Posts by dmartin65

Success stories  

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Success story

Conceiving After a Miscarriage!

Well this is the second success story I am posting. The first in January ended in a m/c at 13 weeks. We were so devastated. We had even heard the heartbeat that morning. I miss my baby girl everyday, but I am so grateful for this tiny miracle that is now inside me; conceived the month following my m/c. I want to keep this as simple as possible so I am going to give you my symptoms leading up to my BFP.

Had a weird first cycle after my m/c. 8 days of spotting with some very light, bright red flow here and there.

"O'd" - Around the 10th of May.

1 dpo: Gas/flatulance; heartburn; increased saliva; backache; frequent urination

2 dpo: Fallback rise in BBT; Cramps (not pms), heaviness/fullness; pressure; backache; heartburn; increased saliva

3 dpo: Cramps; gas/flatulance; bleeding gums; headache; increased saliva; heartburn

4 dpo: Cramps; ache-legs/hip; backache; increased saliva; BBT luteal phase dip

5 dpo: Gas/flatulance; cramps (like pms); backache; headache; increased saliva

6 dpo: Cramps (like pms); heartburn; increased saliva

7 dpo: Cramps (not like pms); Gas/flatulance; twinges; ache-leg/hip; "I just feel pregnant"; increased saliva; increased cervical mucus; nausea

8 dpo: Bloating; Cramps (Not PMS/AF); Gas/Flatulence; Heaviness/Fullness; Ache-Legs/Hips; backache; Heartburn; Increased Saliva; Sleeplessness; Increased Cervical Fluid; Nausea

9 dpo: Gas/Flatulence; Heartburn; Increased Saliva; Runny Nose; Stuffy Nose; Acne Breakout

10 dpo: Cramps (like PMS); gas/flatulance; increased saliva; headache

11 dpo: Got a sore throat. Got my BFP that evening.

I hope this will help someone else in their journey. Just turn it over to God and let him be in control. That is what we did and it has made a world of difference. Baby dust to each and every one of you!!!!!!


Latest 11 years ago


Success story

Over 40 and FINALLY Pregnant

First of all I want to thank everyone who has helped me through this process without knowing it. I have been a "lurker" on the message boards for months but have used the site to track my cycles. Here is my story. My husband (47) and myself (41) have been trying for over a year. This will be our first child. Let me also say that we have been together 22 years but only married 5 years.

Anyhoo, I was like everyone else my first few months. My doctor started me on clomid, I would test, and always received a BFN. It was soo disheartening and disappointing. My doctor suggested my husband be tested to insure the problem was not on his side. His results came back great. He did not have a lot of fluid but what fluid he DID have was hyper-concentrated. So he had lots of little swimmers. After getting back the positive results we decided to keep trying. By this time I was no longer on clomid, because I had taken 3 cycles and none had worked. The frustrations of trying to schedule BD around my cycle was very "unromantic" for both of us. We finally decided in December to quit trying to schedule, relax, and just see what happened.

Well we BD'd three times around my "O" date, and instead of restlessly waiting the TWW I was so busy at work that the time flew by. I started having some mild cramping (which is normal for me during my cycle) so I thought I was about to start. Sure enough when I came onto the website I realized I was on cycle day 33 and should be starting soon. I had one day of very slight spotting that went away immediately, but I started noticing that my breasts were EXTREMELY tender. They would get tender a couple of weeks before I was to start, and they were MORE tender then previous times but again I did not think much about it. I even took a pregnancy test to be sure. It was BFN. Well a week went by and the tenderness was not going away, and I was cramping more, so I started to think, "Ok. I am about to start my period." Well DPO 16 came and went and still no period. I thought this was odd, and when I did not start on DPO 17, I decided to take ONE more test just to be sure. Lo and behold there was a "faint" line.

I was in disbelief. I was praying to God to "please let it be true"...laughing/crying the whole time. I even had a baby card I had bought a year ago, to give my husband the news, and I filled it out and told him that "Baby" was looking forward to meeting him in 9 months. Yes I was THAT confident. I ran to the Walgreens down the street and thought I would take another test in the morning to be absolutely sure. I got the digital kind that say "pregnant", because I wanted to see the word. Well later that same evening I decided to take another test to be sure I was not dreaming and it said "pregnant!!!" I am 5 weeks!

My husband and I laughed/cried all evening. We want to shout it from the rooftops but are waiting to share the news until after my doctor appointment tomorrow. I said all of this to say "never give up!" The Lord will bless you in his time, and don't stress over it. I think the stressing it he worst thing a couple can do during this process. Here are some of my symptoms:

15dpo: bloating, gassy, breasts very tender
16dpo: slight cramping, pinching, tired,
17dpo: 3 BFP's bloated, cramping, breast tenderness, dizzy, slight nausea after eating, trouble falling asleep
18dpo: Woke up with hearburn so I had to get up early. Could not lay down. Bloating, breast tenderness, slight nausea, hungry but not hungry (hard to explain that one)

Baby dust to all and God Bless!!!!!!!


Latest 12 years ago


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