Replies by SandraK

Replies 41 - 50

Goodmorning ladies!

How are you all doing?

Zuberi and DbJohnson, how are you ladies feeling with symptoms?

Amanda, hope your appointment Thursday is productive and helpful with your doctor! Sounds like you have a good relationship with him, and hopefully he will get some tests ordered to give you some more insight.

I have a question for you ladies, I got a +opk Thursday (11th) afternoon, then randomly took one yesterday (Friday/12th) mid-morning, and it was still +opk. I normally don't take another test after my first +opk, but decided this time to try it.

We bd Thursday, Friday, and then will be tonight. I am suppose to have bloodwork to check my progesterone 5 days after ovulation (this is from a MD who helped me with some things, but he only specializes in immune system, not hormones). I'm going to take these lab results to my gyn when I see him On May 1st in regards to us trying and nto getting pregnant, my spotting, and what I think is a short luteal phase based on my period arriving after my +opk's.

However, everything online says to get progesterone taken 7 dpo. Would I count maybe last night/Friday as ovulation or today/Saturday? So, I made an appointment for this next Friday/19th early in the morning before my husband goes to work to get my labs/progesterone checked.

What day would you do labs? I love my MD, but again, I don't think he is an expert with hormones, so wasn't sure on the 5dpo to get tested. I really want some accuracy. I was thinking later like 7dpo or so. So, when should I do my labs based on my +opk Thursday & yesterday/Friday? Is this next Friday/19th a good idea/

Thanks for any of your input/advice!

Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Wow DbJohnson, 8.3 miles of running! So impressive!! Have fun at the 10K! So you and Zuberi are about 3-4 dpo. Just in the waiting and anticipating time period.

So ladies, this afternoon, I got home with the kids, and I got my +opk about an hour ago. Dark line and a smile face on the digital. Yay! We have been bd every other day, & yesterday was our off day where we didn't, so today it's on with our +opk, it's exciting! =) I'm 35, and really pray and hope this is our month. It's so fun for us to try, but I'm hoping this month will be different with a end of month BFP!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!



Hey ladies,

Happy Wednesday! Kids and I just got back from the park. Nothing new here, just waiting on my +opk. I have had a ton of discharge, and felt more in the mood , and line is getting darker. Possibly a + tomorrow or next day based on seeing the line progression. We are doing the bd every other day for now. I always seem to have a lot of pain mid-month. Tenderness on my left side. Never my right side, but always the same tender sensation on my left. It will last until af arrives. Thoughts? So wierd as this is something new for last year. Anyways, I hope you all are doing well, and hope to hear some exciting news of BFP's soon!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Hello ladies,

Just checking in! I'm still waiting on my +opk. Husband and I are doing the every other day method until we get our +opk this time around to keep things flowing and little guys healthy. =) We usually were waiting up until we got our +opk to go for it, but this month, we are trying to "the sperm meets egg" method a friend told me about. basically at day 8, you start every other day, then once you get a +opk you have it 3 days in a row, skip a day, then one more day after. I figure nothing hasn't worked for us, to try this route.

My appt. with the doctor is May 1st. But, so wishing I just end up pregnant this month, and we don't have to go down that route.

Lucasmommy, I totally understand your frustration. My body changed so much after my daughter, and we didn't even have to do much other then say 'let's go for it" to get pregnant previously. This time around, my cycles are off, my luteal phase seems short, and we are really struggling with anything happening. I'm 35 and everyone makes stupid comments that maybe my time has come to an end. Really?! I struggle daily with wondering if we will ever have any more children. I try to stay upbeat about it, but after each month of getting a period, it does feel discouraging, and like it will never happen.

Zuberi, we took the kids too on a road trip. We were in the car for 6 hours, and it get's challenging with everyone all piled in. How exciting to be in the waiting stage now. Hopefully Friday worked! and this is the month for you!

Anyways, I can't wait to get my +opk! Soon I hope!

Everyone else doing okay?

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Hi ladies,

We have been on vacation for the last four days, and just returned yesterday evening. Thank-you so very much for your warm welcomes! I can't wait to get to know you all on this journey.

Amanda, I read through the last few posts today, and I'm so very sorry. I have had two miscarriages myself, and I know it's a diffcult thing. I hope the doctor can run some blood work for you, and you feel more at ease this week. My thoughts are with you. Keep us updated!

So, I haven't read too far back to know what day everyone is on? How is everyone?

I have had a ton of discharge today, so I'm off to get a opk pack to start testing. Every month has been different with +opk. Today is cd 8, and I have been getting a +opk the last few months at cd17, so this seems early to me. I feel like my hormones are so out of whack. sigh.

My cycles are in consistent, and I notice I get my period too early after an +opk (usually period arrives 11-12 days from the +opk). Since ovulation usually occurs 24-48 hrs. from that +opk test, it just feels too early since that would only be like a 9/10 luteal phase. I have had a lot of spotting too and cramping a whole week before my period even arrives.

