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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Wow! You guys are madder than I am. It really wasn't a threat - he's dead serious. My 3rd (his first biologically though he considers my second his, too)was unplanned. He says he hasn't wanted to have sex since I told him I was pregnant with #3. So we rarely DTD, and when I told him I wanted one more before I'm too old, he said no at first then told me yes if he could name him then said no. My thing is he's always gone hunting & fishing & I do ALL the child-rearing, so other than monetarily the impact on him is pretty negligible.

The reason I'm not mad (just dissapointed) is that I'm not sure my urge for another child is in the least bit reasonable. 3 children is already a lot by today's standards, and I'm already stressed because I am the one taking care of them all. I have no family here, and his mom is taking care of her mother so has her hands full. My ex-husband is an over-the-road truck driver who is rarely home, so all of the school, sports, and band activities for my 11 year old are on me because his mom is in poor health, and his wife is busy with their 3 girls. I work full time, too. It's weird to me to have no real support system. My mom was a single mom from my age 1 to age 11, but she was the youngest of10 kids, and someone was always able to help. I miss my big family.

So, if he wants a vasectomy we'll get it done. At least I won't be on the crazy train every month any more.

11 years ago

Keep in mind that I have three beautiful, wonderful, healthy children, too. Some people wish, pray, and hope for one child their entire lives without being so blessed. It seems incredibly selfish to want "just one more."

Shay - have I told you your sister's a bitch?

Tara - I like older women better, too. They are invariable smarter, more worldly, and funnier than younger ones.

11 years ago

hi to all the new ladies

familys who will have them hey . looks like we all having family problems .

we have a new bed and well you know what that means it
need to be christened
this week is the week i know i said i wasnt going to think about it but i cant help it when every few days DH asks when are u ov so i look then get excited next week will be the 2ww these months are going past so quick .

this month is deffo being stressful but at least im sleeping now lol it was like sleeping on a cloud with marshmellows as pillows

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11 years ago

Phat- OOOO OK then im not mad anymore :) i thought he was just saying it to be a dick i also thought you hadnt had kids with him yet! You are very blessed to have 3 LOs and such beautiful ones at that but there is nothing wrong with wanting another if that is truly what you want and if you can financially and physcially emotionally handle another one. Your clearly an amazing mom so there is no harm in wanting more.

Lammy- woohoo to the new bed!! Best of luck to you this cycle i really hope this is it! Someone NEEDS a BFP on here soon! Preferably all of us lol How is the mice issue going?

TTC #2, 2 miscarriages, 2 years in My precious babies will grow in our hearts but not in our arms. As long as we remember, they are never truly lost

11 years ago

Update: i am 10dpo and all signs pointing to yes! Acid reflux, which i had whith my last so bad tumms gave it to me! Nausous on and off the last day or 2 and threw up tonight... slight cramps on all days that make sense and plus my bbs have been hurting on and off and on fire but mostly at night and they have not hurt since i was pg with myy son! So yay! Gonna try and wait to test wed morning!

11 years ago

nice problem the landlord has put some traps down so just going to see how that goes

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11 years ago

Here we are on CD 9, and I'm still lightly bleeding. Very unusual for me.

11 years ago

I got my BFP!!!!!! 12dpo yay!!

11 years ago

Congratulations ttc#2mommy! That is awesome news! Here is to a happy Healthy 9 months!

11 years ago

WAY TO GO TTC#2...or should I say CONCEIVED#2! FINALLY A on here....been a while. So happy for you hun!!!! Jealous but pure happy!!! LOL.

AWESOME NEWS FOR ME TOO!!! My LH is starting to surge. The other day I tested and I had a light pink line within the time limit. Today, I tested's darker and it came up within 10 minutes!!! So I may be working up to the big O!!!!! Yahhh! *screaming and cheering like muppet*!!! Seems silly to post it, but i'm so happy I just have to share!

Wow Shay! Just wow! Read dh your posts...he said if he was you, he would have crawled up in the phone and smack the everlovin' crap out of your sister!!!! Yikes!

It's easy to see that you really want another baby Phat. Just give it to God! He knows the desires of your heart! If He wants you to...He'll make it happen! But you're the mean time, thank God for all your blessings

@Lammy-Bed sounds sooooooooo good right now. It's 10pm here and I've been up since 4am. I dont know if I could imagine my pillows as marshmallows though...I might eat them!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

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