Posts by Yearofthebaby

Success stories  

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Success story

11 Year Wait for #2

My husband and I have been trying for 11 years off and on. We started 2 months ago with 150 mg of Clomid and IUI. First month we weren't successful the today I got my BFP. I have been getting faint lines since 9dpo but my blood draw was positive. We are elated and over the moon. I basically only have 1symptom, sore breast. I woke up day three with my nipples almost feeling on fire and my breast have been hurting every day. At first it was tingling almost like the milk letting down sensation, then it has just been extremely sensitive. I have had a few waves of nausea but nothing horrible more like car or motion sickness. Never though it would happen after 11 years but God is Great.


Latest 6 years ago


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