missed it, in fact you already know you have BD'd well within your fertile period. Good luck :)

Julia07 I am glad you found the cheap ones. The expense was putting me off for months until I reaised how cheap you could get them online! Not I have dozens :) The BBT thermometer was an excellent purchase too! A regular one just won't give you the accuracy you need to see a change. As for my holiday - we are going on a cruise :) All we needed to organise then was the plane tickets to catch the ship and food and accommodation and lots of entertainment are all part of it! We are going to visit lots of different islands in the pacific without having to worry about food issues (especially if I do get pregnant!!) Travel happens while we sleep, and we don't have to lug suitcases around. SOOOO looking forward to it!!!

10 years ago

Good morning/afternoon ladies :]

How is everyone today?

Have you gotten your positive opk yet dixieheart? Hope you have a good time today with your friends, flea markets are always fun!

Thanks for the reassurance shelob, it helped me to stop stressing. Is the blood test to see if you ovulated? A cruise sounds like so much fun! I bet it will be so beautiful!

Im debating to consider today o day or not. I had positive opks last night at 4pm, 8pm, and 11pm. I just took my first one of today 3am and it still looked decently positive. Last night I had a few light cramps on my left side, maybe from o? We were able to bd last night and will bd again tonight. I guess I will just see how long the opks stay positive!

Hope you all are doing well! Lots of baby dust for us this month!!

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies what a sad and fun weekend it was.....

We were suppose to go to a wedding on Saturday, but the groom decided that he didn't want to get married to the bride any more she must forget about him...very sad my heart was broken for my friend she grew up in our home almost like a sister.....I think that this was the worst rejection any person can we decided to visit my grandma in the old age home about 2 and a half hours drive from my house on Saturday got home just after 7 Saturday we had so much fun with our friends laughing and just being silly and enjoying the good company.......

Liz still negative Opks and partial ferning. I'm on cd 13 today.....usually O start on cd15 or cd16......DH and I also bd last night and found some time to bd when we got home earlier this afternoon......

Shelob good luck with your upcoming blood tests sure it will be positive and best results since you started with clomid......

Baby dust ladies......

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10 years ago

Good morning!

I am very tired. Busy weekend, mostly with work stuff. Need a rest but won't get it until next weekend!!

Finished the clomid. Lots of hot flashes again. Based on last time that will keep on happening for another week or so. My blood test on Friday is to test for estradiol levels and see if it looks like I will o soon. It gives an indication if there are multiple eggs going to be released too. I will keep having that test every couple of days until I do o.

Dixieheart, that is incredibly sad about your friend :( The guy could have thought about things a bit earlier!!! I know of a couple of cases where people have broken off an engagement, and it was for the best. But to do it so close to a wedding??? One of the couple I know, the guy married the girl's sister! I hate to think what family things were like after that... But the other girl got married too, so all's well i suppose.

Lizhaley, I always o the day after my first positive. I do know people have different OPK experiences to mine so don't know what to advise!

10 years ago

Sorry to hear about your friend dixieheart. That is so horrible, I can't imagine how shes feeling. That's good to hear you went out and some fun with your friends!

I bet those hot flashes are a pain, Shelob. i guess at least that means its working haha. When you get your test I hope you see what you are wanting be it either multiples or a single egg :]

Well I am counting today as O day for me. I had a full day of positive opks was positive this am at 3am and I just took one now at 530pm and it is negative. And it was negative enough that I think it turned negative early in the day. Its bad that I have taken enough opks to know that haha. But on to the tww for me!
As another little thing remember when I was talking to you ladies about going to the doctor since we have been ttc for a long time. Well it turns out that our insurance doesn't cover infertility. So dh and I have a lot to talk about.

10 years ago • Post starter

Oh no Lizhaley, that is not good about the insurance thing :( We are very fortunate in NZ with our healthcare system. People complain (as they will anywhere) but really compared to what you have to deal with over there it is amazing. My fertility specialist stuff is mostly free. I pay $5 prescription fee for 6 months of clomid. My first cycle with clomid was $200 because there was a scan, but after that it is $55. If this doesn't work then three round of IVF will be free (instead of paying thousand and thousands). All maternity care is free (appointments, scans, blood tests etc). I don't have any medical insurance. You just don't need it here. Accidents are covered by what we pay in taxes. Do you have any idea what things will cost for you if you needed treatment?

I am so tired today. It is VERY busy at work at the moment. I work about 60 hours a week usually, but this one looks to be more. Sigh. I am having a break while my husband cooks dinner, then I will start working again. I SO want to be a stay-at-home Mum!

10 years ago

Yeah dh started a new job about 4 months ago and here insurance comes from your job. We are considered to have really good insurance. We have to pay about $150 every two weeks for insurance wether we use it or not. This is how our insurance works. We have a co-pay of $35. Everytime we go anywhere we pay the copay. The insurance pays 70% and we pay the remaining. We have a deductible that has to be met every year. Our deductible is $3000. We have to meet that before insurance will start paying for us. Since most people are pregnant part of two years you have to meet your deductible twice. For example if you got preg September of 2013 you would be due around April-ish of 2014. So you would have to meet that $3000 deductible for 2013 then once January rolled around it would be the start of a new year so insurance would reset and you would have to meet your deductible again before they will start to cover again. And since our insurance doesn't cover infertility Clomid would cost 50-100 each cycle then you would have to factor in the blood tests, monitoring, etc. And for IVF its about $9,000-$13,000 each time you need to have it done. Which the clomid isn't too expensive But if it takes awhile it will start adding up. And it would take like a year to save up for IVF. So its a lot to think about...

10 years ago • Post starter

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