I have a MD I was seeing for some things last year, and just saw him today. He is going to run some blood tests on my hormones, so I can take those labs in to my gyn/ob on May 1st when I see him. I see my gyn on May 1st for a "consultation". He told me last November to come back in a few months if we weren't pregnant. So, the journey starts with all of that. I honestly feel like I have a progesterone problem since I was so deficient before in pregnancy with it. Anyways, I'm off to grab a opk and start testing and see if I'm getting ready to ovulate!

11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Hi ladies,

I'm looking for some buddies along this ttc and getting pregnant journey. Can I join in with you all here on this forum? I was looking for some good support and to chat with other ladies on this journey too.

AF just arrived 2 days ago, and I was so very disappointed. We tried for 7 months last year, and then I had a emergency medical sitation (non-pregnancy/ttc related though). All is well now, and we just tried for another 3 months.

We have 3 children and have had 2 miscarriages, and got pregnant right away with all those. I know 10 months of trying may not seem like a lot for some people who, or I get remarks like "you shoud be happy you have your 3 children" but it's been a very painful waiting time that I haven't shared with many, except with my husband. It's like I feel guilty or embarrassed to share the pain of waiting for another child. We have always wanted one more, and it's not happening yet. We use the digtial opk, and I get the + smile every month, and we go for it. But, nothing as of now. =(

So, I'm cd2. Hoping April is "the" month!

Looking forward to hearing about you all and getting to know you more!


11 years ago
Reply to CD 1..TTC Baby #2 and need buddies!!


Welcome ladies! Nice to hear from you!

Freebird, I don't have any tests in the house either. Thankfully! I don't have self-control with those things in the house. I learned from the past by testing too early or then getting so disappointed with the - results. I'm trying this time around to not overthink, not test until AF is suppose to arrive/if I miss it that day, and hope for the best.

Here is to hoping this is our month ladies!

11 years ago
Reply to Anyone 7 dpo or close to that?


Hi ladies!

How is everyone?

I haven't been on a while, but just read your update Loveflowers on your !!! so, so exciting!!!!! How are you feeling?

Errr! Sorry for another cyst! I know they are quite common, but I would frustrating! If you are 9 dpo, then soon you can test! yay! Maybe by the end of the weekend, you will be sharing your news with us!

With me, I have no idea how many dpo I am. Last period: August 22nd. (that was that wierd cycle of only 21 days which I which I think was due to stopping this natural progesterone I had been taking from my dr.). Anyways, got a +opk on only day 6 of new cycle (on August 28th). I have no idea what to think about that! SO wierd?! Anyways, we bd just in case and the day after. I then got a +opk again Sept. 2nd and Sept. 3rd. So wierd, huh?! We bd those days and day after. I have had -opk's since then. So, not sure when the heck I ovulated?! I had other physical symtpoms that would seem to relate to the +opk's. I really have no clue of when to expect my period. My cycles use to range from 24-26 days. But since I stopped the progesterone, I had that wierd short cycle last month, and then this month of +opk's which were way spread apart. I figure I will wait until the middle of the month and if I haven't had a cycle by then, then possibly test. Good thing about all this is that since things are out of whack, I am super relaxed and just expecting a period to arrive somewhere in the next two weeks, but really don't have dates to follow for knowing when to test or dpo. It's kind of freeing for me to not track and really know the dpo! We shall see....!

11 years ago
Reply to Any May Babies? want to buddy up?


I'm so sorry Froggies12!! SO frustrating! I really hope this all gets figured out soon for you and the dr. can call with some answers?! Maybe they can do a blood test? Keep us updated!

So ladies, I'm so confused. I got a positive opk (smile face) tonight. I have cm and I'm feeling extra in the mood, so I decided to test. Totally didn't expect to see that smile face pop up. I'm so confused though because I just got my period 6 days ago. (On August 22nd). I do have shorter cycles 24-26 days, but this last month if you all remember, I had a super short cycle-21 days (which has NEVER happened!!--I only think this happened due to me stopping the natural supplement of progesterone I was taking this past month).

Anyways, with barely just ending my period a few days ago, I'm super confused how it's even possible to get pregnant. I thought I would have to have enough time for my uterus to build up it's lining since I just shed with a period? It feels so early to ovulate?!

I don't know what to think? I do have the physical symptoms of ovulation and that + test tonight, but it just feels too early.

11 years ago
Reply to Any May Babies? want to buddy up?


Hi ladies!

I've haven't been able to post for a while, but wanted to say hi and check in with you all! Hoping the rest of you that are still waiting get your ! Keep us updated! I'm totally on board with staying here and checking in for this month as we are trying again!

My period was so off this past month (I think due to some herbal/natural progesterone I stopped taking this past month). I ended up getting my AF way early (on day 21) which was such a bummer and disappointment.

I'm currently on day 7 of my cycle, so plan to start opk testing in then next 3-4 days. My dr. also is going to check my progesterone mid-cycle/approx. right after ovulation to see if I'm good in that hormone dept. I'm praying this is our month! I'm not really sure when my due date would be depending on when I ovulate this month. I think end of May or early June depending on ovulation. I'm so curious to know if my cycle will return back to normal this month. I so hope, and praying for that in about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks!

Would love to hear from you all! Talk to you soon!

11 years ago
Reply to Any May Babies? want to buddy up?
